Talk:Pokémon Dollar: Difference between revisions

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Latest comment: 6 January 2017 by SnorlaxMonster in topic ポケドル?
Source for Name: new section
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== Source for Name ==
== Source for Name ==

I was under the impression that "Pokédollar" or "Pokémon Dollar" were entirely fanmade terms. Is there anywhere in an official English game localization that actually refers to them as such? If so, could those citations please be referenced in the main article
I was under the impression that "Pokédollar" or "Pokémon Dollar" were entirely fanmade terms. Is there anywhere in an official English game localization that actually refers to them as such? If so, could those citations please be referenced in the main article{{unsigned|LonelyAzalea}}

Revision as of 02:02, 4 December 2022


Zenny? that's from MegaMan Battle Network! Who came up with that? Coppro 14:32, 17 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Zenny is actually a currency used in most RPGs. Mkt_ranma

I thought it was obvious from the Japanese version of the games (except for Colo) that the currency was yen. --Ketsuban

That is true. Should have mentioned it. - 振霖T 22:59, 17 Mar 2005 (UTC)


Hehe, I've always called them Credits, I never liked "Dollars" or "Yen" because Pokémon is not in our world. I'm sure I'm not the only ones who refers to them as credits. Has anyone else? - Ferret 16:52, 7 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Seeing as the symbol isn't a real currency (at least I don't think so), I don't think they should be called by 'dollars', 'yen' or any other real world currency, 'credits' doesn't sound right either, however it's better than calling them 'dollars' or 'yen' (or 'PokéDollars' or 'PokéYen') - MTC 18:54, 7 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Credits is just a catch all, generally sci-fi term for universal currency, I always thought it was perfect and still do. - Ferret 19:20, 7 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Since in Pokémon Colosseum, Nintendo revealed the currency's name as Pokémon Dollars, I'm gonna move this page to that entry. Tom Temprotran 04:38, 25 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

What does the Japanese version of Colosseum say where "Pokémon Dollars" is in the English version? -Happy Mask Man 03:53, 31 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

didnt they call them poké in pokemon channel? kittenchild

Yes Cal05000 19:40, 27 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm pretty sure that it says 円 (yen), because the currency in Japanese versions of main games was yen. Unless the currency in Orre is different, though I doubt it. --Maxim 19:31, 30 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Well, in the Japanese version of XD, it seems that they use $ like in the English and other versions, and not the yen sign... Check it out. It also says ポケドル, which translates as Pokédollar... TTEchidna 19:46, 30 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Then, Orre has different currency (at least in Japanese version). Hell! I hate when Japanese producers are "borrowing" several things from English versions! I hate it! --Maxim 19:50, 30 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Could mean Orre after all is... In America. But I still like to think it is around Hiroshima. This is disturbing information. However, Orre was not created by our friends from Game Freak, so who knows? ... ... ... Oh yeah, I know I'm responding to a comment that's almost a year old. Yeah. Satosuke 05:23, 5 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

A lot of people, including me, have always believed that the official name for the Pokémon Dollar was 'Pyen'. I'm very surprised to see no mention of the term here up until now.--Arima 12:21, 23 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

PD to USD exchange rate

I quickly figured out the exchange rate between the Pokédollar and the US Dollar. A can of soda pop costs 300 PD. In America, the average price for a can of soda off of a vending machine is $0.60 USD. Therefore, 500 PD = $1 USD.

See for yourself: I found a vending machine that sold soda at 60¢ here:

Why won't Kogoro accept it? The fact is there, plain as day. --Elohssa Naer'uoy 04:14, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Didn't I already tell you on your talk page? ht14 04:15, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Not everybody will find it as easily as the Pokédollar page. This is relevant to the article, whereas it's less relevant from my talk page. I'd like for more people to discuss this, so I also put it here. --Elohssa Naer'uoy 04:18, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
The reason us sysops don't find your so-called "exchange rate" notable is because all possible exchange rates between in-game currency and real-world currency are speculation, which is highly frowned upon here. --Shiningpikablu252 04:19, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
A few more notes; for one, I'm on the east coast here, and most vending machines sell soda for different prices, generally above $0.60, which messes up your calculations already. Two, Pokémon is a game created in Japan, so most pricings would need to be based off the Japanese price for soda pop, which I can tell you right now also probably fluctuates based on where it's sold and what sort of soda pop it is. And thirdly, on the note of Japan, Pokémon Dollars are most likely based directly off of Yen, point-for-point. The reason this isn't mentioned in the article is as Shining mentioned; it's merely speculation, not fact, and as such, has no place in an encyclopedic article. -- Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 04:25, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Just like here in Illinois, cans of soda are $1, while bottles are going up to $1.25 and $1.50. And it isn't just the area of the states you live in, the price for soda is different in almost every town or city. R.A. Hunter B. 00:49, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Of course, when you read the article further, you'll find that the Japanese games just use "yen" anyway... so Jioruji's point is actually quite accurate. Ztobor 15:31, 31 December 2009 (UTC)Reply


The official spanish name is Pokécuarto. This name comes from the name of and old spanish currency called Cuarto. You can see more info in Pokéteca.--Habieru 14:45, 18 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Money Problems in the Handheld Series

Generation I

The Elite Four and Pay Day are the only Infinite Sources of $ after every other Trainer in the game is beaten. As a result, Trainers had to be conservative since money was hard to come by.

Generation II

Rematch opportunities are provided via the PokéGear "Phone" function, the Trainer House, and Red. These new features have helped collecting $ a little less difficult.

Generation III

The "Trainer's Eyes" function of the PokéNav in Ruby & Sapphire conveniently indicates trainers that want to rematch with a flashing PokéBall Icon next to their name. Although the Player had to wait one or several days for a rematch and travel far and wide to find and battle with the Rematching Trainers that were scattered in various locations. As a result, collecting $ became significantly easier.

The VS Seeker in FireRed & LeafGreen, albeit less convenient than the PokéNav, allowed the player to have rematches with previously beaten Trainers at any time.

Generation IV

The Hotel Grand Lake Restaurant provides a daily and generous income via 5 double battles in one convenient location. As a result, money is no longer a problem. --Arima 01:18, 6 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Generation V

The VS Seeker was abandoned in Black and White, so rebattling trainers for money is no longer possible, except in Black City and Nimbasa City (daily). However, there is a huge source of money in the sale of artifacts from the Abyssal Ruins, as well as other rare items found around Unova. Other than selling items, rebattling the Elite Four, Game Freak Morimoto (daily), and Cynthia (spring only, daily) also give infinite money, although their levels are quite high. --Jdthebud 20:54, 23 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Generation VI

Volunteering as an Attendant at Hotel Richissime represents the first time in the series that a Trainer can do part-time work to earn money. --Arima (talk) 05:54, 25 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Trainer payouts

I have a section that I'm working on right now on my homepage that I would like to include in either this article or the "Trainer class" article, and is a section on how to calculate how much a trainer will pay you. Click the link in my signature to get to it: Ztobor 15:26, 31 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Okay, pasted from my page, because I don't think anybody's interested in my user page:

Based on investigation of the data here on Bulbapedia, I've deduced a pattern in the way money is paid out by all Trainers. (This is most likely not new information, but I haven't found it anywhere else on the site or on other sites, so if it is somewhere, please point me to it.)

The money that each trainer pays to your character is calculated using the following formula:

Money = (Base Payout) * (Level of last Pokemon sent out by the trainer)

The Base Payout is different for each different type of trainer. Here is a list (mostly incomplete because BP is missing information on some of the generations):

Generation I

Swimmer: $5
Bug Catcher: $10
Psychic: $10
Lass: $15
Youngster: $15
Jr. Trainer: $20
Black Belt: $25
Rocker: $25
Super Nerd: $25
Channeller: $30
Rocket: $30
CoolTrainer: $35
Hiker: $35
Juggler: $35
Rival* (First 3 battles): $35
Tamer: $40
Engineer: $48
Pokemaniac: $50
Rival* (Next 4 battles): $65
Beauty: $70
Gentleman: $70
Gamer: $72
Burglar: $90
Boss (Giovanni): $99
Gym Leader: $99
Elite Four: $99
Champion: $99

Scientist: ?? Cue Ball: ?? Biker: ?? Bird Keeper: ??

  • for the Rival, the "last" Pokemon is always the starter Pokemon that (s)he received at the beginning.

A lot of them (the ones marked ??) are missing because I couldn't find information on them on Bulbapedia and because I don't remember personally what they are in the games.

For some odd reason, the Rival pays out $1330 instead of $1300 for the fourth battle, on the S.S. Anne. Another discrepancy is the first Channeller in the Saffron Gym who should pay out $990 but only pays out $900.

