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Krabby (Japanese : クラブ Crab ) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I .
It evolves into Kingler starting at level 28.
Krabby is a crustacean Pokémon with a strong outer shell protecting its small body. Its upper half is red and has its eyes and two small spikes on the top of its head. Its light tan arms are also connected to its upper body. Its lower body is light tan and doubles as its jaw with two fangs overlapping its upper body. Its hips are visible on the lower front of its body connected to its four long, thin legs. Each leg has a single, claw-like foot. The main features of Krabby's body are the two large, red pincers at the end of its arms. Krabby uses them as its main form of offense, and as a form of balance. Sometimes, Krabby may lose a claw during battle or have a damaged claw forcibly removed. However, the claw regenerates over a short period.
In the wild, Krabby lives near the edge of water in both fresh and salt water. Krabby is most commonly found on beaches where it burrows in the sand. In times of scarce food sources, it may eat sand to regain nutrients and will be very aggressive in defending its home. Its main form of defense is creating foam to shroud its body, in order to confuse opponents into thinking that it is bigger than it actually is. As seen in the anime , Krabby generally keeps to itself, but will quickly defend itself if provoked. In the past, Crabhammer was its signature move .
In the anime
In the main series
Krabby in the anime
Major appearances
In Mystery at the Lighthouse , Ash caught a Krabby and transferred it to Professor Oak 's lab . He didn't use it until Round One - Begin! . After defeating an Exeggutor in its first battle , Krabby evolved into Kingler.
In The Evolution Solution , a Krabby grabbed a Slowpoke 's tail and Psyduck 's head with its pincers.
In Expedition to Onix Island! , a Krabby got into trouble with Oshawott and Piplup .
Minor appearances
In Mystery at the Lighthouse , a larger-than-average Krabby belonging to Gary Oak was living at Oak's lab. In Showdown at the Po-ké Corral , Gary compared its size to Ash's Krabby's size.
In Island of the Giant Pokémon , a Krabby awakened Jessie and James some time after they washed ashore.
In Pikachu's Vacation , a Krabby was at the Pokémon Theme Park .
In Lights, Camera, Quack-tion , a Krabby was part of the film crew for the movie Pokémon in Love .
A Krabby appeared in a flashback in The Lost Lapras .
A Krabby appeared in Misty 's fantasy in Bye Bye Psyduck .
In The Power of One , multiple Krabby sensed the disturbance caused by Lawrence III .
A wild Krabby appeared in Pikachu's Rescue Adventure .
In Flower Power , two Krabby were part of Florando 's annual Pokémon Exhibition .
In Tricks of the Trade , a Krabby was at the Pokémon Swap Meet in Palmpona .
In Hook, Line, and Stinker , a Trainer's Krabby competed in the annual Seaking Catching Competition .
In Beauty and the Breeder , a Pokémon Breeder 's Krabby participated in a Pokémon breeding competition .
In Got Miltank? , three Krabby were living in the Pokémon-exclusive oasis.
A Krabby appeared in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness .
A Krabby appeared in a fantasy in Gone Corphishin' .
A Krabby appeared in PK19 .
A Krabby appeared in Bagged Then Tagged! .
In Teaching the Student Teacher! , a Krabby was on some rocks.
In The Island of Illusions! , a Krabby was living on the Grand Spectrala Islet .
In Going for the Gold! , a Krabby was kept in the Ambrette Aquarium .
In Alola, Kanto! , a wild Krabby was at Professor Oak's Laboratory.
In Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball! , the master caddy used a live Krabby as a club for Pokémon Golf.
In The Wisdom Not to Run! , a Krabby saw the Meltan clan arrive at Manalo Stadium .
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Krabby. Lives near the shore. Its average height is about 16 inches .
Dawn's Pokédex
Krabby, the River Crab Pokémon. Living on sandy beaches in burrows it digs, Krabby can grow back its pincers if they break off in battle.
In Pokémon: Twilight Wings
In Early-Evening Waves , a Krabby lived in a lake where Nessa was doing a photo shoot.
In the manga
Krabby in Pokémon Adventures
In The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga
In The Orange Islands , Ash saved a Lapras from a group of Krabby that were attacking it.
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
During A Tale of Ninetales , Red caught a Krabby off-screen while he had some Blue 's Pokémon in his party by mistake. Later, in What a Dragonite , after HM03 (Surf ) was destroyed Krabby was traded for Misty 's Gyarados , Gyara , since he already knew how to use Surf. She later appeared again with Misty worrying for Red in Do Wrong, Dewgong! .
A Krabby appeared in Murkrow Row , where it resided in Gold 's house.
