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| {{trainerentry|Colo Bodybuilder m 1.png{{!}}96px|Bodybuilder|Akmen|960<br><small>After defeating [[Dakim]]</small>|2|309|Electrike|M|40|None|100|Voltorb||40|None|game=colo|36=ベン|37=Ben|38=Poké Ball}} | | {{trainerentry|Colo Bodybuilder m 1.png{{!}}96px|Bodybuilder|Akmen|960<br><small>After defeating [[Dakim]]</small>|2|309|Electrike|M|40|None|100|Voltorb||40|None|game=colo|36=ベン|37=Ben|38=Poké Ball}} |
| {{trainerdiv|building}} | | {{trainerdiv|building}} |
| {{trainerentry|Colo Rider f.png{{!}}96px|Rider|Ralee|390<br><small>After defeating [[Dakim]]</small>|3|084|Doduo|M|38|None|166|Ledian|F|38|None|333|Swablu|F|39|None|game=colo|36=ヒップ|37=Hip|38=Poké Ball}} | | {{trainerentry|Colo Rider f.png{{!}}96px|Rider|Raleen|390<br><small>After defeating [[Dakim]]</small>|3|084|Doduo|M|38|None|166|Ledian|F|38|None|333|Swablu|F|39|None|game=colo|36=ヒップ|37=Hip|38=Poké Ball}} |
| {{trainerdiv|building}} | | {{trainerdiv|building}} |
| {{trainerentry|Colo Hunter m.png{{!}}96px|Hunter|Tura|650<br><small>After defeating [[Dakim]]</small>|2|364|Sealeo|F|39|None|361|Snorunt|M|40|None|game=colo|36=ビット|37=Bit|38=Poké Ball}} | | {{trainerentry|Colo Hunter m.png{{!}}96px|Hunter|Tura|650<br><small>After defeating [[Dakim]]</small>|2|364|Sealeo|F|39|None|361|Snorunt|M|40|None|game=colo|36=ビット|37=Bit|38=Poké Ball}} |
Latest revision as of 07:09, 13 June 2023
This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: Layout section with images
The Pyrite Bldg (Japanese: パイラのビル Pyra Building) is a location found in Pokémon Colosseum. It is a run-down old storage building where Miror B.'s minions distribute Shadow Pokémon to Trainers who've won the Pyrite Colosseum challenge. There is an elevator leading from the top floor to the bottom, which can only be accessed from the top due to a one-way door at the bottom floor. Another elevator at the bottom floor provides access to The Under, but requires an Elevator Key to be accessed and used. The entrance to Pyrite Cave is located on the roof.
As of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the building has been renovated and repurposed as the headquarters of ONBS.
Hunter Geare ショスタ Shosuta Reward: $528
Rider Raleen ヒップ Hip Reward: $320
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.
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