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====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{Learnlist /MoveNA |Gliscor|Ground|Flying|4}}
{{learnlist/level7|1|Thunder Fang|Electric|Physical|65|95|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|1|Ice Fang|Ice|Physical|65|95|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|1|Fire Fang|Fire|Physical|65|95|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|1|Poison Jab|Poison|Physical|80|100|20}}
{{learnlist/level7|1|Sand Attack|Ground|Status|—|100|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|1|Knock Off|Dark|Physical|65|100|20}}
{{learnlist/level7|4|Sand Attack|Ground|Status|—|100|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|10|Knock Off|Dark|Physical|65|100|20}}
{{learnlist/level7|13|Quick Attack|Normal|Physical|40|100|30}}
{{learnlist/level7|16|Fury Cutter|Bug|Physical|40|95|20}}
{{learnlist/level7|19|Feint Attack|Dark|Physical|60|—|20}}
{{learnlist/level7|27|Night Slash|Dark|Physical|70|100|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|45|Sky Uppercut|Fighting|Physical|85|90|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|50|Swords Dance|Normal|Status|—|—|20}}
====By [[TM]]/[[HM]]====
{{learnlist/tm7|TM10|Hidden Power|Normal|Special|60|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM11|Sunny Day|Fire|Status|—|—|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM15|Hyper Beam|Normal|Special|150|90|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM18|Rain Dance|Water|Status|—|—|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM31|Brick Break|Fighting|Physical|75|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM32|Double Team|Normal|Status|—|—|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM36|Sludge Bomb|Poison|Special|90|100|10}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM39|Rock Tomb|Rock|Physical|60|95|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM40|Aerial Ace|Flying|Physical|60|—|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM51|Steel Wing|Steel|Physical|70|90|25}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM54|False Swipe|Normal|Physical|40|100|40}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM59|Brutal Swing|Dark|Physical|60|100|20}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM68|Giga Impact|Normal|Physical|150|90|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM69|Rock Polish|Rock|Status|—|—|20}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM71|Stone Edge|Rock|Physical|100|80|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM75|Swords Dance|Normal|Status|—|—|20}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM80|Rock Slide|Rock|Physical|75|90|10}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM84|Poison Jab|Poison|Physical|80|100|20}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM88|Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|—|—|10}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM97|Dark Pulse|Dark|Special|80|100|15}}
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|165|Ledyba}}{{MSP|166|Ledian}}{{MSP|283|Surskit}}{{MSP|291|Ninjask}}{{MSP|545|Scolipede}}|Baton Pass|Normal|Status|—|—|40}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|047|Parasect}}{{MSP|167|Spinarak}}{{MSP|168|Ariados}}{{MSP|451|Skorupi}}{{MSP|452|Drapion}}|Cross Poison|Poison|Physical|70|100|20}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|212|Scizor}}{{MSP|290|Nincada}}{{MSP|632|Durant}}|Metal Claw|Steel|Physical|50|95|35}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|123|Scyther}}{{MSP|212|Scizor}}{{MSP|214|Heracross}}{{MSP|402|Kricketune}}{{MSP|451|Skorupi}}{{MSP|452|Drapion}}<br>{{MSP|469|Yanmega}}{{MSP|472|Gliscor}}|Night Slash|Dark|Physical|70|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|543|Venipede}}{{MSP|544|Whirlipede}}{{MSP|545|Scolipede}}|Poison Tail|Poison|Physical|50|100|25}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|213|Shuckle}}|Power Trick|Psychic|Status|—|—|10}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|123|Scyther}}{{MSP|212|Scizor}}|Razor Wind|Normal|Special|80|100|10}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|543|Venipede}}{{MSP|544|Whirlipede}}{{MSP|545|Scolipede}}|Rock Climb|Normal|Physical|90|85|20}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|328|Trapinch}}{{MSP|329|Vibrava}}{{MSP|330|Flygon}}|Sand Tomb|Ground|Physical|35|85|15||'''}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|123|Scyther}}{{MSP|193|Yanma}}|Wing Attack|Flying|Physical|60|100|35||'''}}
====By [[Move Tutor|tutoring]]====
{{learnlist/tutor7|Aqua Tail|Water|Physical|90|90|10|||no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Bug Bite|Bug|Physical|60|100|20|||no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Earth Power|Ground|Special|90|100|10||'''|no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Iron Tail|Steel|Physical|100|75|15|||no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Knock Off|Dark|Physical|65|100|20|||no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Sky Attack|Flying|Physical|140|90|5||'''|no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Stealth Rock|Rock|Status|—|—|20|||no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Throat Chop|Dark|Physical|80|100|15|||no|yes}}
====By a prior [[evolution]]====
{{learnlist/prevo7|207|Gligar|||||Poison Sting|Poison|Physical|15|100|35}}
===={{Trading Card Game}}-only moves====
===={{Trading Card Game}}-only moves====
Gliscor (Japanese : グライオン Glion ) is a dual-type Ground /Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation IV .
It evolves from Gligar when leveled up at night while holding a Razor Fang .
Gliscor is a large, mainly blue-purple vampire bat-like Pokémon. Its legs have two toes and a slightly darker circular coloration on the underside, and its tail has two barbs, giving its tail the resemblance of a vampire's fangs. Its arms are red with thin striations, and are completely detached from its black wings, and each are ended with large pincers. Its ears have discernible, red, chambered ear insides, and its eyes are yellow. It has six visible fangs in its mouth, and its waist, like its arms, is red and striated. Gliscor's body resembles an open mouth, with the pointed protrusions coming from its upper torso resembling fangs, further illustrating its vampiric qualities. It appears to be partially covered in an insect-like exoskeleton.