Generation II

Swimmer: $8
Bug Catcher: $16
Youngster: $16
Camper: $20
Picnicker: $20
Schoolboy: $20 / 32
Twins: $20
Bird Keeper: $24
Black Belt: $24
Lass: $24
Hiker: $32
Psychic: $32
Sage: $32
Fisherman: $40
Juggler: $40
Medium: $40
Officer: $40
Rocket Grunt: $40
Sailor: $40
CoolTrainer: $48
Firebreather: $48
Pokemaniac: $60
Rival (Johto): $60
Skier: $72
Boarder: $72
Rocket Executive: $72
PokeFan: $80
Beauty: $88
Scientist: $100
Rival (Kanto): $100
Gym Leader: $100
Elite Four: $100
Champion: $100

Notes (some exceptions):

  • Psychic Mark gives $544 even though his Kadabra is level 15 instead of 17.
  • Psychic Phil gives $832 even though both his Pokemon are level 24 instead of 26.
  • Schoolboys Alan and Chad have different base payouts, of $20 and $32 respectively.
  • Sailor Eugene's "last" Pokemon is his Krabby, which is level 19.
  • Some of the female swimmers on route 41 have a base payout of $20, while two of them pay $440 with Pokemon that are level 19 instead of level 22. I don't know why this happens.
  • The "last" Pokemon of the Boarders in Mahogany Gym are whichever ones they have two of. Either that or the people who made the article on Bulbapedia decided to put the trainers' Pokemon in order of level instead of appearance.
  • For some odd reason, Bulbapedia lists Silver as giving the player $1320 at the Indigo Plateau, making his base payout $26.4. Perhaps it was a bug? I dunno.
  • The first Rocket Executive gives a payout of $1800 even though her Pokemon are level 23 instead of level 25.

Generation III

The ones that are different from Generation II (as well as new ones) are listed here:

Tuber: $4
Ninja Boy: $12
Camper: $16
Lass: $16
Picnicker: $16
Team Magma/Aqua Grunt: $20
Winstrate (Ruby/Sapphire): $20
Battle Girl: $24
Psychic: $24
Sis and Bro: $24
Twins: $24
Bird Keeper: $32
Black Belt: $32
Guitarist: $32
Kindler: $32
Sailor: $32
Sr. and Jr.: $32
Aroma Lady: $40
Expert: $40
Hiker: $40
Magma/Aqua Admin: $40
Parasol Lady: $40
Pokemon Breeder: $40
Triathlete: $40
Winstrate (Emerald): $40
Pokemon Ranger: $48
Bug Maniac: $60
Collector: $60
Rival: $60
Ruin Maniac: $60
Beauty: $80
Magma/Aqua Leader: $80
Interviewers: $96
Gentleman: $200
Lady: $200
Rich Boy: $200

Hex Maniac: $24? (Not enough info) Young Couple: $56? (Not enough info) Dragon Tamer: $?? (No info) Old Couple: $?? (No info)

The ones with "not enough info" have only one source to corroborate.

Some exceptions (according to Bulbapedia):

  • Sailor Huey gives $8 less than he should by following this rule ($440 instead of $448).
  • Sailor Cory pays $104[sic], even though his Pokemon are all level 24 instead of level 26. (Even if they were level 26, this would imply a base payout of $4, which is highly unusual. Perhaps it's actually $1040?)
  • For some reason, Fisherman Carter's base payout is $36.
  • Camper Travis pays $288, even though his Sandshrew is level 19 instead of level 18.
  • Kindler Hayden pays $576, even though his Numel is level 17 instead of level 18.
  • Winstrate Victoria pays $340 even though her Roselia is level 16 instead of level 17.
  • This problem is corrected in Emerald, where Victoria's Roselia is level 17.
  • Rich Boy Garret and Lady Anette, on the S.S. Tidal, have a base payout of $160.

Based on this information, I'll make the prediction that Mossdeep Gym's first trainer, Psychic Preston, pays the trainer $888 upon defeat. (There is currently no info like that on the actual page.)

This might be just "speculation", but I've verified the pattern over pretty much all the cases on Bulbapedia.

