This city was originally founded to protect the Great Marsh. It has grown naturally over the years. The Gym is a good example of the abundant water resources available to the city. There is a lookout that affords views of the Great Marsh. The gates to the Safari Zone are also here.
Pastoria City (Japanese: ノモセシティNomose City) is a city in the Sinnohregion. It is also the home of the Move Reminder, the Scarf Guy and the Sinnoh region's Safari Zone. It is a city on the edge of a giant swamp, known as the Great Marsh. The marsh was once part of the sea, which drained away over time leaving the marshland. There are rare Pokémon only found in the swamps. The Great Marsh keeps the weather cool in the summertime, making it an ideal town for Water Pokémon. Croagunk is one of the rare Pokémon that can be found in the swamp.
The Great Marsh is an area located right to the north of Pastoria City. It is the main attraction of Pastoria City that gets many visitors and Trainers coming from around the area. The Great Marsh contains some Pokémon that cannot be found elsewhere in Sinnoh. It is filled with marshy areas, which are inhabited by wild Pokémon. The entry fee is $500, which grants the player 30 Safari Balls and 500 steps within the marsh before they're forced out.
The Move Reminder allows Pokémon to relearn any move that they were able to learn at an earlier level than the one they are currently at, or ones from that level. Certain Pokémon have moves that may only be obtained in this fashion. The Move Reminder resides in a house northeast of the Poké Mart and will teach a Pokémon a move it could have previously learned but has not, in exchange for a Heart Scale. These may be obtained from the Underground, from the man in the Pokémon News PressPt, or from wild Luvdisc after the National Pokédex is acquired.
The Scarf Guy lives in Pastoria City, in the house nearest to the Route 213 exit. The Scarf Guy checks a Pokémon's condition to see if it is worthy of a Scarf. If the Pokémon's condition is at its maximum value in an area, he will give out the corresponding Scarf to that Pokémon. If not, he will tell the player to improve its condition with Poffins.
The Scarf Guy lives with his sister and a Pachirisu. His girlfriend is the Massage Girl in Veilstone City, whom he keeps in contact with through mail, which he lets Pokémon deliver.
The Pastoria Gym is the official Gym of Pastoria City. It is based on Water-typePokémon. The Gym Leader is Crasher Wake. The Pastoria Gym is a large indoor swimming pool with numerous floating platforms. Switches on the floor of the pool raise and lower the water between three levels. To get to the Gym Leader, the switches must be hit in a certain order so that a path will be formed with the floating platforms. For defeating Crasher Wake, Trainers receive the Fen Badge, TM55 (Brine), and the ability to use Defog in Diamond and Pearl and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Surf in Platinum Version outside of battle.
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
The population of Pastoria City is 47, which also happens to be the same number as Sunyshore City.
Pokémon Platinum
The population of Pastoria City has lowered to 44.
The woman in the southwestern-most house will give the player one of the move-weakening Berries once a day. In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, she may also offer one of the retaliatory Berries.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
On different days, the player can challenge a Trainer who appears in the Pokémon Center. Depending on the game's progress, these Trainers will have teams with higher leveled Pokémon upon rematch.
Ash and his friends first arrived in Pastoria City in Cream of the Croagunk Crop!. Ash's Gymbattle was pushed back because Gym LeaderCrasher Wake was judging the Pastoria Croagunk Festival. The city's residents honor Croagunk as guardians of the Pastoria and the Great Marsh, with the city featuring a temple complex dedicated to the Toxic Mouth Pokémon. Each household raises one Croagunk with great reverence and care, and each year, all people gather at the festival to choose the Croagunk champion of the year. The winner receives a crown encrusted with a beautiful diamond and pearl. Nurse Joy's Croagunk was given the honor after beating Team Rocket, defeating the defending champion Hamilton.
The Pastoria Great Marsh is nearby. It is a vast area filled with long grass, mud and interconnected lakes, and is home to many wild Pokémon. Local station chief Carny operates the railway that runs through the Marsh. It is also where Jamescaught his Carnivine in his youth.
Pastoria City first appeared in A Skuffle with Skorupi, where Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum arrived there in order for Platinum to challenge Crasher Wake. However, since Platinum's only Pokémon at the time were Empoleon and Ponyta, one of Wake's Gym Trainers suggested that she should catch herself a Grass type at the Great Marsh. Despite the Pokédex holders following the advice, their trip to the Great Marsh ended up with them catching no new Pokémon at all and Platinum almost drowning in the mud.
In Crafty Carnivine, Platinum challenged Crasher Wake with her Empoleon and Diamond's Torterra, Tru, eventually emerging victorious and earning herself the Fen Badge.
The mascot of Pastoria City is Croagunk, as there is a statue of one in the Poké Mart. This is reflected in the anime episode Cream of the Croagunk Crop!, when the city holds a Croagunk Festival in honor of their mascot.
Southeast of the city, there are two ships, but they have no known use for transportation.
In Platinum, if the player stands behind the Croagunk Wall with the player's head sticking out of it, a wild Croagunk will appear, cry out, and walk into the Great Marsh building.
Standing right outside the Move Reminder's house is a man who claims to be standing "smack-dab in the middle of town." However, according to the map, he is placed four steps down and five steps to the right of the true center of town.
Upon arriving in Pastoria, a Team Galactic Grunt will refer to the player as a "little bugger". Despite the game being acceptable for "Everyone", "bugger" is an expletive in some parts of the English-speaking world. This line was removed from the European release.