As shown in Riding the Winds of Change! , Gliscor, along with its unevolved form Gligar , can emit a sort of sound wave in order to detect obstacles and fly around them, similar to echolocation . Its legs appear to be not suitable for walking, so it can only perform short hops when on the ground. Gliscor hangs upside down while sleeping, much like other bat-like Pokémon, and it is nocturnal. It is capable of soundless flight; however, its wings cannot be flapped to the same extent that other Pokémon's wings can. Like Jumpluff and Wingull , Gliscor uses winds and updrafts to glide from place to place. When there is no wind, Gliscor climbs to the top of tall trees using its sharp raptorial claws and then glides from place to place. This practice is similar to flying squirrels. It is extremely rare, but sometimes it is found in thick pine forests and swamps.
In the anime
Gliscor in the anime
Major appearances
Ash 's Gligar evolved into a Gliscor in Fighting Fear With Fear! using Gary 's Razor Fang to save Ash from falling into a canyon. Ash left Gliscor with McCann in Mastering Current Events! so it could train and grow stronger. Gliscor later returned in Working on a Right Move! to help Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference .
Gliscor debuted in Riding the Winds of Change! , where one was caught by Paul . It reappeared in Chim-Charred! , where it went up against its pre-evolution and won with a Guillotine . It made a cameo appearance in Aiding The Enemy! .
A Gliscor appeared in An Elite Coverup! , under the ownership of Bertha . It was used to destroy the machine attached to Team Rocket 's balloon.
Minor appearances
A Gliscor was used by Theodore in the Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament in To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! .
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Gliscor, the Fang Scorp Pokémon, and the evolved form of Gligar . It watches its prey as it hangs from trees by its tail and attacks from above when it sees the chance.
In the manga
Gliscor in Pokémon Adventures
In the Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic manga
A Gliscor appeared in Mission Complete as one of the Pokémon Kincaid controlled.
In the Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl manga
Multiple Gliscor appeared in PDP18 .
A Gliscor appeared in PDP24 .
Main article: Ash's Gliscor
Like in the anime , Ash owns a Gliscor in Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl .
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Diamond battled a wild Gliscor on his way to Iron Island in Grumpy Gliscor . It proved to be a tough opponent to beat with its Ice , Thunder , and Fire Fang attacks, but it was eventually defeated by Tru 's Razor Leaf .
In Colress Machine , Blake was revealed to own a Gliscor, nicknamed Glisott.
In the TCG
Main article: Gliscor (TCG)
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
Sinnoh Pt : #154
Johto #—
It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!
If it succeeds in catching even a faint breeze properly, it can circle the globe without flapping once.
Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest.
Generation V
Unova B2 W2 : #222
If it succeeds in catching even a faint breeze properly, it can circle the globe without flapping once.
Black 2
It dances silently through the sky. When it approaches prey, it can land a critical hit in an instant.
White 2
Generation VI
Kalos Mountain #116
Hoenn #—
It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!
Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest.
Omega Ruby
It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!
Alpha Sapphire
Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest.
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Base stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
135 - 182
260 - 354
90 - 161
175 - 317
117 - 194
229 - 383
45 - 106
85 - 207
72 - 139
139 - 273
90 - 161
175 - 317
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
This Pokémon is unavailable within Generation VIII . Click on the generation numbers above to see Gliscor's learnsets from other generations.
TCG -only moves
Side game data
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Gliscor is lighter than its pre-evolution , weighing in at only 93.7 lbs. (42.5 kg), while Gligar is 142.9 lbs. (64.8 kg). This is despite nearly doubling in size during evolution, from 3'07" (1.1 m) to 6'07" (2.0 m).
Gliscor, along with Electivire , Magmortar , and Tangrowth , are the only Generation IV Pokémon that explicitly required the use of a Generation III game in order to be available until the release of Pokémon Platinum . In this case, Gligar are only available through dual-slot mode with Pokémon Emerald .
Gliscor can learn seven moves with a high critical-hit ratio , more than any other Pokémon.
Gliscor can be seen as a parallel to Weavile . Both of them are dual-types, have the same base stat total, have double weaknesses (Gliscor to Ice, Weavile to Fighting), evolve from Pokémon that were introduced in Generation II , and do so by leveling up at night while holding items that contain the word "razor" (Gligar evolves with Razor Fang , whereas Sneasel evolves with Razor Claw ).
Gliscor appears to be based on a combination of gargoyles , scorpions , and vampires , which in turn share traits with bats . It may also be based on the scorpionfly .
Name origin
Gliscor and Glion appear to be combinations of glide and scorpion .
In other languages
グライオン Glion
From glide and scorpion
From scorpion and vol
Same as English name
From Skorpion and groß
Same as English name
글라이온 Glion
Transliteration of its Japanese name
Mandarin Chinese
天蠍王 / 天蝎王 Tiān Xiē Wáng
Literally "Sky scorpion king"
Cantonese Chinese
天蠍王 / 天蝎王 Tīn Hit Wòhng
Literally "Sky scorpion king"
More languages
Глискор Gliskor
Transcription of English name
ไกลออน Glion
Transcription of trademarked Japanese name
Related articles
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.