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If two or more of the same Berry are used to make a Pokéblock, the resulting Pokéblock will always be black. Black Pokéblocks ignore the usual stat formula and are instead given three random flavors of strength 2. It is only possible to produce a black Pokéblock when blending with other players; when blending with NPCs, they will always make sure to never use the same Berry as the player.
If two or more of the same Berry are used to make a Pokéblock, the resulting Pokéblock will always be black. Black Pokéblocks ignore the usual stat formula and are instead given three random flavors of strength 2. It is only possible to produce a black Pokéblock when blending with other players; when blending with NPCs, they will always make sure to never use the same Berry as the player.

Two Berries are considered the same if they have the same [[List of items by index number (Generation III)|index number]]; the exception to this is e-Reader Berries, whose name, flavors, and smoothness must also match to be considered the same Berry. This means that if a player with an English game puts in a [[Strib Berry]], and another with a Japanese game selects エドマのみ (the Japanese version of the Strib Berry), then because their names differ ("STRIB" vs. "エドマ"), they are considered different enough to avoid creating a black Pokéblock.
Two Berries are considered the same if they have the same [[List of items by index number in Generation III|index number]]; the exception to this is e-Reader Berries, whose name, flavors, and smoothness must also match to be considered the same Berry. This means that if a player with an English game puts in a [[Strib Berry]], and another with a Japanese game selects エドマのみ (the Japanese version of the Strib Berry), then because their names differ ("STRIB" vs. "エドマ"), they are considered different enough to avoid creating a black Pokéblock.

If games in two or more different languages are linked together to use the Berry Blender, the results screen will display each Berry's name in the language of the player who deposited the Berry, but with the " BERRY" affix in the language of the game. For example, an [[Aspear Berry]] put in by an English game would be displayed as "ASPEARのみ" in Japanese, "BAIE ASPEAR" in French, "BACCAASPEAR" in Italian, "ASPEARBEERE" in German, and "BAYA ASPEAR" in Spanish, rather than the localized names of the Berry.
If games in two or more different languages are linked together to use the Berry Blender, the results screen will display each Berry's name in the language of the player who deposited the Berry, but with the " BERRY" affix in the language of the game. For example, an [[Aspear Berry]] put in by an English game would be displayed as "ASPEARのみ" in Japanese, "BAIE ASPEAR" in French, "BACCAASPEAR" in Italian, "ASPEARBEERE" in German, and "BAYA ASPEAR" in Spanish, rather than the localized names of the Berry.

Latest revision as of 21:54, 4 August 2024

A Pokéblock Case in Generation VI

Pokéblocks (Japanese: ポロック Polock) are colorful candy blocks made for Pokémon and are primarily used to increase a Pokémon's condition for Pokémon ContestsRSE or Pokémon Contest SpectacularsORAS in Hoenn in one of five areas: Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness, and Toughness. In Sinnoh, the equivalent of Pokéblocks are Poffins.

In the core series games

Pokéblocks are used to prepare a Pokémon for contests by raising its condition in the appropriate category or categories. The better a Pokémon's condition is in the category it is participating in, the better it will do in the contest's preliminary judging. In Generation III, Pokéblocks can also be used in the Safari Zone, to attract Pokémon of certain Natures by placing Pokéblocks in feeders or to make wild Pokémon less likely to escape in battle, by throwing Pokéblocks at them.

A Pokéblock Case is required before Pokéblocks can be made, to store the Pokéblocks that are made. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the Pokéblock Case can be obtained by speaking to a small girl in the Contest Hall in Slateport City. In Pokémon Emerald, she is in the Contest Hall in Lilycove City. In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the Pokéblock Case is stored in the Pokéblock Kit, which is obtained from Lisia after delivering the Devon Parts and attempting to leave Slateport City. In Generation III, Pokéblocks are made at a Berry Blender in Contest Halls, while in Generation VI, they are made with a portable Berry Blender in the Pokéblock Kit.

Using Pokéblocks

Mightyena being fed a Purple Pokéblock

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

Feeding a Pokéblock to a Pokémon increases its condition by amounts dependent upon the Berries used in its creation and influenced by the skill it was made with. A Pokéblock's feel limits how many Pokéblocks a Pokémon can eat. Its level indicates the amount by which its strongest flavor will affect the Pokémon's condition, while its color—detailed in the following section—can indicate which flavor is its strongest.


