Rubello Town: Difference between revisions

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Urutapu (talk | contribs)
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m Rubello Town moved to Rubello Town on Wheels!: on Wheels!
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Revision as of 03:00, 18 May 2008

Rubello Town (Japanese: ルイボスタウン Ruibosu Town) is an anime-exclusive location found in Hoenn. It is located in between Petalburg City and Fortree City.

The town is probably most famous for its contests. May and Drew both decided to enter the Rubello Town contest to try and win another ribbon for the Grand Festival. Although May was confident she would be able to win, her attitude ended up getting the better of her. She lost to Savannah, who then went on to be defeated by Drew.

In addition to winning Rubello's contest, Drew also appears to be a local idol among the townspeople. In fact, when he arrived in town, hundreds of people sought his autograph.

Animated series-exclusive locations in Hoenn
A-B-C IslandsAnthony's GymBaltoy civilization ruinsBanana Slakoth GardenBomba IslandCerosi TownCrossgate TownDonto Island
Foothill TownForbidden ForestForinaGiban IslandIzabe IslandIzabe LakeKirikiri MountainLake MayLaRousse CityMaisie IslandMirage Kingdom
Misty VillageMonsu IslandMountain LighthouseMuscle IslandNorth PetalburgOldale RuinsPokémon Battle Judge Training InstitutePurika City
Rinshin TownRiyado TownRubello TownS.S. St. FlowerShroomish ForestSouth CitySquare TopThe Green LodgeThe GreenhouseTogepi Paradise
Trapinch underground labyrinthValley of SteelVolley TownWailmer IslandWales IslandWazoo Island
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther