This card was included in the {{TCG|Evolving Skies}} expansion with artwork by [[Lee HyunJung]], first released in the Japanese {{TCG|Skyscraping Perfection}} expansion. It was reprinted in the Japanese {{TCG|Start Deck 100}}. It was reprinted again, alongside a {{TCG|illustration rare}} card with artwork by [[Kouki Saitou]], in the Japanese {{TCG|VSTAR Universe}} subset. This illustration rare print was subsequently released outside Asia in the special {{TCG|Crown Zenith}} expansion.
This card was included in the {{TCG|Evolving Skies}} expansion with artwork by [[Lee HyunJung]], first released in the Japanese {{TCG|Skyscraping Perfection}} expansion. It was reprinted in the Japanese {{TCG|Start Deck 100}}. It was reprinted again, alongside an {{TCG|illustration rare}} card with artwork by [[Kouki Saitou]], in the Japanese {{TCG|VSTAR Universe}} subset. This illustration rare print was subsequently released outside Asia in the special {{TCG|Crown Zenith}} expansion.
The Crown Zenith print's artwork is part of a joint illustration with eight other cards from the Galarian Gallery subset: Riolu, Duskull, Bidoof, Pikachu, Turtwig, Paras, Poochyena, and Mareep. The nine cards do not follow conventional ordering in any set localization and are instead ordered according to how they compose the larger illustration. In Asia, the VSTAR Universe prints of these cards were always enclosed together in a single pack, colloquially referred to as "god packs", and were difficult to obtain.