So like can page like Sapphire's Torchic be made?--[[User:CoolPikachu!/Platinum|<span style="color:#007FFF;">'''☆'''</span>]][[User:CoolPikachu!|<span style="color:#007FFF;">'''Cool'''</span>]][[User talk:CoolPikachu!|<span style="color:#FFBA00;">'''ピカチュウ!'''</span>]] 03:59, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
So like can page like Sapphire's Torchic be made?--[[User:CoolPikachu!/Platinum|<span style="color:#007FFF;">'''☆'''</span>]][[User:CoolPikachu!|<span style="color:#007FFF;">'''Cool'''</span>]][[User talk:CoolPikachu!|<span style="color:#FFBA00;">'''ピカチュウ!'''</span>]] 03:59, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
:The notability lines for Pokémon in Special are a bit foggy at the moment. It's hard to tell where to draw it; however, [[Pika]] and [[Saur]] are believed to fall within the notability boundaries no matter where the line is drawn. ([[Chuchu]] is in a gray area; the [[Red Gyarados]] article represents multiple canons where all standard [[Generation II]] versions are represented.)
:The notability lines for Pokémon in Special are a bit foggy at the moment. It's hard to tell where to draw it; however, [[Pika]] and [[Saur]] are believed to fall within the notability boundaries no matter where the line is drawn. ([[Chuchu]] is in a gray area; the [[Red Gyarados]] article represents multiple canons where all multiple [[Generation II]] versions, including one from Special, are represented.)
:I'd advise waiting until the notability lines are clearly drawn. Even then, concerning Sapphire's Torchic, you'd be best off creating the article at a nickname and covering all evolution stages--it did evolve all the way to Blaziken, you know. --[[User:Shiningpikablu252|Shiningpikablu252]] 04:05, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
:I'd advise waiting until the notability lines are clearly drawn. Even then, concerning Sapphire's Torchic, you'd be best off creating the article at a nickname and covering all evolution stages--it did evolve all the way to Blaziken, you know. --[[User:Shiningpikablu252|Shiningpikablu252]] 04:05, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
Revision as of 04:05, 4 October 2008
This page contains material that may not be suitable for young readers. Viewer discretion is advised.
The goal of Encyclopaediae Pokémonis is to be just as international as Pokémon itself, and helping aspiring Pokémon wikis in languages we don't yet have is a great way to help achieve that goal. However, if we don't even know who the possible aspirers for Encyclopaediae Pokémonis's ninth language even are, there's no way any growth can take place. If you speak or understand a language that's currently not represented in Encyclopaediae Pokémonis and happen to find a wiki in that language with aspirations to join Encyclopaediae Pokémonis, then don't hesitate to drop me a line. Remember, an aspirier can't grow if they remain sheltered from the world!
If you understand Brazilian Portuguese, or know someone who does, then the Portuguese arm of Encyclopaediae Pokémonis is in desperate need of your assistance. Many, if not all, of that wiki's articles are in dire need of improvement, be it massive cleanup or even adding some real content to begin with. Their sysops are never around to handle things, and their interwiki bot has done nothing since late September--of 2008. The fact that a trusted member of Encyclopaediae Pokémonis has fallen into such disrepair is disturbing, to say the least. Brazilians do not deserve quality this low. If you can help improve the Portuguese end, then I highly recommend you do so. Today.
Latest comment: 9 July 20083 comments3 people in discussion
Hiya, I want to make an article on the promotional Heatran card released in Japan, but I can't find a translation of it anywhere, not even PokéGym. Any idea who'd be able to accurately translate it for me? Cheers much, Cipher18:08, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 July 20085 comments2 people in discussion
Another issue we have is the Intense Fight name conflict you told me about earlier today - apparently, Sunain discussed the name change with Zhen Lin and Tsskiller - are they even affiliated with the TCG section? Regardless, read the argument here. I think I'm gonna need your and TTE's help with this, 'cos I can't see where she's coming from, yet she's adamant she's right. Cipher18:25, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
The kanji can be translated multiple ways. For all we know, what Sunain is defending could be just as correct as what Pokébeach is using. My take on the translations:
"Intense Fight" and "Fierce Fighting" could be taken as synonymous.
Likewise for "Destroyed Sky" and "Broken Space".
Besides, Pokébeach can't be blatantly wrong every time, like they were with "Moon Hunting" and "Night Dashing".
Conclusion: Sunain shouldn't be b*tching about a translation that cannot be considered outright wrong, no matter how much the source has f*cked up translations in the past. --Shiningpikablu25220:13, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
As far as I'm aware, Bangiras translated the IFDS name, so I personally have absolutely no reason to doubt that. The only real issue there's been has been "Night Dashing" <--> "Dawn Dash", which was obviously completely wrong. I think that's what Sunain is basing her argument on, which really is nothing at all.
Another note in regards to IFDS - I understand that WPM isn't happy with Bulbapedia using the information on its page from PokéBeach without citing it as a resource/reference, so perhaps it'd be an idea to somehow credit the site, such as a link to its IFDS page at the bottom of the article? Cipher20:47, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
IFDS page and two news stories cited. If that's not enough for WPM, then someone should get a full list of what should and report to me. --Shiningpikablu25220:58, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for sorting that out - I appreciate it a lot. As far as the IFDS page and expansions infobox go, it doesn't matter that it's an inconvenience, just as long as there aren't any more silly edit wars. Cipher21:16, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Deleting talk pages
Latest comment: 10 July 20081 comment1 person in discussion
Don't do it. Also, I have been hearing complaints that you have been too harsh in punishing users; while it is true that we don't have hard-and-fast rules about how to deal with problems, look to the other administrators (on Bulbapedia, not anywhere else) for an idea of what is considered normal here. - 振霖T01:21, 10 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Two Things (or maybe considered more)
Latest comment: 10 July 20081 comment1 person in discussion
Latest comment: 11 July 20084 comments2 people in discussion
You don't know your punctuation, do you?
If you are talking about a belonging of someone and their name ends with an S, you do not put apostrophe S, you just have their name and an apostrophe. Your way is not correct. - Arbok and Weezing05:52, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
It's been discussed over and over before. "James's" is just as appropriate as "James'", especially if it's singular like is used for James's Pokémon ("James'" could refer to something belonging to more than one James). Besides, the overall style of the encyclopedia calls for it to be "James's"--several templates require the names to be that way. We are NOT about to create a huge exception in those templates just to satisfy those who incorrectly believe "James's" is 100% incorrect. --Shiningpikablu25205:57, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
If you're talking about his Pokemon, it's James' Cacea.
If you're talking about more than one James, it would be there are 10 James running around. Learn to punctuate. - Arbok and Weezing06:00, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 July 20087 comments2 people in discussion
Hey shiningpikablu252 I have just fixed the awful picture on Purugly's page by replacing it with the offical artwork. Now I've done that could you give me some suggestions on what I can do now to improve bulbapedia? User:Agent008User talk:Agent008
Latest comment: 13 July 20081 comment1 person in discussion
Hi, I don't think we've "met" yet, I used to contribute a lot up until about a year ago, and now I'm back... I posted a small question for PAK Man since he's an admin I've been in touch with back then, but he refered me to you and said you'll be of more help... Anyway, I'm copy-pasting the whole thing here:
hi PAK, what's up? Remember me? I wasn't around much this year but now I'm back, and glad to be back... I see a lot's changed here so I'm easing into things... One tiny thing I wanted to ask you as an admin was about "in other languages" sections on articles. I remember a little over a year ago I had an argument with another user (I think it was Maxim) about whether or not we should keep translitations of character names and such in articles. One of the admins (Pie, I think) sided with me eventually, so we kept them. In the meantime, all these names were removed. That part I can understand... But what bothers me a little is that even on pages for Types, many foreign names were removed. I traced back the changes to this user: Siegfried. From what I got from the talk pages, the reason he\she stated was that the games aren't translated to those languages. Thing is, the anime is translated, and in this particular case of Types, it's not even translitations - it's an actual translation, a different word in a different language. Maybe we should reach a decision on the subject once and for all? Thoughts? (Sorry it was so long, lol :))
Hey pal just to let you know that I'm not treating the public sandbox as my own and that if I overwrite something;then feel free to revert it cause I'm too lazy to do it myself. User:Agent008
New User Form Letter
Latest comment: 15 July 20084 comments2 people in discussion
Yea you sent me a new user form letter, and I have a comment on one of the things said...
The word Poké Ball is spelled as two words. The "Poké" part is identical to the four beginning letters in "Pokémon"; "Ball" is spelled with a capital B. The spelling "Pokéball" arises frequently, but is incorrect.
I always figured it was called a "poké ball" because the "poké" part stands for "pocket" in "pocket monsters" making them "pocket balls" which is why they are able to shrink so small to put on someone's belt or in a "pocket size" Felinoel21:17, 14 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 19 July 200822 comments2 people in discussion
I have aquired some disturbing information in my research on Japanese promotions! After comparing pictures and attacks, I think that this Ponyta card from the Unnumbered Promotional cards equals this Ponyta. I also believe the the Pryce's Lapras Information promo equals the one from Pokémon VS. I wouldn't normally be reluctant to make the necessary redirects, but the two Information promos before these two were their own seperate cards. Can you look into this? MoldyOrange01:09, 15 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Dunsparce and Bellossom's Info Pack promos weren't reprints from as far as I could tell. I'd recommend that, first, you try to prove that those other Info Pack promos are indeed reprints and then, if it is proven that they are reprints, to make the redirects and the Pryce's Lapras article. --Shiningpikablu25201:15, 15 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Both of the cards images and attacks are the same as the other counterparts, is that enough proof, or should I try to find more? MoldyOrange01:20, 15 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
OK. That's good enough for me. The Ponyta redirect is already created. As for the Pryce's Lapras, that redirect can come to be once the VS version's article is created. --Shiningpikablu25201:33, 15 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
New problem. This Minun and this Minun are almost exactly the same. Everything, the picture, the attacks and energy costs are exactly the same EXCEPT... the first attack (Minus Energy) on the English Card has 10 as the damage while the promotional card doesn't have any damage for that attack. Do you think they should be the same page with the reprint mistake in trivia, or because of that addition, they should be their own articles? MoldyOrange20:00, 15 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'd go ahead and make the the same page with the reprint difference in trivia. From what I could tell from studying Plusle, it's the English print on Minun that's probably mistaken.
As for that image, either re-upload it without a site stamp (you can do it with the same name as the original image) or slap a deletion tag on it. We don't want to get Bulbagarden in trouble with the original owner of the image. --Shiningpikablu25201:11, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I knew there was a site stamp on it, that was a reason why I didn't necessarily want to put it up. I'll put a deletion tag on it so that it will go onto the evergrowing list on the archives. MoldyOrange01:16, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Do you know what DP-P #97 is? 97+ aren't on the page but I can't find 97 anywhere! 98-102 are all Pikachu given away at Pokémon Centers in Japan. MoldyOrange02:04, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I am confused as hell on the Space Fissure's Deoxys cards! From what I could gather, the three 7th Movie Half Deck cards are their own seperate cards, but the Space Fissure's Deoxys in the "PCG-P" Promotional cards is one card that changes into the three different movie cards depending on the angle it is looked at. I have no idea how to make the pages! Please help! MoldyOrange15:43, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, if there really is a card that can mimic all three forms, then that card should have its own article. Standalone forms should also get their own, with a trivia piece stating that it's one of the forms that can appear on the card that can mimic all three forms. (Keep in mind that the Speed form didn't exist at the time the half deck or Destiny Deoxys was made.) --Shiningpikablu25216:30, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Was there ever an illustrator by the name of Sayuri Midori? The translation I have for the P Promo Pichu Bros says that was the artist, but I've never heard of the person and I can't find the scan anywhere. Should I put this name anyway? MoldyOrange02:04, 19 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I've also went ahead and protected the links. We've already had a stretch where two articles were created with wrong episode titles. I'd hate to have to deal with a stretch of three such articles not too long afterward! --Shiningpikablu25219:36, 15 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Gym Heroes & Gym Challenge
Latest comment: 16 July 20083 comments3 people in discussion
Okay, I'm trying to make sure that the information for Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge and the Japanese expansions Gym 1 and Gym 2 is correct. I'm having trouble finding a decent source of information on Gym 1 and Gym 2 to verify that everything is correct, and the fact that the cards were shuffled around a little for the English expansions complicates things a little, so here are my questions:
"Spy Tactics" is listed as being in Gym 1, but it isn't listed as being in Gym Heroes or Gym Challenge, so what happened to it? Also, if it wasn't given an English release, shouldn't the Japanese card get its own article?
I'm sorry for bothering you with all of these questions, but I can't make sense out of them, but I think you might be able to. Drapion16:46, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Lt. Surge's Secret Plan and Spy Tactics: I suspect they're are one in the same, translated very differently between Japanese and English.
Third Blaine's Growlithe: I suspect it may have been a promotional card added to an English set.
Second Sabrina's Gengar: I suspect it may have come from the Japanese theme deck. Note how one of the English cards is non-holographic, and there is a non-holographic Sabrina's Gengar in the Japanese theme deck? The theme deck page says the Gengar is not theme-deck exclusive, but it's entirely possible that there's an inaccuracy on the theme deck page. Adding weight to that possibility is how the only Sabrina's Gengar listed in the Japanese set on the set page is listed as holographic.
Latest comment: 17 July 20086 comments4 people in discussion
May I suggest you reblock this person for infinity? After all, this person is only a sockpuppet for another person. And this person poses a major threat to this website~Pokemaniac10204:08, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 27 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
This is an urgent SOS I'm putting out to admins.
We're getting a huge vandal attack. I was doing fine taking care of it myself, but now it looks like entire articles are being compromised and being turned into unrecoverable self-redirects. I don't think there's anything I can do.
Mass vandalizing, mainly redoing all of the Lovely and Sightless vandal edits that had been undone. The original vandal said they were fixing a Unicode problem, but I'm pretty certain that was just an excuse to try to avoid being blocked; the Sightless sockpuppet made edits to try to keep pages from being moved back. The Capulet sockpuppet also edited Template:CSS3 columns the way the Just Desserts sockpuppet did, except with a different message (the Just Desserts edits were erased due to their nature).
From what I could tell, the entire Lovely vandal farm did their deeds as a Ph34r copycat, using many of the same demands the original Ph34r made (allowing anonymous edits and not requiring e-mail confirmation, which would certainly lead to larger-scale vandal attacks). --Shiningpikablu25222:25, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Question about fixing articles
Latest comment: 17 July 20085 comments2 people in discussion
I tried to roll back the pages, but it keeps saying that since the one vandal is the only author of the page, it doesn't work. I tried going into the old articles and just copying the text and pasting it into the real article's name, but Zhen told me not to do that on my talk page. What's the trick? I'll do whatever it takes to speed up the repair here. ~Toastypk - Loom.17:15, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Don't worry. I'm investigating every move from the most recent vandal. I've even found the content of an article I thought was irrepairable and moved it back where it belongs. --Shiningpikablu25217:18, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well in the wake of the madness last night, TTEchinda granted me and a few others who were online at the moment, sysop powers so we could fix the damage. I'd just like to help speed everything up while I still can. But according to Zhen I was doing it wrong. What are you doing, just deleting the articles themselves and making them anew? ~Toastypk - Loom.17:33, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, if there are still articles that are running their roots from vandal redirects, then you can try searching for their legitimate content through the search or by rummaging through categories. The search is how I found Wattson's Manectric, which I thought had been irrepairably damaged. Once the legitimate content has been found, it can be moved back to their proper name. Sysops have access to check boxes when trying to move stuff over articles with histories; alternately, the destination can be deleted manually and then moved from there. --Shiningpikablu25217:37, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well as far as I can tell now, (at least according to "Capulet"'s edit history), it looks like most, if not all, of the articles are fixed! Thanks to you and Zhen. :D ~Toastypk - Loom.18:18, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Just Wondering
Latest comment: 18 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
If going with a night owl is our only option, then we'd have to do it. We'd rather try to find someone in an area that can be up normally while other areas sleep. Of course, I doubt Bulbapedia could come up with enough money to piece together an infomerical and buy time on KUAM to try to recruit someone to keep watch...--Shiningpikablu25200:30, 19 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 21 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Shouldn't Giratina and Shaymin's have multiple sprite tables similar to the ones that Deoxys has? This is because in Platinum Version, the Giratina Another Forme and Shamin Land Forme sprites are different to those in DP. DO you think you can help with that. Also, I need help giving the Giratina sprite a transparent background.--Tavisource18:02, 19 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 27 July 20083 comments2 people in discussion
Now that most of the cards in the Japanese promos (i.e. PLAY, DP-P, Deoxys vs Rayquaza Gift Set, etc...) are redirects to the english version, should we still list those promos on the card pages such as Template:C? I think that we should (in order to be complete) but I want to get someone else's opinion first. MoldyOrange20:42, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Okay, so I should only put (excluding movies and non-reprint sets): ADV, PCG, DP, J, T, P, PPP & PLAY, and Unnumbered (and maybe web, I don't know if there are any original cards there yet)... Right? MoldyOrange22:59, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Image quality for TR
Latest comment: 31 July 20084 comments3 people in discussion
I'm going to start uploading scans for all the remaining sets, starting with TR. What do you think of the image quality for this batch? Are they too blurry, or is it alright? --ニョロトノ66620:47, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
All right, TR is done. You're free to delete those cards from the list, as I don't have access to the User namespace, obviously. Thanks! --ニョロトノ66621:25, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Just to let you know I plan to upload as many Fossil scans as possible either tomorrow or over the weekend. Cipher16:14, 31 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Is it OK...?
Latest comment: 27 July 20088 comments2 people in discussion
I sorta did it already! And I won't be on much Thursday, so it would be u already. Actually, how about I keep the column, and on Thursday, huever does it could just switch the image and link?--KukiTalk22:12, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Nope, I'd like to protect from all spoilers. Nothing is confirmed. This means no placeholders.
