Raymond: Difference between revisions

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m replaced: ===In ''Mewtwo Strikes Back''=== → ===Mewtwo Strikes Back===, ===In ''Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution''=== → ===Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution===
Greengiant (talk | contribs)
m Add disambiguation with Raymond Johnson who is sometimes known only as "Raymond"
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{{Samename|person|Raymond Johnson}}

Revision as of 12:19, 11 September 2021

If you were looking for the person, see Raymond Johnson.

This article is missing information on this character's English voice actor.
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レイモンド Raymond

Gender Male
Hometown Unknown
Region Kanto
Anime debut Mewtwo Strikes Back
English voice actor Addie Blaustein (M01)
Unknown (M22)
Japanese voice actor Raymond Johnson

Raymond (Japanese: レイモンド Raymond) is Pokémon Trainer that Ash battled in Mewtwo Strikes Back and its remake.

In the anime


Mewtwo Strikes Back

While Ash and his friends were having lunch at the beginning of the movie, Raymond approached them and asked Ash for a battle. Although Ash had just told his friends that he was too weak to do so, he jumped up, ready to battle. In the Japanese version, Ash said he was just going to have a quick battle before lunch.

Despite Raymond's eagerness, Ash successfully knocked out all five of his Pokémon in rapid succession. In fact, Pikachu took out three of those Pokémon in one Thunderbolt when Raymond tried to unfairly gang them up on him. Raymond was stunned by the defeat, such that in the Japanese version, he exclaimed "Oh my God!!!" in English. The match also caught the attention of Mewtwo's Fearow, and this led to Ash being invited to New Island.

Notably, Raymond had a then-unknown Generation II Pokémon when he appeared: a Donphan.


This listing is of Raymond's known Pokémon in the anime:

Raymond's Donphan

In its debut appearance, Donphan was seen battling Ash's Bulbasaur. It managed to land two successive hits with Rollout, but it was then defeated by Bulbasaur's Solar Beam.

Donphan's only known move is Rollout.

Raymond's Machamp

Machamp was seen battling Ash's Squirtle and was quickly defeated by Squirtle's Bubble Beam.

None of Machamp's moves are known.

Raymond's Venomoth

Venomoth was seen battling Ash's Pikachu and was quickly defeated with Thunderbolt.

None of Venomoth's moves are known.

Raymond's Pinsir

Pinsir was seen battling Ash's Pikachu and was quickly defeated with Thunderbolt.

None of Pinsir's moves are known.

Raymond's Golem

Golem was seen battling Ash's Pikachu and was quickly defeated with Thunderbolt.

None of Golem's moves are known.

Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution


Raymond reappeared in Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution, a remake of Mewtwo Strikes Back, where he played the same role.


This listing is of Raymond's known Pokémon in the Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution:

Raymond's Donphan

Donphan was seen battling Ash's Bulbasaur, where it managed to land two successive hits with Rollout. However, it was then defeated by Bulbasaur's Solar Beam.

Donphan's only known moves are Rollout, Hyper Beam, and Hidden Power.

Raymond's Machamp

Machamp was seen battling Ash's Squirtle and was quickly defeated by Squirtle's Bubble Beam.

None of Machamp's moves are known.

Raymond's Venomoth

Venomoth was seen battling Ash's Pikachu and was quickly defeated with Thunderbolt.

None of Venomoth's moves are known.

Raymond's Pinsir

Pinsir was seen battling Ash's Pikachu and was quickly defeated with Thunderbolt.

None of Pinsir's moves are known.

Raymond's Drowzee

Drowzee was seen battling Ash's Pikachu and was quickly defeated with Thunderbolt.

None of Drowzee's moves are known.


Raymond is tough and tends to be impulsive in battle. He resorted to underhanded tactics and sent out three Pokémon at once in the hopes of winning after Ash defeated two of his Pokémon.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese レイモンド・ジョンソン Raymond Johnson
English Addie Blaustein (M01)
Unknown (M22)
Czech Petr Burian
Finnish Arto Nieminen
German Frank Schaff
Indonesian Biantoro (M22)
Norwegian Erik Skøld
Polish Jacek Kopczyński (M01)
Maciej Kosmala (M22)
Brazilian Portuguese Nizo Neto
Spanish Latin America Eduardo Garza
Spain Pablo Sevilla

In the manga

Movie adaptations

Raymond appears in Mewtwo Strikes Back!, where he battled Ash. He was quickly defeated by him without defeating any of Ash's Pokémon.



Donphan was the first Pokémon Raymond sent out during his battle with Ash. It was quickly defeated by Bulbasaur's Solar Beam.

None of Donphan's moves are known.


After Donphan's defeat, Raymond sent out Venomoth, along with Machamp, and Golem. They were quickly defeated by Pikachu despite Golem's immunity to electricity.

None of Venomoth's moves are known.


After Donphan's defeat, Raymond sent out Machamp, along with Venomoth, and Golem. They were quickly defeated by Pikachu despite Golem's immunity to electricity.

None of Machamp's moves are known.


After Donphan's defeat, Raymond sent out Golem, along with Venomoth and Machamp. They were quickly defeated by Pikachu despite Golem's immunity to electricity.

None of Golem's moves are known.


Movie characters
Human protagonists
AliceAsh Ketchum (M20)AudreyBarazBiancaCallahanCarlitaCoreyDamosDianaDianeEricFergusHarrietJack WalkerJuanita
KarlKathrynKidd SummersKimiaKokoLisaLizabethLorenzoMannesMarenMargoMelodyMerayNeeshaNewton Graceland
Professor LundRafeRaleighRebeccaRisaRowenaSamSheenaSidSir AaronSorrelTonioTorenTory LundTowaVerityYuko
Human antagonists
AlvaAnnieArgus SteelButlerCherieCrossDamonDoctor ZedGalenGooneGrings KodaiIron-Masked MarauderLawrence IIILeviMarcus
MerilynMillis SteelMolly HaleOakleyPokémon huntersPokémon poacherRiotThe PhantomZero
ArceusArticunoCarbinkCelebi (M04)Celebi (M13)CobalionDadaDarkraiDeoxysDialgaDiancieEntei (M03)Entei (M13)GenesectGiratina
Ho-OhHoopaJirachiKeldeoKyuremLatiasLatiosLucarioLugiaMagearnaManaphyMarshadowMew (M01)Mew (M08)Mewtwo (M01)
Mewtwo (M16)MoltresPalkiaPikachu (M20)PikachutwoRaikouRayquazaRegiceRegirockRegisteelReshiramShayminSlowking
Spiky-eared PichuSuicune (M04)Suicune (M13)TerrakionUnownVictiniVirizionVolcanionXerneasYveltalZapdosZekrom
AliciaAllegraAstridBanksBaron AlbertoBlock BotBogieBonjiCarolChrom MolybdenumCTV news crewDabuDavidDionaDonuke
Dr. FujiDundeeFlamelFreddyGabuGhrisGlacineGodeyGurūHeroes of Truth and IdealsHoytInfiJasonJennyJoeJudy
KaiKakoKanataKatoKellieKevinKikoKing of the People of the ValeKyleLaylaLeekuLucianneLuisLuisaMakoMalin
ManukeMarcus's soldiersMauryMayor OliverMeredithMeta GroudonMewtwo's creatorsMiaMilesMimiMirandaMisakiMoose
Mother and daughterMr. WhiteNevaNikolaOld Man DomŌyamaPegPeople of the WaterPhossa MolybdenumPokémon Baccer teams
Queen IleneQueen RinRavineRaymondRickRossSchuylerSharonShepShunSpencer HaleSylvanTakaTammyTanner
TappTatsukiThe Marina GroupTobiasTownesUschiZabu

This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.