[[File:Dwebble no rock.png|thumb|left|240px|Dwebble without its rock]]
[[File:Dwebble no rock.png|thumb|left|250px|Dwebble without its rock]]
Dwebble is a small, orange hermit crab-like Pokémon with large pincers. It has dark, oval-shaped eyes supported by eye stalks. It has a hook-like tail that is concealed underneath the sectioned chunk of gray rock it uses as a shell. This tail is possibly used to keep the rock in place or to carve itself a new home should its old rock get lost.
Dwebble is a small, orange hermit crab-like Pokémon with large pincers. It has dark, oval-shaped eyes supported by eye stalks. It has a hook-like tail that is concealed underneath the sectioned chunk of gray rock it uses as a shell. This tail is possibly used to keep the rock in place or to carve itself a new home should its old rock get lost.
Dwebble is a small, orange hermit crab-like Pokémon with large pincers. It has dark, oval-shaped eyes supported by eye stalks. It has a hook-like tail that is concealed underneath the sectioned chunk of gray rock it uses as a shell. This tail is possibly used to keep the rock in place or to carve itself a new home should its old rock get lost.
When finding a rock to use as its shell, Dwebble inspects the rock to see if it can be used, then it digs a hole in the rock's bottom. It can expel a corrosive spray from its mouth to help it carve such a hole, or to mend its shell. If the rock breaks, Dwebble won't calm down until it can find a replacement. Its search for suitable rocks makes it a natural enemy of Roggenrola and Rolycoly. If it can't find a livable rock, it moves into the ports of a Hippowdon, where it dislodges any stuck stones; in return, the Hippowdon looks after the homeless Dwebble.
Dwebble, the Rock Inn Pokémon. After finding a suitable rock, Dwebble digs a hole in the rock's bottom to use as a protective shell. Dwebble can make rocks easier to carve by producing a liquid from its mouth.
Pokémon: Magikarp Jump: Dwebble may appear during training. As part of the "Dwebble Push" training session, the player's Magikarp pushes it to earn JP.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.