For every Pokéblock that a Pokémon eats, the value of the Pokéblock's feel is added to the Pokémon's sheen. This number has a maximum of 255, and when it reaches that point, the Pokémon will no longer be able to eat any more Pokéblocks. The size of this number is indicated by a ring of stars that appears around the Pokémon in the PokéNav as it is fed more Pokéblocks. The ring starts at 1 star and adds a new star after every 29 points of sheen, up to a maximum of 10 stars.


A Pokéblock's level indicates the strength of its strongest flavor. If a Pokéblock contains more than one flavor, the only way to know the strength of the others is to calculate them based on the Berries that went into making the Pokéblock, as detailed below.

When a Pokémon is fed a Pokéblock, its condition in each category will be increased depending on the strengths of the flavors in the Pokéblock and which categories they correspond to, up to the maximum of 255 per stat. If the Pokéblock contains the Pokémon's liked flavor, and contains only a lesser amount (or none) of its disliked flavor, then the Pokémon will be shown eating the Pokéblock "happily" and the Pokéblock will be treated as if the liked flavor were 10% higher (rounded to the nearest integer). Conversely, if the Pokéblock contains the disliked flavor but only a lesser amount, or none, of the liked flavor, then the Pokémon will eat the Pokéblock "with disdain" and it will be treated as if the disliked flavor were 10% lower (again rounded to the nearest integer). No modifier will appear if the block contains both flavors equally (including the case that it does not contain either flavor), or if the Pokémon does not have any flavor preference due to having a neutral nature.

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

In the remakes, feeding a Pokémon a Pokéblock increases its condition by amounts solely dependent on the type of Pokéblock. Pokémon can be fed an unlimited number of Pokéblocks but each contest stat has a maximum value of 255.

Pokéblocks can have six colors: one for each of the contest categories (Red, Blue, Pink, Green, and Yellow), which only raises that condition, and Rainbow, which raises all five conditions at once. Standard Pokéblocks increase their corresponding stat by 8 points with no affection. However, if a Pokémon's condition stats already add up to at least 256, 512, 768, or 1024 points, a standard Pokéblock's effect on a stat will be reduced to 6, 4, 3, or 2 points respectively. Each color also has a "+" variant, such as "Red Pokéblock +" and "Rainbow Pokéblock +". Pokéblocks + increase a Pokémon's stats by 16 points with no affection, and this is not reduced at high condition totals.

A Pokémon's affection can also boost the effectiveness of Pokéblocks. A Pokémon with 2 or 3 hearts of affection will earn 1 extra point of condition each time a Pokéblock increases a stat, 4 hearts earns 2 extra points, and 5 hearts earns 4 extra points. This bonus is the same regardless of whether the Pokéblock is standard or +, and regardless of how high the existing conditions are.

Affection # of Pokéblocks to max
Standard, single color Standard, rainbow Pokéblocks +, per stat
Level 0–1 32 + 43 + 63 + 85 + 127 69 16
Level 2–3 29 + 37 + 51 + 64 + 85 53 15
Level 4 26 + 32 + 43 + 51 + 64 43 15
Level 5 22 + 26 + 32 + 37 + 43 31 13

Making Pokéblocks

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Pokéblocks are made by mixing Berries with one to three other people in a Berry Blender, found at Contest Halls. Once Berries are selected, the center of the blender will spin. When the blender's arrow points to the player's marker, the player can push the A button to make it spin faster. The faster it spins, the better the Pokéblock. If the button is pushed outside of the player's marker, the arrow will spin slower, resulting in bad Pokéblocks. Once it is done, each participant receives a Pokéblock.


The flavors in a Pokéblock depend on the flavors of the Berries that went into making it and the highest speed achieved during the blending. Each flavor is weakened by another flavor, so the presence of one flavor will decrease the strength of another. For an overview of the influence that various Berries will have on flavors, refer to the list of Berries by flavor.