Misty later saved a Krabby trapped in Tohjo Falls in Chinchou in Charge . This act of kindness prompted Suicune to pick Misty as its Trainer, besides her being the expert for Water-type Pokémon.
In the Pokémon Zensho manga
In PZ06 , Satoshi received a Krabby, among a few other Pokémon, from a Fisherman in exchange for the Dratini he found.
In the TCG
Main article: Krabby (TCG)
Game data
NPC appearances
Pokédex entries
Generation I
Kanto #098
Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways.
Its pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes break off during battle, but they grow back fast.
Lives on beaches and seashores. If a pincer falls off, a new, stronger pincer grows back in its place.
Generation II
Johto #164
If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
The pincers break off easily. If it loses a pincer, it somehow becomes incapable of walking sideways.
If it is unable to find food, it will absorb nutrients by swallowing a mouthful of sand.
Stadium 2
If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
Generation III
Hoenn #—
Kanto #098
Krabby live on beaches, burrowed inside holes dug into the sand. On sandy beaches with little in the way of food, these Pokémon can be seen squabbling with each other over territory.
Krabby live in holes dug into beaches. On sandy shores with little in the way of food, they can be seen squabbling with each other over territory.
It can be found near the sea. The large pincers grow back if they are torn out of their sockets.
Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways.
Generation IV
Sinnoh #—
Johto #166
It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle.
If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
The pincers break off easily. If it loses a pincer, it somehow becomes incapable of walking sideways.
Generation V
Unova #—
It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle.
Black 2
It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle.
White 2
Generation VI
Kalos #—
Hoenn #—
If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
It can be found near the sea. The large pincers grow back if they are torn out of their sockets.
Omega Ruby
Krabby live on beaches, burrowed inside holes dug into the sand. On sandy beaches with little in the way of food, these Pokémon can be seen squabbling with each other over territory.
Alpha Sapphire
Generation VIII
Galar #098
Galar Isle of Armor #038
It can be found near the sea. The large pincers grow back if they are torn out of their sockets.
If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
Game locations
Generation I
Routes 6 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 17 , 18 , 24 , and 25 , Cerulean City , Vermilion City , Fuchsia City , Safari Zone (Super Rod )
Routes 6 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 17 , 18 , 24 , and 25 , Cerulean City , Vermilion City , Fuchsia City , Safari Zone (Super Rod )Seafoam Islands
Blue (Japan)
Routes 6 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 17 , 18 , 24 , and 25 , Cerulean City , Vermilion City , Fuchsia City , Safari Zone (Super Rod )Seafoam Islands Trade Growlithe at the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island
Generation III
Routes 4 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 19 , 20 , 21 , and 24 , Cerulean City , Vermilion City , Seafoam Islands , Cinnabar Island , Pallet Town (Good Rod )
Routes 4 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 19 , 20 , 21 , and 24 , Cerulean City , Vermilion City , Seafoam Islands , Treasure Beach , Kindle Road , Bond Bridge , Resort Gorgeous , Water Labyrinth , Water Path , Green Path , Outcast Island , Tanoby Ruins , Five Isle Meadow , Memorial Pillar , One Island , Five Island , Icefall Cave , Trainer Tower , Cinnabar Island , Pallet Town (Good Rod and Super Rod )Seafoam Islands (Surfing )
In side games
Generation II
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation II side games.
In events
Held items
Base stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
90 - 137
170 - 264
99 - 172
193 - 339
85 - 156
166 - 306
27 - 84
49 - 163
27 - 84
49 - 163
49 - 112
94 - 218
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
This Pokémon's Special base stat in Generation I was 25 .
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Krabby
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Krabby
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Krabby
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Krabby
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Krabby in Generation VIII
Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Krabby in that game.
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Krabby
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Krabby
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Krabby
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Krabby
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
Side game data
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist:
Field move:
(Soak ×1)
Loops: 6
Min. exp.: 14
Max. exp.: 18
Browser entry R-070
When Krabby starts foaming at its mouth, it's about to spray bubbles to attack.
Krabby is based on a crab , possibly the Samurai Crab or a sand bubbler crab .
Name origin
Krabby is a corruption of crabby (grouchy or ill-tempered) and a pun on crab .
Crab is literally crab .
In other languages
クラブ Crab
From crab
Same as English name
Same as English name
Same as English name
Same as English name
크랩 Kreb
Similar to Japanese name; from crab
Mandarin Chinese
大鉗蟹 / 大钳蟹 Dàqiánxiè
Means "Crab with big pincers"
Cantonese Chinese
大鉗蟹 Daaihkìhmháaih
Means "Crab with big pincers"
More languages
क्रेब्बि Krabby
Transcription of English name
Крабби Krabbi
Transcription of English name
แครบ Crab
Transcription of trademarked Japanese name
Related articles
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.