Jumbo cards (TCG): Difference between revisions

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Samerz360 (talk | contribs)
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{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH049|[[Dubwool V (SWSH Promo 49)|Dubwool]] {{TCGV}}|Colorless|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Dubwool V Box}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH049|[[Dubwool V (SWSH Promo 49)|Dubwool]] {{TCGV}}|Colorless|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Dubwool V Box}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH055|[[Hatterene V (SWSH Promo 55)|Hatterene]] {{TCGV}}|Psychic|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Hatterene V Box}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH055|[[Hatterene V (SWSH Promo 55)|Hatterene]] {{TCGV}}|Psychic|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Hatterene V Box}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH057|[[Grimmsnarl V (SWSH Promo 57)|Grimmsnarl]] {{TCGV}}|Darkness|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Champion's Path Special Collection—Marnie}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Vivid Voltage}} 043/185|[[Pikachu V (Vivid Voltage 43)|Pikachu]] {{TCGV}}|Lightning|||"Vivid Voltage" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Vivid Voltage}} 043/185|[[Pikachu V (Vivid Voltage 43)|Pikachu]] {{TCGV}}|Lightning|||"Vivid Voltage" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH061|[[Pikachu V (SWSH Promo 61)|Pikachu]] {{TCGV}}|Lightning|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Shining Fates Collection—Pikachu V}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|{{exp|Promo}} SWSH061|[[Pikachu V (SWSH Promo 61)|Pikachu]] {{TCGV}}|Lightning|||{{TCGMerch|Sword & Shield|Series|Shining Fates Collection—Pikachu V}}}}

Revision as of 17:03, 31 August 2021

Jumbo cards (Japanese: ジャンボカード Jumbo card), also occasionally referred to as Oversized cards, are a variant of Pokémon card released for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. These cards are strictly promotional and not legal for Organized Tournament play. As the name suggest, Jumbo cards are much larger in size than standard, regular-sized cards, varying from slightly larger than a normal sized card to a height of at least eight inches. In Japan, most Jumbo cards are given out at exclusive events, such as a Pokémon Center grand reopening or JR Train Stamp Rallies. Although this type of release method is possible for the international languages, the more common release method is in merchandise, such as the Garchomp-EX Box or the Dialga Premium Box. Although all produced and distributed by The Pokémon Company International, the international Jumbo cards aren't always consistently the same: some products will switch out their Jumbo cards for others when released in Europe.

As they aren't ever intended for tournament play, Jumbo cards are often given certain characteristics impossible for tournament cards. In English, there are four Jumbo cards printed as lenticular images (_____'s Snivy, _____'s Tepig, _____'s Oshawott, and Zoroark), giving these cards an exclusive 3D appearance. Starting with the XY Series, The Pokémon Company International was no longer able to release figures in their TCG products when distributing them to European audiences. Thus, while North American audiences receive products with figures, such as the Mega Charizard Collection, Europe instead receives products with the figures replaced with Jumbo cards, i.e. the Mega Charizard Box.