No they weren't. But I'll cut u a deal. For Brock and Ash, when it airs, u revert it, and then substitute for correct if necessary, cuz I should receive credit for adding column in first place. But keep Dawn, it was confirmed!--KukiTalk22:35, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Grimer was confirmed @ very last scene of preview, when it hugged Dawn. Y ELSE WOOD IT SHOW THAT MUH AFECTION???--KukiTalk22:37, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Previews can be decieving. That Grimer could be one someone else rented and that action is not affection. By your reasoning, the DP034 preview confirmed Ash would be the one to have caught Buizel in the first place, yet that obviously didn't happen. --Shiningpikablu25222:43, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 27 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
The right panel of the Pokemon card doesn't say anything about the levels's not shown anywhere unless you write Pokemon (TCG). ht1422:07, 27 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 28 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Would there be any way to get number 413 off. It isn't something that should be on there and since you were the one who made the template, I thought you should be able to fix it since I don't know how. MoldyOrange18:02, 28 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Ask TTEchidna. He can answer the question better than I can. I merely based the non-categorized infobox off the categorizing infobox, exact code except for categories. --Shiningpikablu25218:05, 28 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
How should I comment about missing or incorrect information on a page?
Latest comment: 30 July 20081 comment1 person in discussion
I had made a comment at the bottom that included my user name, and I'm guessing that is what sparked your spam links comment... Sorry about that.
Try leaving a comment on the talk page.
Additionally, the contents of that page were based on part of the content of the full Trainer Kit, so any inaccuracies in a half deck will reflect in both the half deck's page and the trainer kit's page. --Shiningpikablu25202:51, 30 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 30 July 20083 comments2 people in discussion
That's true, but Gen II was already around long before the official release for Gold and Silver. Marill was even owned by a main character at the time, and if I remember correctly Steelix was one of the many Pokémon revealed before the games release. But never mind, it's really not that important. --electAbuzzzz(TALK)16:25, 30 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
The only way to find out is to dig through news archives of old fansites from nearly a decade ago. It's really not that big a deal. We'll drop it for the sake of doubt. --electAbuzzzz(TALK)16:29, 30 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 30 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Don't you think that was a bit harsh blocking him so suddenly. He didn't get the chance to respond to my warning. I don't know... --☆ケンジガール21:21, 30 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I had to put on the block to stop the flood. For all we know, he was not going to stop the flooding until all Pokémon that can hatch out of an egg were represented.
Thank you...and sorry for doing that. Anyways, I didn't know I could create customized ones. I should've asked before flooding it. Thanks for cleaning up the mess. Want an egg? File:Ash's Larvitar Egg.png Sorry again.
User Subpages
Latest comment: 31 July 20084 comments4 people in discussion
Hi, I've got seven userpages that I don't need anymore (mostly they were to test out code and whatnot): please could you delete them for me?
Also, are we actually allowed to start the purge? I am afraid to start deleting all missions even though Zhen Lin said to. MoldyOrange16:32, 31 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Let's take it on an author-request basis for now until we get clearer instructions on what to do. Even then, we should probably take it somewhat slow--too many deletions at once could possibly cause server problems like too many creations at once can. --Shiningpikablu25218:16, 31 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
In my talk you told me that I was deleting the 'More Credits' code that Woopert made. I don't understand what I did wrong or how I did it wrong. Can you give me a little more details on how I did it wrong, because I don't remember even touching it. I am very concerned about this. --Juan Sanfiel15:44, 2 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
The EpisodeInfobox template contains several fields. "epcode" is for the episode's code. "screen" denotes whether to display a screenshot or not; if that variable reads yes, "screenshot" is the file for the screenshot. "title_en" is for the dub title, "title_ja" is for the original Japanese title in kanji, and "title_ja_trans" is for the original Japanese title translated to English. "broadcast_jp" denotes the original Japanese broadcast date, while "broadcast_us" denotes the initial United States airdate. I'm not sure exactly how "en_series" works. "en_op" is for the dub opening theme, "ja_op" is for the Japanese opening theme, and "ja_ed" is for the Japanese ending theme (no "en_ed" field is included due to there being only one actual English ending theme). "olmteam" denotes the team at Oriental Light and Magic that was given the task of handling the episode. After that comes fields for the credits: scenario, storyboard, director, art, and miscellaneous. Not every episode has the fields for miscellaneous credits; these are being added as pages such as Anime staff by episode (DP051-DP060) are created.
Your edits consisted of mainly editing one of the English-based fields, as well as removing the "morecredits" and "epstaffpage" fields from the infobox. Those latter two fields were inserted by the sysop who came up with the anime staff article system, and you had no reason to remove them.
If you claim that you didn't touch them, then you may have not been editing the most recent version of the page. If you're editing an out-of-date revision, this disclaimer will appear:
WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.
You typically do not want to see that particular disclaimer. Saving changes to an out-of-date revision will ignore all changes since that revision. Only the most up-to-date revision will not show that particular disclaimer. Only update an out-of-date reversion in case of vandalism in consecutive edits.
One more thing: If someone else makes an edit and hits "Save page" before you can, you'll most likely get an edit conflict. In the case of an edit conflict, try to work your work into the previous poster's edit unless it can be judged that the previous poster's edit shouldn't have been made.
"Until it can be proven that "Lv.X" is indeed correct..."
Latest comment: 3 August 20082 comments1 person in discussion
Well, you'll be waiting a long time, because the official site confirms all over that LV.X is the correct terminology. Cipher19:51, 2 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Please help me out here. I don't understand why you regard official terminology - I'm talking about LV.X and the Castforms here - to be incorrect. If it was incorrect, it wouldn't be on the cards. With the DP Series, Nintendo has changed the way forms are regarded, and for the Castform species, that includes a new way to name each of them. Even if PUSA confirms that Temperamental is useable with previous Castforms, that won't affect the new Castforms' names in any way.
I am trying my very best here to help, so please don't disregard what I do to help - and that is aimed only, and directly, at your LV.X argument. Lv.X is incorrect, it's as simple as that. I don't make the terminologies, PUSA does. I'm just enforcing the correct terminology. Cipher18:02, 3 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 August 20085 comments2 people in discussion
You know how users usually have a custom-made sprite in their character info box on their user page? Well Fabu-Vinny deleted mine and some of the other user's. Look on his talk page and see the talk. Well I have no idea why he deleted them. On the archives, he says that it was not in use, but it was ALWAYS in use:
21:10, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Makuhita Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:09, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Ritchie Sprite.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:09, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Skitty Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:07, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Mudkip Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:07, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Magby Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:06, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Elekid Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:06, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Smoochum Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:05, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Teddiursa Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:05, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Wooper Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:05, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Aipom Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:04, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Cleffa Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:04, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Igglybuff Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:03, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Spinarak Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:03, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Chinchou Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 21:03, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Pichu Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:59, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Tracy Sprite.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:59, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Ash Sprite.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:59, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Morrison Sprite.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:58, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Isis's Bibarel.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:54, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Ledyba Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:54, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Sentret Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:53, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Sandshrew Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:53, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Vulpix Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:53, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Psyduck Egg.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) 20:39, 2 August 2008 Fabu-Vinny (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:Janina's Onix.png" (Fan artwork - not in use) --☆Tavisource00:57, 3 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I believe it may have been cleanup of images that may have been deemed outright unnecessary. Of course, this is coming from someone who has no sysop power on the Archives; you'll have to personally ask Fabu-Vinny about this if you want the true story. Granted, it's not like I'm an impostor on To Tell The Truth or anything...--Shiningpikablu25201:01, 3 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I know, but I'm asking you to help solve the problem, cause you are one the the best admins. I talked to him and I still don't understand.Fabu-Vinny said my custom-made sprites weren't used in the mainspace, but I used it for my user page like EVERYONE else does. I need help please.--☆Tavisource01:04, 3 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
The only other explaination I could possibly come up with is that Fabu-Vinny deemed them personal images above your limit and swept them away. --Shiningpikablu25201:07, 3 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I've given help on the user's most recent question. If that user keeps up the constant spam even after this, then go ahead and drop a short block. --Shiningpikablu25205:57, 4 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
User page
Latest comment: 4 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
I want to make my own user page, however, on my computer it always asks if I want to open, save or cancel. I tried this a billion times and if I press OPEN, this blank page pops up and says that there is an error report. If I press SAVE, this other page pops up with files. If I press my user name at the top of the page, it says there is no page. I press start the Juan Sanfiel article, though the same thing happens. Can you help me with this? Please tell me at my talk page. --Juan Sanfiel 10:45, 4 August, 2008
Latest comment: 4 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
You're about to become the second person to best BulbaBot. Do you feel like your life's in danger due to that thing retaliating...? TTEchidna23:50, 4 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
New template for bad TCG images
Latest comment: 5 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
I've created a template that could possibly be used to tag TCG card articles with bad images. It can be found here - it automatically inserts the article into a category called "Pokémon cards with poor images" so they can all be accessed. Input would be appreciated, as I'd like to create it and start implementing it. Double Dash16:24, 5 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Archives: Card scan categories
Latest comment: 6 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
I replied to your comments regarding the categorization of card scans on the Archives if you haven't yet seen it. If it's alright, I'd like to start today with categorizing Base Set and Neo Genesis, unless you have any issues with my proposal. Double Dash15:51, 6 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
Okay...slight problem. I didn't anticipate WPM posting all the remaining scans today, and as I'm gonna be out for most of the day, I'm not gonna have time to get them all done. If it was twenty, I'd be able to finish them when I got back, but forty is way too many. I know it's not ideal, but can you finish off the remaining LA pages for me? You're quicker at making card articles than I am.
