Veluza is a fishlike Pokémon with a gray body; pointy, translucent, bright magenta fins; and red eyes. It has thin blue lines running the length of its body from its eyes, and its mouth is typically open, displaying several sharp teeth. Veluza's fins extend underneath its flesh, to the center of its body; inside is also a row of diamond-shaped spikes similar to a backbone on either side, with three of these spikes being longer and protruding out from Veluza's flesh.
Veluza's main method of hunting comes from its ability to shed its own flesh, via its signature moveFillet Away. This boosts its offensive prowess and psychic power, as well as its agility, giving it an easier time when chasing down and tearing apart prey. It can grow back its lost flesh due to its excellent regenerative capabilities. The discarded flesh has a mild yet delicious flavor.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IX.
Veluza's name and appearance suggest inspiration from hakes, especially of the Merlucciidae family. Hake is an important fish in Spanish cuisine — Spain is the biggest consumer of hake in the world, accounting for around half of all hakes consumed in Europe alone.
Name origin
Veluza may be a combination of veloz (Spanish and Portuguese for fast) and merluza (Spanish for hake).
Migalusa may be a combination of 身軽 migaru (nimble) and merluza.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.