Flavor Spicy Sour Bitter Sweet Dry
Weakened by... Dry Spicy Sour Bitter Sweet

If each Berry used in the Pokéblock is different from the others, the flavors in the resulting Pokéblock are calculated as follows:

  1. Add together the respective flavors of all Berries being used (sum all spicy values, all dry values, and so on).
    For instance, if Bluk, Nanab, and Wepear Berries are blended, the result of this step would be spicy: 0; dry: 10; sweet: 20; bitter: 20; and sour: 10.
  2. For each Berry flavor total, subtract the Berry flavor total of that flavor's weakening flavor as per the table above (e.g. spicy is weakened by dry, sour is weakened by spicy, etc.).
    Continuing the example above: spicy: -10; dry: -10; sweet: 0; bitter: 10; and sour: 10.
  3. Subtract 1 from each flavor for every flavor that is negative.
    Continuing the example above: spicy: -12; dry: -12; sweet: -2; bitter: 8; and sour: 8.
  4. Set any numbers from the previous result that were negative to 0.
    Continuing the example above: spicy: 0; dry: 0; sweet: 0; bitter: 8; and sour: 8.
  5. Multiply all of the flavors by RPMmax333+1, truncated to two decimal places (i.e. rounded down to the nearest hundredth). Round each result to the nearest integer (rounding half up).
    Continuing with the established example, if the maximum RPM reported at the end of blending is 110.00 RPM, then the multiplier is 1.33 and the result of this step—and the final values for the strengths of the flavors in the Pokéblock—is spicy: 0; dry: 0; sweet: 0; bitter: 11; and sour: 11.

If two or more of the same Berry are used, the resulting Pokéblock will always be a low quality black Pokéblock, which is automatically assigned three random flavors of strength 2.


In most cases, the color of a Pokéblock depends on the number of flavors that are present in the Pokéblock and on the strength of those flavors.

If the Pokéblock has one or two flavors and no flavors stronger than 50, the name of the Pokéblock is based on the strongest flavor. If multiple flavors are tied for being the strongest, they are prioritized in this order: Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour. If the Pokéblock has one or two flavors and any of them has a strength or 50 or higher, it will be a Gold Pokéblock. Otherwise, unless it is a black Pokéblock, the name of the Pokéblock is based on the number of flavors alone.

If two or more of the same Berry are used to make a Pokéblock, the resulting Pokéblock will always be black. Black Pokéblocks ignore the usual stat formula and are instead given three random flavors of strength 2. It is only possible to produce a black Pokéblock when blending with other players; when blending with NPCs, they will always make sure to never use the same Berry as the player.

Two Berries are considered the same if they have the same index number; the exception to this is e-Reader Berries, whose name, flavors, and smoothness must also match to be considered the same Berry. This means that if a player with an English game puts in a Strib Berry, and another with a Japanese game selects エドマのみ (the Japanese version of the Strib Berry), then because their names differ ("STRIB" vs. "エドマ"), they are considered different enough to avoid creating a black Pokéblock.

If games in two or more different languages are linked together to use the Berry Blender, the results screen will display each Berry's name in the language of the player who deposited the Berry, but with the " BERRY" affix in the language of the game. For example, an Aspear Berry put in by an English game would be displayed as "ASPEARのみ" in Japanese, "BAIE ASPEAR" in French, "BACCAASPEAR" in Italian, "ASPEARBEERE" in German, and "BAYA ASPEAR" in Spanish, rather than the localized names of the Berry.

Primary flavor
Flavors present Spicy Dry Sweet Bitter Sour
0 Black
1, strength ≤ 50 Red Blue Pink Green Yellow
1, strength > 50 Gold
2, highest ≤ 50 Purple Indigo Brown LiteBlue Olive
2, highest > 50 Gold
3 Gray
4 White
See also: Smoothness → List of Berries' smoothness

The feel of a Pokéblock is equal to the average smoothness of the Berries used (rounded down), minus the number of Berries used (i.e. the number of people participating, including NPCs). This can be expressed as the following formula (where n is the number of Berries used): feel=nsmoothnessnn The highest obtainable feel for a Pokéblock is 78 without using e-Reader Berries, or 83 with them, if only two players use the blender and each puts in a Berry of the maximum smoothness category. The lowest obtainable feel is 16 without using e-Reader Berries, or 1 with them, but Pokéblocks with less than 4 feel will always be colored black, since they require all players to put in Nutpea or Kuo Berries, which are flavor-neutral.

