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{{PokémonPrevNext | prev=Staraptor | next=Bibarel }}
name=Bidoof |
jname=ビッパ |
tmname=Bipper |
image=Bippa.JPG |
size=150 |
caption=Artwork from Diamond/Pearl |
ndex=399 |
sdex=013 |
adex=004 |
typen=1 |
type1=Normal |
type2= |
species=Plump Mouse |
height-ftin=1′08″ |
height-m=0.5 |
weight-lbs=44.1 |
weight-kg=20.0 |
abilityn=2 |
ability1=Simple |
ability2=Unaware |
egggroupn=2 |
egggroup1=Water 1 |
egggroup2=Ground |
hatchsteps=3,840 |
effortyield=1 HP |
expyield=58 |
lv100exp=1,000,000 |
gender=both |
female=50 |
male=50 |
color=Brown |
catchrate=255 |
body=08 |
pokefordex= |
generation=4 |
footnotes= }}
'''Bidoof''' ([[List of Japanese Pokémon names|Japanese]]: '''ビッパ''' ''Bipper'') is a {{type2|Normal}} Pokémon.
Bidoof are small brown rodent-like creatures with large front teeth which they use for gnawing on wood. They have tufts of fur on their tails and a ring of them on their faces. They also have slightly webbed paws.
====Gender differences====
The tail of a male Bidoof consists of five tufts of fur, while the tail of a female only has three.
====Special abilities====
Bidoof need to constantly gnaw on hard substances to keep their teeth ground down, since they grow constantly. Without something to gnaw on, they become violent because of the pain and inconvenience the unwieldy growing teeth cause.
Bidoof build their nests along the side of bodies of water.
{{main|Pokémon food}}
Bidoof feed mainly on seeds, roots, and plants. Occasionally they eat tree bark.
==In the anime==
[[Image:Bidoof-anime.jpg|thumb|A Bidoof in the anime]][[Image:Bidoof anime.jpg|left|thumb|A group of Bidoof]]
Bidoof made its anime debut in brief cameos in ''[[DP001|Following a Maiden's Voyage]]'', appearing in the wild.
Many Bidoof then appeared in ''[[DP023|Faced with Steelix Determination]]''.
Bidoof is also one of the members of the [[Wigglytuff Guild]] in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 (anime)|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 anime special]].
==In the manga==
{{Special|Berlitz}} was attacked by a group of Bidoof in her own house.
==In the TCG==
{{main|Bidoof (TCG)}}
==Game data==
===NPC appearances===
* [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2]]: Bidoof is a member of Wigglytuff's guild, the second newest recruit next to the player's team. He updates his "Yup Yup" journal over the course of the game.
===Pokédex entries===
|diamonddex=With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is more agile and active than it appears.
|pearldex=It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle down its front teeth. It nests alongside water.
===Game locations===
{| border="1" style="border: 1px solid #999; border-collapse: collapse; background: white; margin: auto;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
! Game
! Rarity
! Location
| [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]]
| Common
| [[Route]]s {{rtn|201}}, {{rtn|202}}, {{rtn|203}}, {{rtn|204}}, {{rtn|205}}, {{rtn|208}}, and {{rtn|211}}, [[Lake Verity]], [[Great Marsh]]
====In side games====
{| border="1" style="border: 1px solid #999; border-collapse: collapse; background: white; margin: auto;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
! Game
! Location
| [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon<br>(Time and Darkness)]]
| [[Mystifying Forest]] (B1-B13)<br>[[Mystery Jungle]] (B1-B29)
| [[Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia]]
| [[Ranger School]]<br>[[Vien Town]]
===Base stats===
HP=59 |
Attack=45 |
Defense=40 |
SpAtk=35 |
SpDef=40 |
Speed=31 }}
===Type effectiveness===
{{DP type effectiveness|
Normal=  100 |
Fighting=200 |
Flying=  100 |
Poison=  100 |
Ground=  100 |
Rock=    100 |
Bug=    100 |
Ghost=  0 |
Steel=  100 |
Fire=    100 |
Water=  100 |
Grass=  100 |
Electric=100 |
Psychic= 100 |
Ice=    100 |
Dragon=  100 |
Dark=    100 }}
{{intro template|learnset intro|Bidoof}}
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{mlentry4|9|Defense Curl|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|40|Cute|2}}
{{mlentry4|21|Hyper Fang|Normal|Physical|80|90|15|Cool|2||'''}}
{{mlentry4|33|Take Down|Normal|Physical|90|85|20|Tough|3||'''}}
{{mlentry4|37|Super Fang|Normal|Physical|&mdash;|90|10|Tough|3}}
====By [[TM]]/[[HM]]====
{{mlentry4|[[TM10]]|Hidden Power|Normal|Special|&mdash;|100|15|Smart|1}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM11]]|Sunny Day|Fire|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|5|Beauty|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM13]]|Ice Beam|Ice|Special|95|100|10|Beauty|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM18]]|Rain Dance|Water|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|5|Tough|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM23]]|Iron Tail|Steel|Physical|100|75|15|Cool|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM30]]|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Special|80|100|15|Smart|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM32]]|Double Team|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|15|Cool|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM34]]|Shock Wave|Electric|Special|60|&mdash;|20|Cool|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM43]]|Secret Power|Normal|Physical|&mdash;|100|20|Smart|2||'''}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM57]]|Charge Beam|Electric|Special|50|90|10|Beauty|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM73]]|Thunder Wave|Electric|Status|&mdash;|100|10|Cool|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM76]]|Stealth Rock|Rock|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|20|Cool|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM82]]|Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|10|Cute|3}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM83]]|Natural Gift|Normal|Physical|&mdash;|100|15|Cool|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[TM86]]|Grass Knot|Grass|Special|&mdash;|100|20|Smart|2}}
{{mlentry4|[[HM06]]|Rock Smash|Fighting|Physical|40|100|15|Tough|2}}
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{mlentry4|{{p|Squirtle}}, {{p|Wartortle}}, {{p|Blastoise}}<br>{{p|Seel}}, {{p|Dewgong}}<br>{{p|Dratini}}, {{p|Dragonair}}, {{p|Dragonite}}<br>{{p|Totodile}}, {{p|Croconaw}}, {{p|Feraligatr}}<br>{{p|Marill}}, {{p|Azumarill}}<br>{{p|Huntail}}<br>{{p|Gorebyss}}|Aqua Tail|Water|Physical|90|90|10|Cute|3||''}}
{{mlentry4|{{p|Sandshrew}}, {{p|Sandslash}}<br>{{p|Cyndaquil}}, {{p|Quilava}}, {{p|Typhlosion}}<br>{{p|Sentret}}, {{p|Furret}}<br>{{p|Phanpy}}, {{p|Donphan}}<br>{{p|Wailmer}}, {{p|Wailord}}<br>{{p|Numel}}, {{p|Camerupt}}<br>{{p|Spheal}}, {{p|Sealeo}}, {{p|Walrein}}<br>{{p|Pachirisu}}<br>{{p|Buneary}}, {{p|Lopunny}}|Defense Curl|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|40|Cute|2}}
{{mlentry4|{{p|Rattata}}, {{p|Raticate}}<br>{{p|Growlithe}}, {{p|Arcanine}}<br>{{p|Ponyta}}, {{p|Rapidash}}<br>{{p|Cyndaquil}}, {{p|Quilava}}, {{p|Typhlosion}}<br>{{p|Teddiursa}}, {{p|Ursaring}}<br>{{p|Swinub}}, {{p|Piloswine}}, {{p|Mamoswine}}<br>{{p|Phanpy}}, {{p|Donphan}}<br>{{p|Skitty}}, {{p|Delcatty}}<br>{{p|Wailmer}}, {{p|Wailord}}<br>{{p|Numel}}, {{p|Camerupt}}<br>{{p|Absol}}<br>{{p|Stunky}}, {{p|Skuntank}}<br>{{p|Hippopotas}}, {{p|Hippowdon}}|Double-Edge|Normal|Physical|120|100|15|Tough|0||'''}}
{{mlentry4|{{p|Rattata}}, {{p|Raticate}}<br>{{p|Sandshrew}}, {{p|Sandslash}}<br>{{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Persian}}<br>{{p|Psyduck}}, {{p|Golduck}}<br>{{p|Mankey}}, {{p|Primeape}}<br>{{p|Cyndaquil}}, {{p|Quilava}}, {{p|Typhlosion}}<br>{{p|Sentret}}, {{p|Furret}}<br>{{p|Aipom}}, {{p|Ambipom}}<br>{{p|Sneasel}}, {{p|Weavile}}<br>{{p|Teddiursa}}, {{p|Ursaring}}<br>{{p|Linoone}}<br>{{p|Lombre}}, {{p|Ludicolo}}<br>{{p|Vigoroth}}, {{p|Slaking}}<br>{{p|Zangoose}}<br>{{p|Kecleon}}<br>{{p|Chimchar}}, {{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Buizel}}, {{p|Floatzel}}<br>{{p|Glameow}}, {{p|Purugly}}<br>{{p|Stunky}}, {{p|Skuntank}}|Fury Swipes|Normal|Physical|18|80|15|Tough|2||'''}}
