{{Dex/Gen/1|gen=VIII|reg1=Galar|num1=118|label1=Isle of Armor}}
{{Dex/Gen/1|gen=VIII|reg1=Galar|num1=118|label1=Isle of Armor}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Sword|entry=As Scyther fights more and more battles, its scythes become sharper and sharper. With a single slice, Scyther can fell a massive tree.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Shield|entry=If you come across an area in a forest where a lot of the trees have been cut down, what you've found is a Scyther's territory.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Shield|entry=If you come across an area in a forest where a lot of the trees have been cut down, what you've found is a Scyther's territory.}}
Scyther is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon. It is primarily green with thin, cream-colored sections between its head, thorax, and abdomen. The abdomen of a female will be slightly larger than that of a male. It has narrow eyes and three points on the back of its somewhat reptilian head. Its forearms consist of large, white scythes, which it uses for hunting as well as fighting. On its thighs are spikes of fur, and it has three clawed toes on its large feet. Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back. While these wings do allow Scyther to fly, it rarely does so.
Scyther is an adept hunter that tears at its prey with its scythes. Its green coloration gives in excellent camouflage in the grass, and its quick movement is too fast to follow and increases the effectiveness of its scythes. By cutting through hard objects, it keeps its arms sharp. The anime has shown that wild Scyther form swarms. A new leader is elected when the current leader is defeated in a fight against a challenger; the former leader then leaves the swarm and goes into exile as a result. It has also been shown that Scyther becomes aggressive when faced with the color red. Although it is rare, Scyther can be found in grasslands.
In Tracey Gets Bugged, Traceycaught an elderly Scyther after it resolved its conflict with a horde of Scyther it once led. Even in its old age, it is very aggressive, but for the same reasons, Tracey tries not to use it.
In Gettin' The Bugs Out, Bugsy used a Scyther during his Gymbattle against Ash. This Scyther was trained to block Fire-type attacks by using Swords Dance as a fan. Ash discovered that this defensive strategy doesn't work if a Fire-type move is used from above, which allowed his Cyndaquil to win in his Gym match.
In Celebi and Joy!, a demolition crew employed a Scyther. After the demolition crew became a construction crew in the new timeline, its status was left unknown.
Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Its claws are sharp as swords, and it is a powerful flyer. This Pokémon is rarely seen by humans and almost never captured.
A Scyther was the sparring partner of X's Pinsir, Rute, in Scizor Defends. It is found unconscious by X. Blue indicates that it had its life-force completely drained through mysterious circumstances, but notes that it will eventually recuperate from its condition.
Pokémon Snap: A Scyther appears at two points on the Beach level. At the first point, the use of a Pester Ball will chase it out. (This also triggers a special Multiple Pikachu Photo opportunity.) The second point is close to the end of the Beach level.
Pokémon Stadium 2: Scyther stars in a mini-game alongside Pinsir called "Clear Cut Challenge." Each player chops a falling log for each round of the game. The score for each player is determined by how close the player is to the white line on the log. Cutting anywhere above the log will cause the player to lose points.
Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This Pokémon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke.
Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This Pokémon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke.
In the Pokémon Red and Blue beta, Scyther's prototype name was "Stryke". This is a corruption of the word "strike", which is also its romanized Japanese name.
Despite having different base stats, Scyther and its evolved form both have a base stat total of 500. This makes Scyther the only pre-evolved form to have the same base stat total as its evolved form.
Scyther and Scizor, along with Pinsir, are the only Pokémon legitimately available in all 27 in-game Poké Ball variants.
Scyther draws a lot of inspiration from a praying mantis, likely the Japanese giant mantis. The aridi in the mantis' scientific name may explain Scyther's reptilian features, since it translates to "green dragon". It may also draw inspiration from mantidflies.
Name origin
Scyther is a combination of scythe and the suffix -er, in reference to its sharp blades.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.