The Berries of each smoothness are listed below. Berries in italics are e-Reader Berries, some of which were exclusively available for Japanese games.

Smoothness Berries
5 Nutpea, Kuo
20 Leppa, Oran, Persim, Lum, Sitrus, Razz, Bluk, Nanab, Wepear,
Pinap, Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa
25 Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, Iapapa
30 Tamato, Cornn, Magost, Rabuta, Nomel, Lansat, Starf
40 Enigma
65 Pumkin, Drash, Eggant, Yago, Touga
70 Spelon, Pamtre, Watmel, Durin, Belue, Ginema
80 Liechi, Ganlon, Salac, Petaya, Apicot
85 Strib, Chilan, Niniku, Topo

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

This section is incomplete.
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Reason: Exact probabilities for each tier

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the player is given a Pokéblock Kit, which contains a Berry Blender with which the player may create Pokéblocks using two to four Berries. In contrast to the original games, the process of blending Berries is entirely automatic, and the only factor in a Pokéblock's creation is the Berries that went into making it.

The number of Pokéblocks produced is equal to the number of Berries that were blended to produce them.

If Berries of three or fewer colors are blended together, then the color of the resulting Pokéblocks can match any color that was used most often. For example, blending a Red Berry and a Blue Berry may result in two Red Pokéblocks or two Blue Pokéblocks, while blending two Red Berries with a Blue Berry will result in three Red Pokéblocks. If Berries of four different colors are blended together, Rainbow Pokéblocks will be produced.

Any Pokéblocks that the player makes can either be regular Pokéblocks or Pokéblocks +. The chance of getting Pokéblocks + depends on the Berries used in the blending, with rarer Berries having a higher chance to produce Pokéblocks + than common Berries. The table below lists the likelihoods of producing Pokéblocks + with each Berry.

Probability Berries
Red Blue Pink Green Yellow
Very Low Cheri, Figy, Leppa, Razz Bluk, Chesto, Oran, Wiki Mago, Nanab, Pecha, Persim Aguav, Rawst, Wepear Aspear, Iapapa, Pinap
Low Pomeg, Tamato Belue, Cornn, Kelpsy, Pamtre Magost, Qualot, Spelon Durin, Hondew, Lum, Rabuta, Watmel Grepa, Nomel, Sitrus
Medium Chople, Haban, Occa, Payapa, Roseli Coba, Passho, Yache Colbur, Kasib Babiri, Kebia, Rindo, Tanga Charti, Chilan, Shuca, Wacan
Medium-High Apicot, Ganlon Kee, Petaya Salac Liechi, Maranga
High Custap Rowap Micle Enigma, Jaboca
Guaranteed Lansat Starf
Pokéblock Effect
Red Pokéblock Slightly increases Coolness
Blue Pokéblock Slightly increases Beauty
Pink Pokéblock Slightly increases Cuteness
Green Pokéblock Slightly increases Cleverness
Yellow Pokéblock Slightly increases Toughness
Rainbow Pokéblock Slightly increases all condition stats
Plus variant
Red Pokéblock + Moderately increases Coolness
Blue Pokéblock + Moderately increases Beauty
Pink Pokéblock + Moderately increases Cuteness
Green Pokéblock + Moderately increases Cleverness
Yellow Pokéblock + Moderately increases Toughness
Rainbow Pokéblock + Moderately increases all condition stats

Blending with non-playable characters

In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Pokéblocks may be made with friends or with the assistance of in-game non-playable characters (NPCs). In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the player may find one NPC who will assist in Berry Blending at the Verdanturf Town or Fallarbor Town Contest Halls, two NPCs in Slateport City's Contest Hall, and three NPCs in Lilycove City's Contest Hall. In Pokémon Emerald, there are three Berry Blending machines with one to three NPCs who will assist in Berry Blending all in the Lilycove City Contest Hall, and the Blend Master can appear at random as a Pokémon News event.