This seriously sucks...I wanted to finish LA off, I was really looking forward to being able to say I'd done that. IFDS better be a smaller set... Double Dash10:46, 8 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 August 20084 comments2 people in discussion
By now, some of the Legends Awakened prereleases will be underway, so I think it's safe to remove the "not officially released" notices at the top of all the articles on the set's cards. What do you say? I'm off to a local (somewhat) prerelease myself in a minute, so I won't be able to help much. --ニョロトノ66616:35, 9 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I say we wait until prereleases are underway on the west coast. This should give us enough time to get enough physical copies into the channel.
Alright, that's fine. If no one else reports in within the next few hours, I should be able to find out what the missing cards are in Bombardment, and I'll tell you about 8 or 9 o'clock tonight. See you later. --ニョロトノ66616:39, 9 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I obtained the box for the Bombardment theme deck at the prerelease today, and I've corrected the issue regarding the number of cards in the deck. Turns out there were 4x Taillow cards missing from WPM's list, and there was an extra Poké Radar listed. Wanna know something else? I obtained Azelf LV.X, Mesprit LV.X, and Rhyperior LV.X at the prerelease. Cool, huh? However, I failed at getting any Kingdra or Froslass, which were the priority. I'm a little tired, so I'll finish adding the LA info I learned tomorrow. --ニョロトノ66602:25, 10 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 August 20083 comments2 people in discussion
I guess it wasn't that much, parts in between the wheel on its back were black instead of white. It made the wheel look completely filled in instead of having open spaces. MoldyOrange17:33, 9 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
DP Template
Latest comment: 9 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
Mark them as having unknown illustrators. Exactly how to word it, though, depends on whether cards that do have known illustrators have them listed in either of the Card GB games. If they don't, simply state that the illustrators on the video game-exclusive cards is unknown due to the card being exclusive to the video game. If they do, simply state that the video-game exclusive card doesn't list an illustrator. --Shiningpikablu25201:55, 12 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Robot Chicken Articles
Latest comment: 12 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Just the same, I'm not making any page moves without a large consensus. The notability of spoofs is not entirely clear, and to be safe, I'm assuming a Robot Chicken sketch would not be considered notable in the main namespace. I'd take lower readership over mass flaming if given a choice. --Shiningpikablu25204:10, 12 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
Latest comment: 15 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
There are a couple No. 1 Trainer cards, from the Unnumbered Promotional cards that were made into pages, shouldn't they have all been on one page with the other No. 1 Trainer cards? This was also done with No. 2 and No.3. MoldyOrange16:24, 15 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
From what I saw, the text differs for each event. I say we leave the separate articles in this case, and make their TCG links into disambiguation pages. --Shiningpikablu25216:25, 15 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Maybe you could help...
Latest comment: 16 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
No, it's the Ultra-Pro tag that the company put on their card sleeves (up until Legends Awakened, they did all the Pokémon TCG card sleeves). I've not tagged them as bad images, but scans with sleeve tags aren't ideal. Double Dash23:17, 17 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Given that these cards were scanned in transparent sleeves, I'd wager 2¢ that they might be a sleeve marking. In that case, they should all be tagged as unsatisfactory--we can get better images than those! --Shiningpikablu25223:19, 17 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Can you
Latest comment: 18 August 20084 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 19 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Is there a way to find out which Pokémon are in need of Platinum-standard learnsets for each generation short of doing it manually? If there isn't, that's a problem. --ニョロトノ66622:34, 19 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'd noticed a bum link in the wanted pages to one of the TCG disambiguation pages, except without the space it's supposed to have. Instead of Piloswine (TCG), it read "Piloswine(TCG)". The primary purpose of the edit was to link it correctly. Another Mamoswine article was also edited similarly due to a similar issue; it was due to both articles having that issue that it showed up in the wanted pages. --Shiningpikablu25215:33, 20 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh, of course, I missed that bit when I looked through the revision notes. Cheers. Incidentally, where's this list of wanted pages? There might be something I can help with once I'm done in the Archives. Double Dash15:37, 20 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 20 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Try not to forget those! I know it's a bit odd that I'm giving you advice for a change, but I thought it was kind of important. I mean, you're doing a great job and all, but there's just that one little thing. For moves that are in the games, just go to that move's page and copy and paste the jname and jtrans. Thanks! --ニョロトノ66616:00, 20 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, it's entirely possible that an attack which bears the name of a game attack on the English card could have been an entirely different name on the Japanese card. It's also possible that the cards use different styles of kanji than the games. Copy/paste on the game attacks seems too much of a risk when the possibility for error exists. --Shiningpikablu25216:08, 20 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Legends Awakened Card Images
Latest comment: 20 August 20081 comment1 person in discussion
I added fifteen card images to Legends Awakened articles earlier on, don't forget to take 'em off the list. I added three Holon Phantoms images, too. Double Dash21:31, 20 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Block length
Latest comment: 20 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Why shorten the block length for a vandal? It's clear someone who refers to me as a "faggot mod" is never going to have a change of heart and contribute constructively, so why not simply ban them infinitely? --ニョロトノ66621:47, 20 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I've seen worse vandalism get off easier. Rolfcopter3, for instance, vandalized pages far worse by using a bastardized version of the Bagel Bites jingle--using "n*gger" in place of "pizza"--in greater frequency, and got 1 year. Many felt that was too lenient.
As far as I can tell, one vandal page isn't enough to land infinite, unless said vandal is part of a larger farm. From what I could tell, that "f*ggot mods" comment wasn't frequent enough to deserve infinite.
Latest comment: 24 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Are they still necessary? Legends Awakened and its theme decks are out now, so I'm not sure if we really need to credit PokéBeach for the info any longer. Cipher21:45, 23 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 24 August 20085 comments2 people in discussion
TTE said to delete the Category "Category:Pokémon who have level-up learnsets listed" (no link to avoid wanted pages problem) when all 493 are there; but, The category still appears because of it being onTemplate:Movelist. I don't understand how to remove it without screwing things up, can you take a swing at it? MoldyOrange01:45, 24 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
The category still appears on all Pokémon pages, but that might be due to the many pages that the site has to change. It is usually slow to remove things on just 30 pages, I'd hate to see how long it takes for 493. It could be fixed in about half an hour, if not...we can think of something else. MoldyOrange01:55, 24 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Actually, I couldn't solve the problem of 10 stragglers who just wouldn't leave the category no matter what I did. I had no choice but to restore the template to how it was. We'll just have to wait for TTEchidna. --Shiningpikablu25203:14, 24 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 24 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
For starters, new topics go at the bottom of the page, not the top.
Secondly, no, a category about Pokémon wearing hats is not a good idea. Simply put, Ashachu would be the only notable member of such a category, and categories with only one page in them are usually not a good idea. --Shiningpikablu25221:15, 24 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
If we made a category for Pokémon with one certain feature, we'd have to make categories for Pokémon with other certain features as well. It's best to not have these categories, especially if we ended up having a category on Pokémon that have faces. --Shiningpikablu25221:22, 24 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Are there pokemon without faces? (Magnemite?)
Anyways I don't know what the problem would be with having Category: Horned Pokemon, Category: Pokemon that look like people, Category: Pokemon in hats. It's just specification! I don't understand why that would hurt anything.
This encyclopedia is for its readers. Unless there's a distinct anti-metagame bias on Bulbapedia, factual and neutral analysis can help out those who would play this card.
No other card article has a section like this
Then add more. Game mechanics are part of the game as well. The TCG section is lacking because we don't have enough knowledgeable people interested in editing them, so my edit was actually improving the article.
and calculations are only notable if they're unique
This isn't Wikipedia, we don't have to assert notability of page content. In fact, there's a section on Wikipedia in which they don't have to assert notability of page content either. --Raijinili04:50, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Anyone with basic math skills can figure out an average. There's nothing notable about an attack whose average damage is 30. If we were to note the average damage for Bone Rush on Aura's Lucario ("PCG-P" Promo 92), we'd have to note the average damages for all attacks in the entire TCG.
The only time a damage calculation is notable is if it's outright unique or if it has a major impact on the game (I'm talking along the lines of format bans, not general gameplay). Even then, it would go under the Trivia heading and not a heading of its own.
Look at the card again. Calculating the average damage requires an infinite convergent sum, as well as enough probability knowledge to know how to deal with an infinite number of cases. The vast majority of high school graduates can't do either of those. I might be able to do it, and you might be able to do it, but we're not exactly representative of the target audience of Pokémon, are we?