List of Jumbo cards

Older Eras

Jumbo cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
58/102 Pikachu Lightning Top Deck Magazine (February 2000)
Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos Colorless Warner Bros. Pokémon The Movie 2000 promotion (July 2000)
Best 1 Electabuzz Lightning BattleZone (December 2002)
Best 2 Hitmonchan Fighting BattleZone (February 2003)
Best 4 Rocket's Scizor Metal BattleZone (March 2003)
Best 5 Rocket's Sneasel Darkness BattleZone (January 2003)
Best 6 Dark Ivysaur Grass BattleZone (April 2003)
Best 7 Dark Venusaur Grass BattleZone (May 2003)
Best 8 Rocket's Mewtwo Psychic BattleZone (June 2003)
Best 9 Rocket's Hitmonchan Fighting BattleZone (July 2003)
Promo 009 Combusken Fire e-League (September 2003)
Promo 004 Grovyle Grass e-League (October 2003)
Promo 011 Marshtomp Water e-League (November 2003)
Ruby and Sapphire 94/109 Metal Energy Metal E e-League (January 2004)
Sandstorm 93/100 Multi Energy Colorless E e-League (February 2004)
Ruby and Sapphire 85/109 Oran Berry T [PT] e-League (March 2004)
Shadow Lugia Psychic Pokémon XD launch (October 2005)
Promo DP24 Darkrai Darkness Darkrai Premium Box
Promo DP26 Dialga Metal Cracked Ice Holo from Dialga Premium Box
Promo DP26 Dialga Metal Mirror Holo
Promo DP27 Palkia Water Cracked Ice Holo from Palkia Premium Box
Promo DP27 Palkia Water Mirror Holo
Promo DP40 Regigigas Colorless Regigigas Colossal Box
Promo DP50 Arceus Colorless Arceus Poster Box
Triumphant 99/102
& 100/102
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND* DarknessPsychic Clash of Legends Box
Triumphant 101/102
& 102/102
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND* WaterMetal Clash of Legends Box
Zorua and Celebi Darkness Pokémon Black Version and White Version Tour
Zoroark and Legendary Pokémon Darkness World of Illusions Box
_____'s Snivy Grass Super Snivy Box
_____'s Tepig Fire Terrific Tepig Box
_____'s Oshawott Water Outstanding Oshawott Box
Promo BW19 Zoroark Darkness Zoroark-Illusions Collection
Noble Victories 15/101 Victini Fire Pokémon The Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom (December 2011)
Next Destinies 54/99 MewtwoEX Psychic Mewtwo Collection
Boundaries Crossed 49/99 KeldeoEX Water Keldeo Box
Promo BW73 Darkrai Colorless Team Plasma Box
Plasma Freeze 53/116 DeoxysEX Psychic Deoxys Box

