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[[File:Action cards.jpg|thumb|right|A packet of Action Cards]]
[[File:Action cards.jpg|thumb|right|A packet of Action Cards]]
'''Pokémon Advanced Action Cards''' are a series of collectible cards made by Cards Inc. in 2004. There are 108 total cards in the set, each with a lenticular hologram. The holograms often feature a Pokémon and its evolution, however, if the Pokémon featured does not evolve, it is instead shown in different poses. There are also five cards featuring characters from the [[Pokémon anime]]. The general concept of Pokémon Advanced Action Cards is similar to {{OBP|Pokémon Action Flipz|Premier Edition}}.
'''Pokémon Advanced Action Cards''' are a series of collectible cards made by Cards Inc. in 2004. There are 108 total cards in the set, each with a lenticular hologram. The holograms often feature a Pokémon and its evolution, however, if the Pokémon featured does not evolve, it is instead shown in different poses. There are also five cards featuring characters from the [[Pokémon anime]]. The general concept of Pokémon Advanced Action Cards is similar to {{OBP|Pokémon Action Flipz|Premier Edition}}.

Revision as of 18:48, 21 September 2023

This article is incomplete.
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Reason: Missing card images

A packet of Action Cards

Pokémon Advanced Action Cards are a series of collectible cards made by Cards Inc. in 2004. There are 108 total cards in the set, each with a lenticular hologram. The holograms often feature a Pokémon and its evolution, however, if the Pokémon featured does not evolve, it is instead shown in different poses. There are also five cards featuring characters from the Pokémon anime. The general concept of Pokémon Advanced Action Cards is similar to Pokémon Action Flipz.

Pokémon Advanced Action Cards were sold in packets of three and were available in the United Kingdom, France and Italy. At the time of the Action Cards's release, a customer could send away £4.99 for a special collector's album.

List of Pokémon Advanced Action Cards

Every Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex is featured with the exception of Deoxys and Jirachi.

  1. Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile
  2. Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken
  3. Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert
  4. Poochyena/Mightyena
  5. Zigzagoon/Linoone
  6. Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly/Cascoon/Dustox
  7. Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo
  8. Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry
  9. Taillow/Swellow
  10. Wingull/Pelipper
  11. Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir
  12. Surskit/Masquerain
  13. Shroomish/Breloom
  14. Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking
  15. Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
  16. Nincada/Ninjask/Shedinja
  17. Whismur/Loudred/Exploud
  18. Makuhita/Hariyama
  19. Goldeen/Seaking
  20. Magikarp/Gyarados
  21. Azurill/Marill/Azumarill
  22. Geodude/Graveler/Golem
  23. Skitty/Delcatty
  24. Zubat/Golbat/Crobat
  25. Tentacool/Tentacruel
  26. Aron/Lairon/Aggron
  27. Machop/Machoke/Machamp
  28. Meditite/Medicham
  29. Electrike/Manectric
  30. Magnemite/Magneton
  31. Voltorb/Electrode
  32. Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume/Bellossom
  33. Doduo/Dodrio
  34. Gulpin/Swalot
  35. Carvanha/Sharpedo
  36. Wailmer/Wailord
  37. Numel/Camerupt
  38. Slugma/Magcargo
  39. Grimer/Muk
  40. Koffing/Weezing
  41. Spoink/Grumpig
  42. Sandshrew/Sandslash
  43. Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon
  44. Cacnea/Cacturne
  45. Swablu/Altaria
  46. Barboach/Whiscash
  47. Corphish/Crawdaunt
  48. Baltoy/Claydol
  49. Lileep/Cradily
  50. Anorith/Armaldo
  51. Igglybuff/Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
  52. Feebas/Milotic
  53. Staryu/Starmie
  54. Shuppet/Banette
  55. Duskull/Dusclops
  56. Vulpix/Ninetales
  57. Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu
  58. Psyduck/Golduck
  59. Wynaut/Wobbuffet
  60. Natu/Xatu
  61. Phanpy/Donphan
  62. Rhyhorn/Rhydon
  63. Snorunt/Glalie
  64. Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein
  65. Clamperl/Huntail/Gorebyss
  66. Chinchou/Lanturn
  67. Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra
  68. Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence
  69. Beldum/Metang/Metagross
  70. Nosepass
  71. Sableye
  72. Mawile
  73. Plusle
  74. Minun
  75. Volbeat
  76. Illumise
  77. Roselia
  78. Torkoal
  79. Spinda
  80. Skarmory
  81. Zangoose
  82. Seviper
  83. Lunatone
  84. Solrock
  85. Castform
  86. Kecleon
  87. Tropius
  88. Chimecho
  89. Absol
  90. Girafarig
  91. Pinsir
  92. Heracross
  93. Relicanth
  94. Corsola
  95. Luvdisc
  96. Regirock
  97. Regice
  98. Registeel
  99. Latias
  100. Latios
  101. Kyogre
  102. Groudon
  103. Rayquaza
  104. Ash Ketchum
  105. Brock
  106. May
  107. James
  108. Jessie

This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.