I consider calculating the homology of a product space given the homologies of the original spaces "pretty easy", but that doesn't make it basic. --Raijinili03:01, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
You're missing the point. We do not include attack calculations in the articles unless they have a major impact on the game, such as a format ban. The only reason Sneasel (Neo Genesis 25) has its Beat Up damage calculation listed is because that damage calculation was part of what led to it being banned in the Modified Format when it first began, and even then that damage calculation is of maximum, not average.
Simply put, average damages are not notable in card articles. Never has been, never will be. If they were to have been, we'd have to include them on all cards with damaging attacks. Please don't include that section on the Aura's Lucario card or any other again, or else there may be consequences. --Shiningpikablu25215:38, 22 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 25 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Japanese: こおりのどうくつ! The Ice Cave!) is episode 250 of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 30, 2002 and was never broadcast in the US or anywhere else outside of Japan (not due to SARS). Jynx is a sterotype that is persumed racist, which is why it got a color change. Check the facts Aura-Knight17:37, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
No, SARS is the entire reason the episode was skipped over. Jynx is not, never was, and never will be a racist stereotype. And there is no way a Pokémon's primary colors will ever be changed due to stupid rumors. --Shiningpikablu25217:40, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
BulbaGarden Forums?
Latest comment: 28 August 20086 comments3 people in discussion
I'm still pretty fresh here, and I just want to know. How do you get to post threads on the BulbaGarden Forums? SharKing18:33, 25 August 2008 (UTC)SharKingReply
Latest comment: 25 August 20088 comments2 people in discussion
Before assuming that it can't learn Draco Meteor, you should try it yourself. I have a legit Toys R Us Mew, and it learned it. However, before trying it, I used an Action Replay to find a non-legit Mew, and the non-legit Mew could not learn it. I even got its happiness high enough so that it showed 2 big hearts, and it still could not learn it. But, with the legit Mew, it couldn't learn it when I had just transferred it from my GBA game, but it could when I got it to maximum happiness. So, Mew can learn it, but it has to be legit, and its happiness rating has to be maximum. Try it yourself. Baby G20:23, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
People have tried it. People have used legitimate Mew, gotten up to maximum happiness, and tried to teach it Draco Meteor from the tutor. They all failed. The same goes for the tutor that teaches Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, and Hydro Cannon. The only thing that would allow the tutor to succeed is a cheat device code.
Please accept the fact that Mew cannot legally learn Draco Meteor. FireRed/LeafGreen set a precedent of introducing tutors that can't tutor Mew, and Diamond/Pearl is simply following that precedent. --Shiningpikablu25220:27, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
That's a different story. Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, and Blast Burn are all signature moves which usually can only be learned by the Pokémon whose signature move it is. Some bird Pokémon have Mirror Move as their signature moves, and Mew can't learn it because Mew doesn't learn any Pokémon's signature move(s). However, Draco Meteor can be learned by 20 Dragon Pokémon, which means I wouldn't consider Draco Meteor a signature move. Baby G20:44, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
That still doesn't change the fact that Mew cannot learn Draco Meteor. The game is programmed to teach only a Dragon-type Pokémon the Draco Meteor move. Is Mew a Dragon-type? No. When it comes to the Draco Meteor move tutor, if you're not a Dragon-type, you get refused service. The fact that Arceus can learn Draco Meteor if it has the Draco Plate attached to it is pretty much the proof you need that Mew cannot legally learn the move--that tutor checks types, not a pre-set compatability list. The elemental hyper beams are a similar story: if you're not a final evolution of a Kanto starter Pokémon (simply a starter Pokémon in Generation IV), the move tutor can't help you.
You're trying to force me to insert that Mew can learn Draco Meteor when I know for a fact that it can't. Trying to force a sysop to commit a blockable offense (inserting false information in this case) is basically bullying in a nutshell. We don't take too kindly to bullies here. --Shiningpikablu25220:57, 25 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Unfortunately, the way that page gets archived is different from the way I typically archive. Since I don't want to deviate from what's worked before, I say we can let it get a little bigger until someone who knows their way around archiving Talk:Main Page can do it. --Shiningpikablu25221:52, 26 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 27 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
I bet 100 smackers that VIZ's Manga Translation (Movie 9 Manga IS translated and released by Viz) also spels it as "Samaya". Someone must check it. --Maxim16:05, 27 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I don't know. Viz released the American DVD, so they'd probably know what got put in the subtitles. It's not like a distributor to put one spelling in DVD subtitles and another in a manga...(Of course, inconsitencies are ALWAYS possible, regardless of medium and handler...) --Shiningpikablu25216:08, 27 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
PMD2 exclusive items?
Latest comment: 29 August 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Wait, lemme get this straight... the items on Cal05000's talk page are listed as Mystery Dungeon 2 exclusives? That's absurd! I've found a new project to work on... Even if I misinterpreted what you're saying, a lot of those still need articles... --ニョロトノ66621:53, 28 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 30 August 20083 comments3 people in discussion
I'm a little confused as to why you marked your edit as minor. Minor edits should only be edits that almost truely don't change the page in any way, but your edit removed too much content for it to be considered minor. Also, your edit summary appears to be the automated edit summary for reverting true vandalism using Rollback. I don't see how my edit was "true vandalism". Baby G18:50, 30 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
1, rollback is used when no benefit came from the edit and the user doesn't feel like it needs to be explained why it was rollbacked. 2, any edit can be minor, it all depends on what the editor feels is minor or not. Just because you don't feel that the edit was minor, Pikablu must have and I agree with him. MoldyOrange18:54, 30 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Besides, as far as I can tell, the rollback function automatically marks the edit minor.
Additionally, rollback isn't specifically just for "true vandalism". Sure, rollback may have been designed with that as its main purpose, but rollback can also be used for stuff such as insertion of false information and the like. --Shiningpikablu25218:57, 30 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
I Was Thinking
Latest comment: 31 August 20083 comments2 people in discussion
Should Ralts go under Status unknown, considering the promise, the statement of starting his journey soon after AG191, and its absence in Max's cameo appearances?--KukiTalk22:19, 31 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
We only have some minor cameos to work on. I wouldn't go for any major shifts just yet. I'd say leave as "befriended" for now, since that's as far as been shown. For all we know, Max could still be at home and not having gone anywhere yet, but he could have also left, reclaimed the Ralts, and already evolved it all the way to Gardevoir. We can change it again if and when something suggesting otherwise happens. --Shiningpikablu25222:25, 31 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
If you get reverted again, I'd go shopping around for other opinions. If people prefer your images over the others, then you should go ahead and ask Moldy for outright permission. --Shiningpikablu25223:05, 31 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Weedle vs. Steel
Latest comment: 1 September 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 2 September 20082 comments2 people in discussion
I was just browsing through the special pages and logs, and I noticed that you blocked EditMaster with an expiry time of infinite for replacing the contents of pages with gibberish. I think we need to uphold a standard of less-severe block lengths for less-severe vandals. As an example, Servercrash replaced the content of a page with "HEY THERE KIDS I'M GONNA FIND OUT WHERE YOU LIVE A RAPE YOUR FAMILY," among other vandalism, and only got a year. Don't you think infinite is a bit harsh for EditMaster? --ニョロトノ66620:45, 2 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
That wasn't me who blocked EditMaster. It was TTEchidna. I probably would have slapped maybe 6 to 9 months, a year at harshest. Probably closer to six months, since Servercrash's edits were a bit more offensive than EditMaster's. --Shiningpikablu25220:47, 2 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
For the record, this is the block log on EditMaster's block:
You'll notice that my username doesn't appear anywhere on that block log. My username does appear on the block log right above EditMaster's (the one for NIGGERSLOL, blocked for infinite due to an unacceptable username), so that may be where you thought I was the one who blocked EditMaster.--Shiningpikablu252
Latest comment: 3 September 20085 comments3 people in discussion
Can you unprotect this page for me? I'm trying to get in contact with Water Pokémon Master regarding the name of the next set, which I believe I've found, and when I can confirm it, I'm gonna want to move and edit the page as necessary. I don't think there's any worry of edit wars on any of the protected pages. Cipher17:39, 3 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Best scratch that, actually, until we know that Stormfront is IFDS. As WPM said, it could be Galactic's Conquest. I'm looking around now for somewhere that has the set description as that'll clear up which set it is. Cipher18:27, 3 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, best we leave the protection until a source, such as a prerelease image or a press release, hints at Stormfront content pointing one way or the other.
For all we know, it could be Intense Fight with movie-11-based cards swapped out (ala Shining Darkness with some Japan DP4 cards in place of the movie-10-based cards). Or it could be Galactic's Conquest with some third-version-based cards swapped out. Or it and the following set could even be bits-and-pieces sets like Majestic Dawn, each using content from both Japanese sets as well as the next Entry Pack and some promos, and forcing us to leave Intense Fight and the yet-to-be-made Galactic's Conquest at the Japanese names. Until we get strong hints, it's best we not do anything.