{{mlentry4|{{p|Growlithe}}, {{p|Arcanine}}<br>{{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Persian}}<br>{{p|Mareep}}, {{p|Flaaffy}}, {{p|Ampharos}}<br>{{p|Girafarig}}<br>{{p|Swinub}}, {{p|Piloswine}}, {{p|Mamoswine}}<br>{{p|Houndour}}, {{p|Houndoom}}<br>{{p|Phanpy}}, {{p|Donphan}}<br>{{p|Poochyena}}, {{p|Mightyena}}<br>{{p|Zigzagoon}}, {{p|Linoone}}<br>{{p|Electrike}}, {{p|Manectric}}<br>{{p|Spoink}}, {{p|Grumpig}}<br>{{p|Buizel}}, {{p|Floatzel}}|Odor Sleuth|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|40|Smart|1}}
{{mlentry4|{{p|Rattata}}, {{p|Raticate}}<br>{{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Raichu}}<br>{{p|Vulpix}}, {{p|Ninetales}}<br>{{p|Rapidash}}<br>{{p|Farfetch'd}}<br>{{p|Eevee}}<br>{{p|Cyndaquil}}, {{p|Quilava}}, {{p|Typhlosion}}<br>{{p|Sentret}}, {{p|Furret}}<br>{{p|Sneasel}}, {{p|Weavile}}<br>{{p|Torchic}}, {{p|Combusken}}, {{p|Blaziken}}<br>{{p|Electrike}}, {{p|Manectric}}<br>{{p|Zangoose}}<br>{{p|Absol}}<br>{{p|Shinx}}, {{p|Luxio}}, {{p|Luxray}}<br>{{p|Pachirisu}}<br>{{p|Buizel}}, {{p|Floatzel}}<br>{{p|Glameow}}, {{p|Purugly}}<br>{{p|Buneary}}, {{p|Lopunny}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}|Quick Attack|Normal|Physical|40|100|30|Cool|2||'''}}
{{mlentry4|{{p|Psyduck}}, {{p|Golduck}}<br>{{p|Poliwag}}, {{p|Poliwhirl}}, {{p|Poliwrath}}, {{p|Politoed}}<br>{{p|Seel}}, {{p|Dewgong}}<br>{{p|Totodile}}, {{p|Croconaw}}, {{p|Feraligatr}}<br>{{p|Lombre}}, {{p|Ludicolo}}<br>{{p|Wingull}}, {{p|Pelipper}}<br>{{p|Surskit}}, {{p|Masquerain}}<br>{{p|Spheal}}, {{p|Sealeo}}, {{P|Walrein}}<br>{{p|Piplup}}, {{p|Prinplup}}, {{p|Empoleon}}<br>{{p|Buizel}}, {{p|Floatzel}}|Water Sport|Water|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|15|Cute|2}}
===Side game data===
{{Side game|
type=normal |
Ranger2=yes |
typeG2= Normal |
typeA2= Normal |
field2= Crush |
{{evobox/1|399|Bidoof|1|Normal||[[Level|Level 15]]|400|Bibarel|2|Normal|Water}}
*Bidoof is a frequent topic of ridicule of Pokémon forums because of its appearance, the frequency of encountering it in-game, and the fact that its name is derived from the word "doofus". Players joke about using a team of all Bidoof or claim that it is the most powerful Pokémon in existence.
*A guest comic to the webcomic [ VGCats] parodied Bidoof by giving it the nickname [ the "Vendor Trash" Pokémon].
*Despite being called the Plump Mouse Pokémon, most of its traits, most notably its appearance, are more similar to that of a beaver or gopher than a mouse.
* In all regions, there is a two-stage {{type2|Normal}} Pokémon encountered early in the region that is based on a rodent. Bidoof is the [[Sinnoh]] variation on this theme. Compare to {{p|Rattata}}, {{p|Sentret}}, and {{p|Zigzagoon}}.
Bidoof appears to be based on a {{wp|beaver}}, or a {{wp|gopher}}.
====Name origin====
Its name is derived from ''beaver'' and ''doofus'' or ''tooth''. Bidoof's Japanese name is derived from the English word ''beaver'' and 出っ歯 ''deppa'', protruding tooth. Its German name, Bidiza, comes from {{tt|Biber|beaver}}. Its French name, Keunottor, comes from {{tt|quenotte|milk tooth}} and {{tt|castor|beaver}}.
==In other languages==
*[[List of German Pokémon names|German]]: Bidiza
*[[List of French Pokémon names|French]]: Keunottor
*[[List of Korean Pokémon names|Korean]]: 비버니 ''Beaverni''
==External links==
* [[wp:Bidoof|Article on Wikipedia]]
{{PokémonPrevNext | prev=Staraptor | next=Bibarel }}
[[Category:Pokémon that are part of a two-stage evolutionary line]]
[[pt:Bidoof (pokémon)]]

Revision as of 12:34, 9 August 2008