The Berries these NPCs will contribute follow a repeating pattern to avoid weakening the strongest flavor of the Berry the player uses. They only break this pattern when the player is using the same Berry that they would, in order to avoid producing a black Pokéblock. As an example, if the player uses an Oran Berry (no. 7) or a Wiki Berry (no. 12) at the 4-person Berry Blender, the NPCs there will add Chesto, Aspear, and Rawst Berries. If the player adds a Persim Berry (no. 8), the NPCs will add Pecha, Cheri, and Aspear Berries.

For the Enigma Berry and e-Reader Berries, NPCs will choose Berries to avoid weakening the weakest flavor of the Berry the player uses. If multiple flavors are tied for being the weakest, they are prioritized in this order: Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour.

General case
Player NPC 1 NPC 2 NPC 3 Blend Master
Berry# % 5 = 1 Cheri Pecha Rawst Spelon
Berry# % 5 = 2 Chesto Rawst Aspear Pamtre
Berry# % 5 = 3 Pecha Aspear Cheri Watmel
Berry# % 5 = 4 Rawst Cheri Chesto Durin
Berry# % 5 = 0 Aspear Chesto Pecha Belue
Special cases
Player NPC 1 NPC 2 NPC 3 Blend Master
Cheri Aspear Rawst Pecha Spelon
Chesto Cheri Aspear Rawst Pamtre
Pecha Chesto Cheri Aspear Watmel
Rawst Pecha Chesto Cheri Durin
Aspear Rawst Pecha Chesto Belue
Spelon Cheri Pecha Rawst Tamato
Pamtre Chesto Rawst Aspear Cornn
Watmel Pecha Aspear Cheri Magost
Durin Rawst Cheri Chesto Rabuta
Belue Aspear Chesto Pecha Nomel
Enigma Cheri Pecha Rawst Spelon
Pumkin N/A*
Strib Chesto Rawst Aspear

The table below details the Pokéblocks that will be produced if the player adds a given Berry when blending with a given number of NPCs or the Blend Master. The level columns give the level that will be produced if the Berry Blender reaches a maximum RPM of 100 during blending. Since the NPCs only use the first five Berries, which each have a smoothness of 25, calculating the feel of any Pokéblock is simple, following the formula given in the previous section. The Blend Master meanwhile uses a Berry with smoothness of 50 or 70.