Aye, I'll be sure to. As I say, I'm on the look out for anything related to Stormfront, so I'll let you know if I find anything. Cipher20:19, 3 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 5 September 200818 comments4 people in discussion
Hi. There's been some edit-warring by Jmath regarding the sprites on these two pages today... Could you give us a sysop ruling please? Should they stay or go? (I'm only asking you because you're online right now...) My vote is stay, BTW, at least for HSOWA (since it's a fan article to begin with). Thanks. --electAbuzzzz16:56, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Sorry about the edit-warring before but I really feel that the sprites should not be here. The HSOWA one is fine since the whole article is fan-made. But the other one is a real page not some fan-made thing. So why keep something fan-made in it? Jmath18:04, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I have to agree with electAbuzz, sorry about randomly stepping in here. Just because it's a fan-made sprite doesn't mean it shouldn't be on there, it's a perfectly good sprite, it's not like it was half-heart-ly made and looks like something a 5-year-old made. ~~Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛18:11, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
But the page is not a fan-made article. It's something real and only a real picture belongs there. Not a fan interpretation of it. Jmath18:15, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh right, yeah in that case i agree [/sarcasm]. How many official pictures of a half Skitty half Wailord are there? |: None. I think the sprite makes the article look better, and it adds more lulz to it. ~~Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛18:26, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
There's nothing official about the Skitty-Wailord thing because it's only a fan page. Like they are going to have pics of a Skitty and a Wailord doing it. Jmath18:38, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Give me five minutes and i can find you pictures of Skitty and Wailord doing it, unofficial pictures of course, but of course they don't have official pictures of that, I mean, there is no official Pokémon-pr0n. But thats irrelevant. If it's only fan-made thing, then why aren't you debating to have the actual article deleted? Hmmm? I mean, in case you haven't noticed, "HSOWA" is a fan-term, same with "So i herd u leik Mudkips" and "**** YEAH SEAKING", but they don't have an article. c: ~~Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛18:46, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Then there are a lot of other pages that would have to be deleted with this. So there's no point in deleting any of them. Jmath18:53, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oops~ Must have mis-read, but even so i agree with both sprites being kept. Even if it is fan-made, as long as it doesn't look crappy, It should stay in my opinion. ~~Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛19:05, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
What's the point of doing it like that? We don't have fan sprites for every page without a picture. (off-topic: sorry Shiningpikablu for cramming up your talk page like this.) Jmath19:19, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
A fan sprite's better than nothing when it comes to Zapmolcuno. Sure, a manga scan would be even better, but if we don't have one, we might as well keep that fan sprite. --Shiningpikablu25219:29, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 6 September 20082 comments2 people in discussion
I'd just leave him unblocked for now. It may have been inadvertent that he replaced the page with that. Here's how: copied the entry off Wikipedia, forgot he had copied it, pasted it and hit save before he saw what he had done. He thought he was pasting someone else. I'd give him another chance. --ニョロトノ66619:23, 6 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
why did you delete chapa its my only page i have created apart from my userpage???!!!
Because fan creations are not notable in the main namespace. If we allowed fan creations in the main namespace, Bulbapedia would be rampant with them and become one huge mess as one tries to sort canon from fanon. --Shiningpikablu25201:29, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 7 September 20085 comments2 people in discussion
I've found the product information sheet. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that it's Intense Fight. Dusknoir and Regigigas are featured, Dusknoir LV.X and Machamp LV.X are mentioned, and Gyarados and Tyranitar are confirmed as the main feature Pokémon of the theme decks. Everything fits, even the dual Trainer cards. Cipher10:40, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Eh, I think we should hold on for a bit. If we dropped it now, it's possible Sunain might come out of hiding and try to outright purge the IFDS name from the article, especially since I just unprotected it. The alternate translation can be dropped from the article itself when you think it's fully safe to do so; its redirect stays. --Shiningpikablu25216:14, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Aye, that's the wisest thing to do. I'll give it a few weeks, see if she turns up. If not, I'll remove it, 'cos it's just unnecessary. On that note, I've changed the infobox on Stormfront as necessary. Cipher16:22, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Lay off
I'm new here, so give me a break for god's sake. I'll change it now, so you can stop dogging on me. I had apologized to you, but I guess you looked at my page and got agrivated. You might think I'm lying about my shinies, I assure you that I have them, now quit trying to get me banned. User:Xknight 511
While we are at it
Latest comment: 7 September 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Would it be possible to incorporate the Moonlight Pursuit/Dawn Dash article into their English translation sets? The way it is now makes it look like they are seperate sets, but they really aren't. Also, that template will be getting bigger and bigger as time goes on and I am trying to look for more ways to condense the size of it. MoldyOrange18:38, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'll look into it, but I can't really see it being possible. If Great Encounters was entirely Moonlit Pursuit and Majestic Dawn was entirely Dawn Dash, then it'd be possible, but I think it's better as it is than trying to split it up. Cipher19:25, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 September 20082 comments2 people in discussion
I'm sorry about my sig problem. I was just getting used to the standards here. Can you ever forgive me? (This is a nicer version of my previous message) --☆X-Knight☆511♂19:44, 9 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Trust me, those comments I made were for the best. Heeding warnings is probably one of the best things a new contributor can possibly do.
I made some minor customization modifications. Swap in a picture using the first field, and a different size using the second field. For example, if you still want a good-size Machoke, put it in as {{:User:Shiningpikablu252/Black|067.png|50}}.
Why, exactly, are you doing that? The moves are misspelled; that's why I went through and corrected them all in the first place. The CamelCse is the appropriate spelling. Why are you removing it? --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh))07:17, 10 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
No, the stuff such as "SolarBeam" and "ThunderPunch" are wrong. The first Mystery Dungeon was the first game to case-sensitize names, and they did everything correctly. Stuff such as "FlameThrower", "BubbleBeam", "PickUp", and "BlackGlasses" are wrong, and anything that says that is in error; they are, always have been, and always will be correctly Flamethrower, Bubblebeam, Pickup, and Blackglasses.
Even though I don't know where this occurred, SolarBeam and ThunderPunch are correct. Of course they are. The first MD games are third-generation, so the CamelCase spellings can be considered correct as of the fourth generation. Personally, I find the notion that games as important in the Pokémon canon as DPP would get something like that wrong utterly ridiculous.
Oh, and to prove my point, Mystery Dungeon 2 uses SolarBeam and ThunderPunch as well. Has that been case-sensitized incorrectly too, then? Cipher16:50, 10 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
It's NEVER OK to capitalize something in the middle of a word that's not a proper name. Moves, abilities, items, and the like are not considered proper names. The only way capitalizing the fourth B in Bubblebeam would be considered correct would be if it were "Bubble Beam". Trust me, any error like "SolarBeam" will never stick. --Shiningpikablu25216:55, 10 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
The Mr. Mime thing was an accident. I hit undo to your edits, as I couldn't see any changes other than removing the CamelCase. I apologize.
And if you really do believe that, I don't think this is the best way to go about it. You should be discussing these things with the other admins, not just passively-aggressively removing links to them. Open a dialogue if you really want to get things done.
Finally, I'd just like to point out that I'm with Cipher on this one (obviously). And I'd also like to point out that it IS Flamethrower, not FlameThrower. Same with Superpower. Those two always throw me off because they're actual words, not condensations of two words. --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh))16:58, 10 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
CamelCase in those specific instances is correct. Don't ask me why the game did it like that. But we do it according to the games, and well, that's what they say. TTEchidna05:17, 11 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for correcting PS030. When I wrote it I was mostly trying to accent my és and get a synopsis out there. Here is the newest page of manga that I have written. I think that it is finished (apart from the missing image), and the link templates should be correct. I was wondering if you could take a quick look at it and make sure I'm not missing anything. Thanks --RexRacer02:57, 12 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
If you think we should delete them, then we should delete Drew's Butterfree and Harley's Ariados, Octillery, or Wigglytuff. --ケンジのガール20:44, 14 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
There will be no direct deletions over these notability disputes. Anything deemed not of notability quality will be redirected to their respective trainer's article. For example, if Jimmy's Beedrill loses its battle, it'll be redirected to Jimmy (Johto)#Pokémon.
Given how Harley's Ariados is more notable than Harley's Octillery who in turn is more notable than Harley's Wigglytuff, if Harley's Ariados is said to be non-notable, all three get turned into redirects.
Drew's Butterfree has already recieved this treatment. If Harley's Ariados or Octillery have their notability called into question, a case against Drew's Absol could be made as well. --Shiningpikablu25222:05, 14 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Since POP Series 8 is coming out tomorrow, there will be a couple of things we need to do. First off, it is highly likely that these cards will be coming from the "DP-P" Promotional cards. I am sending this message to anyone who would probably be the ones making the cards. Make sure that the articles aren't already made under the DP-P promo name, we can just move these and revise and it will be a lot less work. Also, the disambig's. will need to be changed, and redirects will need to be created. Just saying this so that everyone knows what is going on and that the couple of pages might already be named under something else. MoldyOrange22:56, 14 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Some non-admin users are able to block admins like you...did they hack into the account or something? Because I had looked on the Block User log and you HAD BEEN blocked multiple times, and so did Politoed666 and Unown Lord. What's with that?--☆Tavisource02:10, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I think you're reading it wrong. The first name that appears is the user who did the blocking. The name afterwards is the blockee. --ケンジのガール02:14, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I think so...I really sick, so my eyes might be messing around, because I can see it clearly now. But I'm pretty sure I've read an article here about people being able to hack in and blck other users...that, I was fully conscious and I wasn't sick that time.--☆Tavisource02:16, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I don't recall any instances of non-sysops hacking into the system to block users. Not on Bulbapedia, at least. There have been sysops who've left Bulbapedia and no longer have the power, though.
