Whiscash is a dark blue, catfish-like Pokémon with a yellow underbelly. It has a cavernous mouth with light blue lips that have short, thin whiskers growing from the lower lips. Long, yellow barbels grow from its cheeks, and there is a yellow marking on its forehead that resembles a W. The light blue dorsal fin has a pattern of three spots arranged in a triangle, while its horizontal tail fin lacks spots. Its pectoral fins and belly fins match its main body color. It causes earthquakes that can extend for over three miles, and can predict when natural earthquakes will occur. It lives at the bottom of ponds and swamps, and is territorial over them. It eats anything that is alive, and has been shown in the anime to eat inanimate objects as well.
Whiscash debuted in Whiscash and Ash. A fisherman named Sullivan had been hunting one nicknamed Nero for fifty years because of its huge size. After Ash had battled Nero and retrieved his Badge Case that it had eaten, Sullivan used it as his chance to finally catch Nero. However, even after using a Master Ball, Nero simply swallowed the Ball and swam away.
A Whiscash appeared in Eight Ain't Enough!, under the ownership of Juan. It was the third Pokémon that he used for the second half of his Gymbattle against Ash. The Whiskers Pokémon was able to defeat Corphish but was defeated by Swellow.
Mr. Briney owns a Whiscash. He uses it to predict the massive, constant earthquakes to determine when he could go fishing, among other reasons. It first appeared in Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt I.
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: After hitting the button changing the Pokémon bumpers on the Ruby Field a set number of times, Whiscash will appear in the pool. Hitting the ball into Whiscash's mouth will transport the player to the Sealeo Bonus Field. In the unlikely event that the ball hits Whiscash from behind, it will get angry and start an earthquake.
Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.
If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has the ability to predict real earthquakes.
Mysteriously, it can foretell earthquakes. In the daytime, it sleeps in mud at the bottom of a pond. When it awakens, it continually feeds throughout the night.
Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.
If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has the ability to predict real earthquakes.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.