X & Y Era

Jumbo cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
Promo XY05 Xerneas Fairy Xerneas Jumbo Collection
Promo XY06 Yveltal Darkness Yveltal Jumbo Collection
Promo XY09 GarchompEX Dragon Garchomp-EX Box
Promo XY17 CharizardEX Fire Charizard-EX Box
Promo XY25 KrookodileEX Darkness Krookodile-EX Box
Flashfire 13/106 MegaCharizardEX Fire Mega Charizard Box
Flashfire 69/106 MegaCharizardEX Dragon Mega Charizard Box
Primal Clash 86/160 Primal GroudonEX Fighting Hoenn Collection
Primal Clash 55/160 Primal KyogreEX Water Hoenn Collection
Promo XY35 MegaMetagrossEX Metal Mega Metagross-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY44 MegaDiancieEX Fairy Mega Diancie-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY45 GalladeEX Psychic Gallade-EX Box
Promo XY51 Kyogre Water Kyogre Box
Promo XY52 Groudon Fighting Groudon Box
Promo XY61 FlygonEX Dragon Flygon-EX Box
Promo XY63 MegaAbsolEX Darkness Mega Absol-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY64 Rayquaza Dragon Rayquaza Box
Promo XY66 RayquazaEX Colorless Rayquaza-EX Box
Promo XY69 RayquazaEX Colorless Shiny Rayquaza-EX Box
Ancient Origins 96/98 Primal KyogreEX Water Shiny Rayquaza-EX Box
Ancient Origins 97/98 Primal GroudonEX Fighting Shiny Rayquaza-EX Box
Ancient Origins 98/98 MegaRayquazaEX Colorless Shiny Rayquaza-EX Box
Promo XY70 TyrantrumEX Dragon Tyrantrum-EX Box
Promo XY86 MegaBlazikenEX Fire Mega Blaziken-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY87 MegaSwampertEX Water Mega Swampert-EX Premium Collection
BREAKthrough 63/162 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic Mega Mewtwo Box
BREAKthrough 64/162 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic Mega Mewtwo Box
Promo XY98 MegaAerodactylEX Fighting Mega Aerodactyl-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY102 AurorusEX Water Aurorus-EX Box
Promo XY134 EmpoleonBREAK Water BREAK Evolution Box
BREAKpoint 27/122 MegaGyaradosEX Water Shiny Mega Gyarados Box
Promo XY121 CharizardEX Fire Charizard-EX Red & Blue Collection
Promo XY133 Ash-GreninjaEX Water Ash-Greninja-EX Box
Promo XY104 MegaMawileEX Fairy Mega Mawile-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY122 BlastoiseEX Water Blastoise-EX Red & Blue Collection
Fates Collide 54/124 ZygardeEX Fighting Zygarde EX Box
Promo XY123 VenusaurEX Grass Venusaur-EX Red & Blue Collection
Promo XY154 Ho-OhBREAK Fire BREAK Evolution Box: Ho-Oh & Lugia
Promo XY124 PikachuEX Lightning Pikachu-EX Red & Blue Collection
Promo XY158 MegaBeedrillEX Grass Mega Beedrill-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY168 MegaGarchompEX Dragon Mega Garchomp-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY171 MegaSalamenceEX Dragon Mega Salamence-EX Premium Collection
Flashfire 11/106 CharizardEX Fire Charizard-EX Box
Phantom Forces 34/119 GengarEX Psychic Gengar-EX Box
Flashfire 78/106 KangaskhanEX Colorless Kangaskhan-EX Box
Furious Fists 74/111 DragoniteEX Dragon Dragonite-EX Box
Promo XY183 MewtwoEX Psychic Mewtwo-EX Box
Promo XY180 ArcanineBREAK Fire Arcanine BREAK Evolution Box
Fates Collide 73/124 KingdraEX Dragon Kingdra-EX Box
Promo XY198 MegaCameruptEX Fire Mega Camerupt-EX Premium Collection
Promo XY200 MegaSharpedoEX Water Mega Sharpedo-EX Premium Collection
BREAKpoint 76/122 ScizorEX Metal Scizor-EX Box
Furious Fists 55a/111 MegaLucarioEX Fighting Mega Powers Collection
Ancient Origins 43/98 MegaTyranitarEX Darkness Mega Tyranitar-EX Premium Collection
Ancient Origins 36/98 HoopaEX Psychic Hoopa-EX Challenge Box
BREAKthrough 61/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Mewtwo-EX Challenge Box
Steam Siege 26/114 VolcanionEX FireWater Volcanion-EX Challenge Box
Promo XY174 PikachuEX Lightning Pikachu-EX Challenge Box