And if you see what you think is a sysop's name as the blockee as opposed to the blocker, odds are the actual blockee is a vandal impersonating that sysop. Such action, as well as impersonation of other good-faith users, tends to be one of the MOs of known or alleged JohnnyRebel sockpuppets, using either intentional misspellings or system flaws. I should know, I was impersonated on that initial spree (though I wasn't evne close to having sysop powers at the time)...--Shiningpikablu25202:21, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
With access to a web server, it's possible to make your own e-mail addresses... I have a personal website on a free webhosting server, and there's the ability to create e-mail accounts in there (I'm limited to 100 different e-mail addresses). Someone with access to something like that could theoretically make as many accounts as they liked here. Of course, it does make them rather easy to track, since every e-mail account would end in "". --Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^12:43, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
And Re: what you said about a non-sysop user blocking another, I think you may be referring to a user who withdrew their e-mail address from a sibling's account, I saw that on someone's talk somewhere, forget whose. Theininen21:37, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh, I remember that whole incident well. Frazer Ketchum withdrawing brother Sailor Earth's e-mail address (which does not show up on the block logs), then bragging about it and taking joy in someone else's misery. Frazer Ketchum was himself blocked for infinite shortly afterward for intimidating behavior/harassment, and Sailor Earth eventually found a way back on (but ultimately had to abandon the account due to technical problems). --Shiningpikablu25221:41, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
But the titles of episodes are reflectant of the title card. That episode's title card said "Don't Touch That 'dile", So that is the correct title. MoldyOrange23:28, 16 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'm afraid that sysop didn't know exactly where those titles were linked. The titles of chapters in Zensho, except for the Prologue, are named after where they largely take place, and that's why those links bore those names. Simply put, chapter 2 in Zensho is called "Nibi City", and Nibi City (Zensho) should NOT redirect to Pewter City for that very reason. Do you understand my drift? --Shiningpikablu25200:00, 17 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I adapt cannot me here. It forgives me, but I will leave my email in the Bulbapedia here, only that I will come back to see the news! I cannot be without making nothing, I am inexperienced and all time that I try to help, they remove! Good bye, Pokedigo
Well, I'd probably give them unique categories if anything.
However, I'd also advise asking someone else for their take on the issue. If they say the Appendix namespace should not be categorized by default, I wouldn't force anyone to do so. --Shiningpikablu25202:30, 18 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I smell a coming edit war, so I'll get straight to the point.
Ash is a main character. Merging Ashley and Ashachu into the article would make the article way too big, plus the fact that both alternations had major impacts makes these alternations notable.
Baron Alberto is basically a character of the day. Any forms he takes can be decently covered in his article without making it too big. His own Lickilicky--which is assumed is what Baron Alberto transformed into, since Baron Alberto was only in Lickilicky form while the real Lickilicky under the effects of Dark Void--is not notable for its own article, hence there shouldn't be a separate article for Baron Alberto as a Lickilicky. This alternation, in addition, didn't have a particularly large impact to make it notable enough for its own article.
In closing: We're not splitting Baron Alberto's article. Whatever can be covered about the Lickilicky form can be decently done so in the Baron Alberto article. And don't go using the "we have this, so we should have that" argument--all it does is lead to flame wars and mass protections. --Shiningpikablu25219:41, 18 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Is there any specific procedure for splitting an article (I'm thinking of splitting the Pokémon Ranger (trainer class) page into a page about the class and a page about the Ranger characters)? It doesn't seem like there would be any way to preserve page history in the process, but if there is, I'd better know about it before I begin.
Well, you made it so that it says that I have completed the National PokéDex, when I haven't. You also put stars next to my favorite Pokémon, and I do know that that is the template, but I tweaked it a bit. I don't see why the edit was needed. --RexRacer20:46, 22 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
The edit was needed because you had copied-and-pasted tag code exactly to the point where your userpage was categorized as a usertag. That's why I made the edit in the first place.
The templates are in categories such as Category:Favorite tags, etc. When you copy-paste the entire coding instead of just the tag, you're adding your userpage to these categories by mistake as well. If you want to customize the tag for your userpage, that's fine, but make sure to remove the categories and "template only" coding from it first. --Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^21:01, 22 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
When the card information comes from the official TCG website, which is more appropriate to link? Go-Poké or Go-Poké Surely the latter? It's not notable enough for its own page here. Cipher20:07, 22 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
And why wouldn't the official Japanese card website not be notable? If anything, it is more notable than the English websites, it has more information that we use and it is one of the official websites, there aren't very many of those. MoldyOrange21:16, 22 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Although I fail to see how it is "more notable" than the English-language website, I definitely think it should be considered a viable source. It is official, after all. --ニョロトノ66621:18, 22 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
If a comment is more fit for the forums, then sysops or other trusted users take out the comments that belong on the forums. That's the reason the comment in question (basically someone wishing Ash was going to soon capture the Hippopotas) was removed in the first place, although the summary didn't state it. --Shiningpikablu25201:40, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Please consult with me before deleting this page. I was in the middle of working on an expansion of the IQ skills sections of Bulbapedia, which I'm starting to get the impression that it is unwelcome. KelvSYC01:52, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
You've got three sysops saying that pages for individual IQ skills are not notable. Information on all IQ skills can and will go on one page. Odds are that, if you fight three sysops, you'll lose. Yes, we could use expansion on IQ skill information within reasonable means--such means are expanding the existing lists or adding a new list on IQ, NOT giving each skill an individual page. The template was deleted because its only purpose was to link to pages for each individual IQ skill, pages that would quickly be deleted for being non-notable.
I hope you understand what we sysops are doing. While we'd support the expansion of the lists of IQ skills, what you're insisting on doing is going too far. --Shiningpikablu25201:56, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
I don't think any of you have played MD2. Not all Pokémon learn all IQ skills in that game. While you could have gotten away with it in the first game by putting everything on one page, you can't as easily in MD2. Furthermore, you and these two other sysops are posing as a disincentive to make a massive addition such as this. Thus, I assert that you and the other two sysops are acting in bad faith, and are actively preventing me from making any significant additions. If that is the case, I can always pack up and contribute to some other Pokémon wiki that will appreciate these efforts. KelvSYC02:03, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, then maybe you should have discussed your ideas with the sysops BEFORE you made any reversions and got into this edit war. Trying to force sysops to agree with you is not the way things get done around here, and such force will probably make such sysops less likely to agree with you. Honestly, if something I did was reverted for being a bad idea, I'd consult with people before re-implementing that idea, in case it turns out it really was a bad idea. --Shiningpikablu25202:08, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh, so Bulbapedia is not, in fact, a wiki, and that every edit that I make have to go through some "approval process" before making it into these hallowed pages. That's a load of bunk. Again, I contend all three of you are acting in bad faith. Honestly, I probably won't contribute here until I get a full written apology, and believe me there are still lots of faults with how it is now. That's how much of a disincentive you are making it to edit here. KelvSYC02:16, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, it's pretty evident that it isn't, judging from how the sysops handle things here. Apparently, sysops can make arbitrary deletions without warning here, for one. At least on Wikipedia they give you the courtesy of civil discussion first. KelvSYC02:35, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Wikipedia is based on true, hard facts, with citations and all that jive. we derive our information straight from the games. if its wrong, its wrong. now, we do allow some room for argument, but, if something isnt wrong but maybe not overly notable, it get relegated to sysop review, and put in its place. as i said, THIS IS NOT WIKIPEDIA. -- MAGNEDETH02:43, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Common wikiquette (and just publishing anything, for that matter) states that peer discussion comes after posting. The admins did not do so - they just simply deleted it, and made it as if I had never made these changes. That's what they call poor ethics in most circles. But it's clear that Bulbapedia is not a wiki in the true sense. Users don't have the freedom to edit without a sysop watching over their shoulder - if anything this is telling me that Bulbapedia is no more than a Serebii or Smogon clone - except with loyalty being rewarded with the actual ability to make constructive edits. The disincentive to make a useful contribution here is in conflict with Bulbapedia's mission statement. At least on Wikipedia ordinary users tell you after the changes why it wasn't a good idea, and you can engage in useful debate – the onus is on the editor to revert the changes in good faith. Here, you don't have that luxury - it's just "X is not notable enough, don't argue with us" and "Heil Sysop". Sysops will actively push you to pull the trigger and make some stupid statement before they even afford the ability of civil discussion. That's promoting community spirit for you. KelvSYC03:04, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
One thing, do this when starting a new comment (:). Moving on. As stated many, MANY, MANY times before, this ISN'T WIKI. We already established that. And besides, we're debating now, aren't we? ht1403:10, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
This is "debating after all hell has broken loose". That's not civil discussion - you need to debate before all hell breaks loose. Bulbapedia doesn't have "debate". All it has is a trigger-happy deletionist sysop clique and an editorial process that's in no way transparent or accountable. KelvSYC03:22, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
That's because you chose to have all hell break loose first and debate afterward. You'd be surprised how differently-toned a conversation would look if one would have chosen to debate first and then let all hell break loose if it came to that. --Shiningpikablu25203:24, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
So, did you debate before letting hell break loose and deleting all my hard work? I didn't think so. You should practice what you preach. KelvSYC04:08, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
so on that basis, if a vandal attacks, i should ask him if its ok to revert his edits? "excuse me Ph34r, but, can you cite resources why you changed Bulbasaur's name to "Dumbsaur"?" -- MAGNEDETH04:52, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
It seems to me that what he's asking is for you to know in advance what Ph34r will do, then ask him to cite his sources for what he's about to vandalize. --((Martonimos))05:09, 24 September 2008 (UTC)::::Reply
And vandalism is the same how? Besides, vandals are at least warned with a short blurb saying something relating to the sandbox. I made an honest edit and all I got was a vague one-liner. KelvSYC05:57, 24 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 October 20088 comments2 people in discussion
It's been long since decided that a calculation like that on the Bone Rush attack is not notable for the article.