# Berry 1 NPC 2 NPCs 3 NPCs Blend Master
Color Lvl at 100 Color Lvl at 100 Color Lvl at 100 Color Lvl at 100
1 Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Red 12 Red 12 Red 12 Gold/Purple* 51
2 Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Blue 12 Blue 12 Blue 12 Gold/Indigo* 51
3 Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Pink 12 Pink 12 Pink 12 Gold/Brown* 51
4 Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Green 12 Green 12 Green 12 Gold/LiteBlue* 51
5 Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Yellow 12 Yellow 12 Yellow 12 Gold/Olive* 51
6 Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Red 23 Purple 23 Purple 23 Gold/Red* 51
7 Oran Berry Oran Berry Blue 12 Indigo 10 Indigo 10 Indigo 38
8 Persim Berry Persim Berry Pink 12 Brown 10 Purple 10 Brown 38
9 Lum Berry Lum Berry Green 12 Purple 10 Indigo 10 LiteBlue 38
10 Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Yellow 12 Indigo 10 Brown 10 Olive 38
11 Figy Berry Figy Berry Red 25 Purple 23 Purple 23 Gold/Purple* 51
12 Wiki Berry Wiki Berry Blue 25 Indigo 23 Indigo 23 Gold/Indigo* 51
13 Mago Berry Mago Berry Pink 25 Brown 23 Brown 23 Gold/Brown* 51
14 Aguav Berry Aguav Berry Green 25 LiteBlue 23 LiteBlue 23 Gold/LiteBlue* 51
15 Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry Yellow 25 Olive 23 Olive 23 Gold/Olive* 51
16 Razz Berry III Razz Berry Purple 12 Purple 12 Purple 12 Purple 38
17 Bluk Berry Bluk Berry Indigo 12 Indigo 12 Indigo 12 Indigo 38
18 Nanab Berry III Nanab Berry Brown 12 Brown 12 Purple 12 Brown 38
19 Wepear Berry Wepear Berry LiteBlue 12 Purple 12 Indigo 12 LiteBlue 38
20 Pinap Berry Pinap Berry Purple 12 Indigo 12 Brown 12 Olive 38
21 Pomeg Berry Pomeg Berry Purple 23 Gray 23 Purple 23 Gold/Purple* 51
22 Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy Berry Indigo 23 Gray 23 Indigo 23 Gold/Indigo* 51
23 Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Brown 23 Gray 23 Purple 23 Gold/Brown* 51
24 Hondew Berry Hondew Berry LiteBlue 23 Gray 23 Indigo 23 Gold/LiteBlue* 51
25 Grepa Berry Grepa Berry Olive 23 Gray 23 Brown 23 Gold/Olive* 51
26 Tamato Berry Tamato Berry Purple 25 Purple 25 Purple 25 Gold/Purple* 51
27 Cornn Berry Cornn Berry Indigo 25 Indigo 25 Indigo 25 Gold/Indigo* 51
28 Magost Berry Magost Berry Brown 25 Brown 25 Brown 25 Gold/Brown* 51
29 Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry LiteBlue 25 LiteBlue 25 LiteBlue 25 Gold/LiteBlue* 51
30 Nomel Berry Nomel Berry Olive 25 Olive 25 Olive 25 Gold/Olive* 51
31 Spelon Berry Spelon Berry Gold/Purple* 51 Gold/Purple* 51 Gold/Purple* 51 Gold/Purple* 51
32 Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry Gold/Indigo* 51 Gold/Indigo* 51 Gold/Indigo* 51 Gold/Indigo* 51
33 Watmel Berry Watmel Berry Gold/Brown* 51 Gold/Brown* 51 Gold/Brown* 51 Gold/Brown* 51
34 Durin Berry Durin Berry Gold/LiteBlue* 51 Gold/LiteBlue* 51 Gold/LiteBlue* 51 Gold/LiteBlue* 51
35 Belue Berry Belue Berry Gold/Olive* 51 Gold/Olive* 51 Gold/Olive* 51 Gold/Olive* 51
36 Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Gold/Purple* 61 Gold/Purple* 61 Gold/Purple* 62 Gold 87
37 Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry Gold/Indigo* 62 Gold/Indigo* 62 Gray 62 Gold 88
38 Salac Berry Salac Berry Gold/Brown* 62 Gold/Brown* 62 Gray 62 Gold 88
39 Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Gold/LiteBlue* 62 Gold/LiteBlue* 62 Gray 62 Gold 88
40 Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Gold/Olive* 62 Gold/Olive* 62 Gray 62 Gold 88
41 Lansat Berry Lansat Berry Red 12 Purple 10 Purple 10 Purple 38
42 Starf Berry Starf Berry Blue 12 Indigo 10 Indigo 10 Indigo 38
43 Enigma Berry Enigma Berry Red 12 Purple 10 Purple 10 Purple 38
43 Pumkin Berry Olive 38 Gray 36 Olive 36 N/A*
43 Drash Berry Brown 49 Gold/Brown* 62 Gray 49
43 Eggant Berry Blue 49 Indigo 36 Indigo 36
43 Strib Berry Gray 36 Gray 49 Gray 36
43 Chilan Berry Brown 36 Gray 23 Purple 23
43 Nutpea Berry Red 12 Purple 10 Purple 10
43 Ginema Berry Indigo 36 Gray 23 Indigo 23
43 Kuo Berry Red 12 Purple 10 Purple 10
43 Yago Berry LiteBlue 49 LiteBlue 48 Gold/LiteBlue* 61
43 Touga Berry Purple 31 Gray 30 Purple 30
43 Niniku Berry Indigo 29 LiteBlue 29 LiteBlue 40
43 Topo Berry Gray 30 Gray 41 Gray 30

NPC accuracy

NPCs behavior during a Berry Blender session is indicated by the following table. They may not press when the cursor reaches the NPC.

Speed (RPM) First NPC Second NPC Third NPC Blend Master
NPC behavior when cursor reaches them
Below 27.46 : 25%
: 75%
: 33%
: 67%
: 11%
: 89%
: 100%
27.46 to 82.39 : 20%
: 60%
: 10%
Ignore: 10%
: 35%
: 25%
: 10%
Ignore: 30%
: 40%
: 5%
: 5%
Ignore: 50%
82.39 or above : 10%
: 20%
: 30%
Ignore: 40%

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire

In Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire, the player gets three PokéBlock symbols in order to evolve a Feebas into Milotic.