Also, in FR/LG onwards, the trainer will pay out different amounts of money when battling wild Pokemon, also depending on what the levels of his Pokemon are. However, the money that the trainer loses will correspond to his highest-level Pokemon, not his last Pokemon. (The info for that can be found on the discussion page for Black out.) Ztobor 15:26, 15 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

A lot of it also depends on where they are, how far you are in the game, what level their Pokémon are, and obviously trianer class. R.A. Hunter Blade 16:33, 15 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Surprisingly, it doesn't. Only the trainer class and level matter when calculating this. This is because how far you are (and where you are) in the game is pretty much directly correlated with the level of their Pokémon. Ztobor 18:50, 17 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Which means it does depend on how far you are, and where you are. Because if you weren't that far, or in certain areas, then the levels wouldn't be that high, and some trainer classes wouldn't be found. Not trying to start an arguement or anything, just pointing out that all of this is related. R.A. Hunter Blade 03:48, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Oh, sorry, I thought you meant there was a direct correlation (which there isn't). Ztobor 18:20, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply


My mates and I have always called them PokéPounds, is this the offical term in the UK, or is it just our random 'musings'.--Sammy red8 17:31, 27 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

Depends. What do the UK versions of Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness call this currency? I'd wager it would be the same as in the US, but since the Gamecube has regional-lockout, that could lend to the possibility of regional differences based on geography...--Shiningpikablu252 17:39, 27 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
I dunno, it looks more like a pound sign, but it's most likely called Pokédollars in the UK as well. Poképounds sounds better though. - PikaThunderPT's Talk - 19:29, 4 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Pokémon Channel

The article mentions that the currency is called "Poké" in the mystery dungeon games (but that it may, however, be a different currency as it is used only by Pokémon) but the same name was used in the Pokémon Channel game. Could Poké just be a shortened version of "PokéDollar" or would it be an entirely different currency altogether? --Navarr 18:25, 30 May 2010 (UTC)Reply


I see that Poké is a currency for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and Pokémon Channel. Is it possible that it might just be short for PokéDollar? If so then could I simply make it a redirect to this page? Frozen Fennec 01:12, 7 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

SnorlaxMonster said that it is a diffrent kind of currency all together. I think that it either A) Needs it's own page or B) a section should be made for this page. IMO I believe that the former would be a better idea. Perhaps when the page is made in can be a disamb. page or something of the sort. --Pokemaster97 02:02, 7 March 2012 (UTC)Reply


I understand that the currency in Mystery Dungeon seems like a different currency, but I have always refered to all Pokémon currency as Poké. Pokémon Channel also calls it poké, so could it at least be mentioned as a fan-made name?- unsigned comment from Micamike45 (talkcontribs)


Curious, as the move Pay Day's animation is a koban, and the money given out with Pay Day can be collected and used by the player, wouldn't that imply the Pokémon Dollar is shaped similarly to a koban?–Darknesslover5000 (talk) 22:29, 9 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Russian ruble officially has a currency symbol

According to Wikipedia Russia decided to adopt a currency symbol that looks like a "Cyrillic letter er with a single added horizontal stroke" that mean that the trivia info needs some updating. And I'm going to do so. -- Sion8 (talk) 04:43, 8 March 2014 (UTC)Reply


Is this a thing? Japanese Pokemon Wiki (linked from this article) just calls it 円 and says it is pronounced えん, and this is the way it is in most instances in every Japanese version of a Pokemon game I have played. The article does a fairly good job correcting the common misconception that one "Pokedollar" is similar in value to one USD or one Euro, but the lead sentence implies that in Japan the conception of the in-game currency is anything other than just being JPY. Is there an official source that calls it ポケドル? Satorukun0530 (talk) 08:02, 6 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

While I haven't checked myself, I would imagine it comes from Colosseum and XD, which call the currency Pokémon Dollars even in Japanese. --SnorlaxMonster 08:04, 6 January 2017 (UTC)Reply
But if it only comes from one or two games where it is written in English (?), wouldn't it be read as ポケモンドル (or even ポケモンドラー) in Japanese? Anyway, if you are right, then I think the lead sentence should only use the more common Japanese name from the main series games, with the fact that the Japanese versions of those games also refer to the currency as Pokemon Dollars perhaps being mentioned in the Trivia section. Satorukun0530 (talk) 08:15, 6 January 2017 (UTC)Reply
I mean that the Japanese games use a Japanese equivalent of "Pokémon Dollars", not that they literally use the English term. I think it's appropriate to list it as the Japanese equivalent of the English name, as I believe Colosseum and XD are the only source of the English name too. --SnorlaxMonster 08:29, 6 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Source for Name

I was under the impression that "Pokédollar" or "Pokémon Dollar" were entirely fanmade terms. Is there anywhere in an official English game localization that actually refers to them as such? If so, could those citations please be referenced in the main article- unsigned comment from LonelyAzalea (talkcontribs)