Then it would be a good idea to show me where that was decided, no?
Do we state that Geodude from Fossil's average attack damage is 10 in a separate section?
"It hasn't been done before" is not an acceptable reason not to do something, unless it's been previously been brought up and failed.
No, we don't, because attack calculations are not notable unless they have a major impact on the game (such as a format ban).
Notability is not a condition for adding information, only for creating articles.
If we were to keep the section you've been insistent on adding onto this card article, we'd have to add that section onto ALL cards with damaging attacks and state their average damages. If we were to put down that Wooper from EX Unseen Forces had an average damage of 10 for its first attack and 20 for its second in a completely separate section, that would make things confusing indeed.
That's a slippery slope argument. As I noted before, the average damage in this particular case is not easy to determine by the target audience of this wiki (i.e. not everyone who comes here knows calculus).
Case in point: That section you're insistent on adding is completely unnecessary.
Why is it unnecessary? There are many definitions of "unnecessary", and the one you seem to be using is that it tells people specifics about how an obscure and mostly-useless card works. In that case, is the damage calculation less necessary than listing the HP, weakness, resistance, retreat cost, type, and energy cost? After all, they're stated information, not derived information.
Please don't put that section back onto that article or any other article, or else you may find yourself on the outside looking in.
I tried to resolve the conflict with you (because a wiki should not be guided by "winning" or "losing", but agreement) and you ignored me for whatever reason. I waited long enough so that you would be on Bulbapedia and editing, and I assumed that you had nothing more to say on the matter.
As for your threat, a major principle of a wiki is collaboration. Even as an admin you are not empowered to make decisions about content policy, only enforce them. Unless you can show me where this decision was made, you shouldn't enforce it.
The way I see it, I'm pro-obscure-info and you're anti-clutter. Of course, you can make up your own labels which are more supportive of your cause, but I would probably dispute them. --Raijinili08:50, 26 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
The case in the Bone Rush attack on the Lucario in question is a very similar case to the attack on the Geodude in question. It doesn't matter exactly how the average is calculated, average damages for each attack are not notable to be on the pages.
I moved it back up because it was a continuation of the previous discussion.
The case in the Bone Rush attack on the Lucario in question is a very similar case to the attack on the Geodude in question.
Which, once again, doesn't matter if the Geodude in question was never involved in a similar dispute. I already responded to this with "just because it hasn't been done doesn't mean we shouldn't do it."
...average damages for each attack are not notable to be on the pages.
Which, once again, doesn't matter because notability isn't a specific condition of adding content to pages, only adding pages to the wiki. To say that it's "not notable enough to be on the page" assumes that there's a point at which things are notable enough to be on pages, and that's not part of the criteria for adding content to pages so the whole premise fails.
And the entire dispute was resolved a long time back.
You've said that already. I've challenged it already. You ignored my challenge and claim once again that it was "resolved" without, once again, showing me where it was resolved.
I asked you two times to show me where it was decided that Geodude's damage calculation didn't belong. You ignore me and then threaten me when I add it back. I can only assume that you are lying about the "decision". --Raijinili08:33, 3 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Damage calculations have never belonged on card articles unless one has had a huge impact on the metagame. We don't even list the 2320 damage possibility on Omastar from Neo Discovery, which is believed to have the current non-infinite highest maximum damage calculation around, mainly because it's not a metagame-changer (Pokébeach had it as a trivia question once, but most of the poll takers were fooled and Pokébeach even described the method wrong). If we don't list that, there's no reason we should list average damages on a flip-to-tails attack with a 10× or 30× base damage (and, by extension, all damaging attacks in the entire TCG). End of story. --Shiningpikablu25215:10, 3 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Once again, bringing up examples in which it's never been an issue doesn't prove what you want it to prove. By your logic, we should've never added the Diamond and Pearl Pokémon in the first place because they haven't been added before. Precedent means nothing unless a decision was actively made. Your examples show no sign of an edit conflict and resolution. And you still haven't shown me where it's been brought up before. --Raijinili23:34, 3 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 October 20087 comments3 people in discussion
What's the point of Shipping, anyways? How does it benefit Bulbapedia? It just wastes space...there's no main purpose for shipping on a Pokémon Encyclopedia. Who started it annyways?...sorry, if I'm offending some people, but shipping doesn't really help anything on Bulbapedia...that's what I think...what about everyone else?--☆Tavisource04:23, 30 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
There is a reason we stuck it in its own namespace instead of putting the pages with the main ones. I think they're fine as long as they're kept isolated like that. --((Martonimos))23:48, 30 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
So we should do a clean-up once in a while, getting rid of all the shippings that are useless...there are millions of chacters in Pokemon, which make billions of shippings...not good...too many--☆Tavisource03:13, 1 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
...Luckily; all these shippings are driving me crazy...but I do like PearlShipping and SapphireShipping...look at the last section of Moldy orange's page.--☆Tavisource03:17, 1 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 October 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 2 October 20085 comments3 people in discussion
I've been getting harassed by Jmath, and now,in a letter he sent me, is threatening to get me an infinite block on BP, and I'm sick of him. This started over Dragonite pic, and I'm trying to tell him that a pic in its most recent appearance is better, but he won't stop reverting it. Please, I can't take him anymore, HELP ME!--KukiTalk16:01, 2 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Can you send me the offending material? I want to keep a secure channel, so I'm requesting you do it through a PM on the forums. Same username, except all lowercase. --Shiningpikablu25216:04, 2 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Your edit to Template:Shipping redirect caused all shipping redirects to display this code in the area where the link to the matching page in the Shipping namespace should be:
By making that edit, you made sure that every single one of our 0 shipping redirects did not reach their intended destinations. For example, instead of being able to get to Shipping:CommonerShipping, the CommonerShipping shipping redirect was left linked to only the two characters involved. Other shipping redirects, such as History of Pokémon shipping, were made dead-end pages (of which $1 should be the only page in the list).
Had your edit been allowed to stand, shipping traffic would have ground to a standstill since the shipping redirects wouldn't work. Templates are sensitive things, and reckless edits to them could cause side effects for all of Bulbapedia. --Shiningpikablu25221:48, 2 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Poli, let me ask you something: why do you always only look at the number of contributions when voting on nominees? Quality over quantity, right? If a user is good and fits the profile, why does it matter if he's done 500 or 5000 edits to the mainspace? The minimum limit was set at a certain number - that should be enough. There are users with a million edits who could never make good admins in a million years, and there are users who would make amazing admins even with "only" 500 edits. --electAbuzzzz20:48, 3 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yes, quality is important. However, volume is too, and the sheer number of PsychicRider's edits are reverts. I'll vote for him when he tops 1000 contribs. As for other users, I haven't noticed much quality in the edits of many of those nominated. --ニョロトノ66620:55, 3 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Pokemon Special
Latest comment: 4 October 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Should there be one page on a notable pokemon that a charcter owns for example Red's Pika and Saur have thier own pages should Saur stay?
So like can page like Sapphire's Torchic be made?--☆Coolピカチュウ!03:59, 4 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
The notability lines for Pokémon in Special are a bit foggy at the moment. It's hard to tell where to draw it; however, Pika and Saur are believed to fall within the notability boundaries no matter where the line is drawn. (Chuchu is in a gray area; the Red Gyarados article represents multiple canons where all multiple Generation II versions, including one from Special, are represented.)
I'd advise waiting until the notability lines are clearly drawn. Even then, concerning Sapphire's Torchic, you'd be best off creating the article at a nickname and covering all evolution stages--it did evolve all the way to Blaziken, you know. --Shiningpikablu25204:05, 4 October 2008 (UTC)Reply