Sun & Moon Era

Jumbo cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
Sun and Moon 66/149 LunalaGX Psychic Alola Collection
Lunala-GX Challenge Box
Sun and Moon 89/149 SolgaleoGX Metal Alola Collection
Solgaleo-GX Challenge Box
Promo SM05 SnorlaxGX Colorless Snorlax-GX Box
Promo SM14 LycanrocGX Fighting Lycanroc-GX Box
Guardians Rising 47/145 Tapu KokoGX Lightning Tapu Koko Box
Promo SM34 BewearGX Colorless Bewear-GX Box
Promo SM37 DecidueyeGX Grass Decidueye-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM38 IncineroarGX Fire Incineroar-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM39 PrimarinaGX Water Primarina-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM35 EspeonGX Psychic Espeon-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM36 UmbreonGX Darkness Umbreon-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM50 Tapu KokoGX Lightning Shiny Tapu Koko-GX Box
Promo SM56 TsareenaGX Grass Tsareena-GX Box
Promo SM71 Kommo-oGX Dragon Kommo-o-GX Box
Promo SM60 CharizardGX Fire Charizard-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM80 Ho-OhGX Fire Shining Legends Premium Powers Collection
Promo SM65 Alolan Raichu Lightning Alolan Raichu Box
Promo SM66 PheromosaGX Grass Ultra Beats Premium Collection—Pheromosa & Celesteela
Promo SM69 BuzzwoleGX Fighting Ultra Beast Premium Collection—Buzzwole & Xurkitree
Promo SM84 ZoroarkGX Darkness Shining Legends Special Collection—Zoroark-GX
Promo SM91 SilvallyGX Colorless Shiny Silvally-GX Box
Crimson Invasion 90/111 SilvallyGX Colorless Silvally Box
Burning Shadows 80/147 MarshadowGX Fighting Marshadow Box
Promo SM90 RaichuGX Lightning Shining Legends Special Collection—Raichu-GX
Crimson Invasion 63a/111 GuzzlordGX Darkness Guzzlord-GX Box
Burning Shadows 88a/147 DarkraiGX Darkness Shiny Darkrai-GX Box
Promo SM100 LucarioGX Fighting Lucario-GX Box
Promo SM103 LunalaGX Psychic Lunala-GX Box
Promo SM104 SolgaleoGX Metal Solgaleo-GX Box
Raikou, Entei & Suicune Colorless Legends of Johto GX Premium Collection
Ultra Prism 90/156 Dusk Mane NecrozmaGX Metal Dusk Mane Necrozma Premium Collection
Dusk Mane Necrozma Box
Ultra Prism 63/156 Dawn Wings NecrozmaGX Psychic Dawn Wings Necrozma Premium Collection
Dawn Wings Necrozma Box
Promo SM122 ZygardeGX Fighting Shiny Zygarde-GX Box
Tornadus, Thundurus & Landorus Colorless Forces of Nature GX Premium Collection
Thundurus-GX Box
Tornadus-GX Box
Promo SM126 Ultra NecrozmaGX Dragon Dragon Majesty Figure Collection—Ultra Necrozma-GX
Dragon Majesty Collection—Ultra Necrozma-GX
Promo SM139 SalamenceGX Dragon Dragon Majesty Special Collection—Salamence-GX
Promo SM141 White KyuremGX Dragon Dragon Majesty Special Collection—White Kyurem-GX
Reshiram, Zekrom & Kyurem Dragon Dragon Majesty Legends of Unova GX Premium Collection
Dragon Majesty Legends of Unova GX Collection
Guardians Rising 60a/145 Tapu LeleGX Psychic Island Guardians GX Premium Collection
Island Guardians GX Collection
Burning Shadows 39a/147 Tapu FiniGX Water Island Guardians GX Pin Collection
Promo SM166 Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water Towering Splash-GX Box
Promo SM171 FlareonGX Fire Flareon-GX Special Collection
Promo SM172 VaporeonGX Water Vaporeon-GX Special Collection
Promo SM173 JolteonGX Lightning Jolteon-GX Special Collection
Promo SM174 EeveeGX Colorless Flareon-GX Special Collection
Eevee-GX Box
Promo SM175 EeveeGX Colorless Vaporeon-GX Special Collection
Eevee-GX Box
Promo SM176 EeveeGX Colorless Jolteon-GX Special Collection
Eevee-GX Box
Promo SM178 MelmetalGX Metal Melmetal-GX Box
Promo SM195 CharizardGX Fire Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case File
Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Special Case File
Promo SM196 MewtwoGX Psychic Detective Pikachu Mewtwo-GX Case File
Promo SM197 GreninjaGX Water Detective Pikachu Greninja-GX Case File
Detective Pikachu Greninja-GX Special Case File
Promo SM187 Alolan MarowakGX Fire Alolan Marowak-GX Box
Promo SM188 KangaskhanGX Colorless Kangaskhan-GX Box
Promo SM189 BlastoiseGX Water Blastoise-GX Premium Collection
Promo SM201 Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire Reshiram & Charizard-GX Figure Collection
Promo SM216 Porygon-ZGX Colorless Porygon-Z-GX Box
Promo SM217 Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic Pale Moon-GX Box
Promo SM232 PikachuGX Lightning Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Special Collection
Promo SM211 CharizardGX Fire Hidden Fates Collection—Charizard-GX
Promo SM212 GyaradosGX Water Hidden Fates Collection—Gyarados-GX
Promo SM213 RaichuGX Lightning Hidden Fates Collection—Raichu-GX
Celestial Storm 177a/168 RayquazaGX Dragon Hidden Fates Premium Powers Collection
Promo SM230 Charizard & BraixenTag Team GX Fire Tag Team Generations Premium Collection
Promo SM236 Alolan SandslashGX Water Alolan Sandslash-GX Box
Promo SM240 Espeon & DeoxysTag Team GX Psychic Tag Team Powers Collection
Promo SM241 Umbreon & DarkraiTag Team GX Darkness Tag Team Powers Collection

Sword & Shield Era

Starting with the Meowth VMAX jumbo card in the Sword & Shield era, jumbo cards were released in a slightly smaller size than previous eras' jumbo cards. With this change in size, The Pokemon Company released the first ever official oversized card binder for these smaller oversized cards.