PokéBlock sprite
from Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire

Eevee × Tamagotchi

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Reason: Add image of the Pokéblock feeding from this game

In Eevee × Tamagotchi, the Snack (Japanese: おやつ) option is used to feed Eevee some Pokéblocks from the Pokéblock Case.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Pokéblocks in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Wally's Training T EX Sandstorm Uncommon 89/100 Miracle of the Desert Uncommon 52/53

In the anime

Pokéblocks in the anime

In the anime, Pokéblocks were introduced in All Things Bright and Beautifly!, in which Chaz was seen feeding his Venomoth some Pokéblocks moments before the Rustboro City Pokémon Contest. He explained to Brock that he uses them as a snack along with Venomoth's main diet of Pokémon food, adding that they are very nutritious.

May with her Purple Surprise

After that, in Now That's Flower Power!, May received a Pokéblock Case from Mr. Big, who said that every Pokémon Coordinator has to have one. However, it was not until Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry that May would learn to mix Berries in a Berry Blender.

In Berry, Berry Interesting, after picking several Berries from a garden, May went to make Pokéblocks for her Pokémon. She created a recipe called May's Purple Surprise (Japanese: ハルカデリシャス Haruka Delicious), which consisted of two Pecha Berries, one Oran Berry, one Bluk Berry, and a small bit of Tamato Berry.

After blending the Berries together, May offered some Pokéblocks to Max and Brock, but their reaction was not what she was expecting. May then proceeded to offer the Pokéblocks to her and her friends' Pokémon, but they too found her Purple Surprise to be disgusting. May was disappointed with her lackluster results until a wild Munchlax appeared and ate all of the Pokéblocks.

May was overjoyed and, after seeing the Big Eater Pokémon being accused of stealing Pokéblocks from the Trainers staying at the Pokémon Center, she decided to catch it. From that point onward, May has been giving Pokéblocks to Munchlax. She has received tips from Professor Oak to prepare a new kind of Pokéblock, which she called May's Pink Surprise (Japanese: ハルカデリシャス2 Haruka Delicious 2), able to suppress Munchlax's huge appetite.

In the manga

Pokéblocks in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Pokéblocks were first seen in the Ruby & Sapphire arc, made by Ruby. He has a talent of being able to tell a Pokémon's Nature just by observing them, allowing him to choose the correct Pokéblock flavor for them. Examples of this include Blaise's Slugma in Slugging It Out with Slugma, Zinnia's Whismur, Aster, in Latias Flies, and Rayquaza in Omega Alpha Adventure 21.


  • Pokéblock bears some similarity to the popular candy Pez. They are both small candies that are stored in a dispenser.
  • In Generation III, the way a Pokémon reacts when it will be given a Pokéblock depends on its Nature. For instance, a Hardy Pokémon will make three jumps growing in height each time, while a Careful Pokémon will make three small jumps, whereas a Docile Pokémon will make no movement at all.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 寶可方塊 Poké-Fōngfaai *
能量方塊 Nàhngleuhng Fōngfaai *
Mandarin 寶可方塊 / 宝可方块 Bǎokě-Fāngkuài *
能量方塊 / 能量方块 Néngliàng Fāngkuài *
Czech Pokéblok
Danish Poké-block
Finnish Poképala (AG013)
French Pokébloc
German Pokériegel
Italian Pokémella
Korean 포켓몬스넥 Pokémon Snack*
포록 Polock*
Polish Pokékostka*
Portuguese Brazil Pokébarra (AG035)
Portugal Pokébloco
Russian Покеблок Pokéblok
Spanish Latin America Pokéblock
Spain Pokécubo*
Swedish Pokékex
Thai โปล็อก Polock
Vietnamese Kẹo Poké

See also

External links

Pokémon Contests
Necessary Spoils
Contest Categories
ContestSuper ContestContest Show
CoordinatorContest HallContest Pass
The Grand Festival
Top CoordinatorRibbon Cup
Combinations • Opponents (IIIIVVIVIII) • Double PerformanceJamming
Ribbons (list) • StickersBall CapsulesRanksJudgesAnnouncersWallace Cup

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.