Jumbo cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
Sword and Shield 138/202 Zacian V Metal Grookey Galar Collection
Scorbunny Galar Collection
Sobble Galar Collection
Sword and Shield 139/202 Zamazenta V Metal Grookey Galar Collection
Scorbunny Galar Collection
Sobble Galar Collection
Promo SWSH005 Meowth VMAX Colorless Meowth VMAX Special Collection
Promo SWSH014 Rillaboom V Grass Galar Partners Boxes
Promo SWSH015 Cinderace V Fire Galar Partners Boxes
Promo SWSH016 Inteleon V Water Galar Partners Boxes
Promo SWSH017 Toxtricity V Lightning Toxtricity V Box
Promo SWSH021 Polteageist V Psychic Polteageist V Box
Sword and Shield 141/202 Snorlax V Colorless GAME UK Giveaway
Sword and Shield 142/202 Snorlax VMAX Colorless Gamestop Giveaway
Promo SWSH030 Copperajah V Metal Copperajah V Box
Rebel Clash 070/192 Toxtricity V Lightning "Rebel Clash" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)
Darkness Ablaze 116/189 Eternatus V Darkness "Darkness Ablaze" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)
Promo SWSH043 Galarian Sirfetch'd V Fighting Galarian Sirfetch'd V Box
Promo SWSH045 Eternatus VMAX Darkness Eternatus VMAX Premium Collection
Promo SWSH049 Dubwool V Colorless Dubwool V Box
Promo SWSH055 Hatterene V Psychic Hatterene V Box
Promo SWSH057 Grimmsnarl V Darkness Champion's Path Special Collection—Marnie
Vivid Voltage 043/185 Pikachu V Lightning "Vivid Voltage" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)
Promo SWSH061 Pikachu V Lightning Shining Fates Collection—Pikachu V
Promo SWSH078 Orbeetle V Grass Orbeetle V Box
Promo SWSH083 Alakazam V Psychic Alakazam V Box
Promo SWSH084 Eldegoss V Grass Walmart exclusive Shining Fates Box
Promo SWSH085 Boltund V Lightning Walmart exclusive Shining Fates Box
Promo SWSH086 Cramorant V Colorless Walmart exclusive Shining Fates Box
Promo SWSH097 Dragapult VMAX Psychic Shining Fates Premium Collection—Shiny Dragapult VMAX
Promo SWSH099 Crobat VMAX Darkness Shining Fates Premium Collection—Shiny Crobat VMAX
Promo SWSH102 Venusaur VMAX Grass Venusaur VMAX Battle Box
Promo SWSH103 Blastoise VMAX Water Blastoise VMAX Battle Box
Promo SWSH106 Single Strike UrshifuV Fighting Single Strike Urshifu V Box
Promo SWSH107 Rapid Strike UrshifuV Fighting Rapid Strike Urshifu V Box
Promo SWSH111 Galarian Rapidash V Psychic Galarian Rapidash V Box
Promo SWSH130 Ice Rider Calyrex V Water Ice Rider Calyrex V Box
Promo SWSH131 Shadow Rider Calyrex V Psychic Shadow Rider Calyrex V Box

See also

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Miscellaneous releases
Unreleased Wizards sets: CrosstrainerLegendary Collection 2Jamboree
Miscellaneous Promotional cards: Prerelease cardsW Promotional cardsWinner cardsBox TopperJumbo cardsMetal cardsToys "R" Us Promotional cardsYellow A Alternate cards