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Revision as of 07:23, 8 December 2008

← Buried Relic
Wish Cave
Murky Cave →
Wish Cave
ねがいの どうくつ
Pokémon recruitable Yes
Floors 99
Item allowance Allowed
Money allowance 0
Team members 4
Starting level 1
Predominant type None
Boss Jirachi

Wish Cave (Japanese: ねがいの どうくつ Wish Cave) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. It is home to Jirachi and contains 99 floors. Any Pokémon entering the dungeon are reduced to level 1, returning to their original level on exiting it. The game will be saved compulsarily before entering and the amount of money carried will be reduced to 0.

After clearing Pitfall Valley and obtaining the Blue Sky Meadow Friend Area in an optional mission, Medicham and Ekans will appear in front of Whiscash Pond. After talking to them for a few days, a rescue mission for Medicham will appear on the notice board. Accepting it unlocks this dungeon. Medicham is found on floor 20.

The Wish Stone is received as a reward for rescuing Medicham and can also be found on floor 50. If the player has this item and doesn't recruit Jirachi, it will grant one of the following wishes on defeat:

Wish Effect
Lots of Money Jirachi will give between 10,000 and 18,000 Poké
Lots of Items Jirachi will give random items that can be found in Wish Cave.
Friend Area Jirachi will give one of the Friend Areas to the rescue team for free.
More Power Jirachi will give Joy Seeds and drinks.
Something Good? Jirachi will either:
Raise the rescue rank to the next level OR
Recruit a non-boss Pokémon the team doesn't have, giving the required friend area in the process if necessary.

The Leaf Stone, King's Rock and Up-Grade can only be obtained through purchase from Kecleon's stall in this dungeon.

Porygon2 is exclusive to Blue version.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
069 Bellsprout 1-3 1 9.3%
081 Magnemite 1-3 1 12.8%
191 Sunkern 1-3 1 5.2%
039 Jigglypuff 1-4 2 -19%
173 Cleffa 1-4 1 13.1%
010 Caterpie 2-4 1 10.2%
183 Marill 4-6 8 -19%
019 Rattata 5-7 3 9.5%
175 Togepi 5-10 7 7.9%
304 Aron 7-10 6 7.8%
100 Voltorb 8-10 3 8.1%
280 Ralts 11-13 8 1%
307 Meditite 11-14 6 5.5%
343 Baltoy 11-14 5 5.6%
074 Geodude 12-14 5 9.1%
177 Natu 13-17 8 9.4%
374 Beldum 15-17 5 7.8%
066 Machop 17-25 11 10.5%
220 Swinub 17-25 8 10.9%
227 Skarmory 18-19 10 6.8%
328 Trapinch 21-28 11 8.3%
167 Spinarak 26-32 11 7.8%
309 Electrike 26-33 12 7.8%
207 Gligar 31-35 12 8.5%
032 Nidoran♂ 33-37 12 12.6%
125 Electabuzz 33-37 12 Unrecruitable
310 Manectric 36-40 10 Unrecruitable
128 Tauros 36-43 15 7.9%
063 Abra 38-42 16 10.4%
198 Murkrow 39-42 14 7.2%
168 Ariados 42-46 14 Unrecruitable
206 Dunsparce 43-44 13 7.6%
290 Nincada 44-49 14 7.4%
371 Bagon 46-49 16 7.6%
042 Golbat 46-50 10 -19%
064 Kadabra 46-50 30 -19%
030 Nidorina 47-50 15 -19%
033 Nidorino 47-50 15 -19%
126 Magmar 47-50 21 Unrecruitable
314 Illumise 47-52 20 7.3%
101 Electrode 50-55 20 Unrecruitable
205 Forretress 51-53 23 Unrecruitable
051 Dugtrio 51-55 20 Unrecruitable
106 Hitmonlee 51-56 22 Unrecruitable
107 Hitmonchan 51-56 22 Unrecruitable
322 Numel 53-56 14 8.1%
132 Ditto 53-64 25 6.8%
219 Magcargo 56-61 21 Unrecruitable
324 Torkoal 57-59 15 8.1%
111 Rhyhorn 58-61 16 7.7%
221 Piloswine 59-63 16 Unrecruitable
024 Arbok 60-64 21 Unrecruitable
204 Pineco 61-64 18 9.4%
305 Lairon 62-64 17 -19%
375 Metang 62-64 17 -19%
372 Shelgon 65-69 19 -19%
335 Zangoose 65-70 18 7.2%
109 Koffing 71-75 20 7.9%
112 Rhydon 71-76 23 Unrecruitable
219 Magcargo 71-77 21 Unrecruitable
075 Graveler 72-75 22 -19%
240 Magby 72-76 17 9.5%
031 Nidoqueen 74-76 20 Unrecruitable
076 Golem 76-79 15 -30%
034 Nidoking 77-79 21 Unrecruitable
126 Magmar 77-80 21 Unrecruitable
233 Porygon2 80-83 20 10%
088 Grimer 80-85 20 12.2%
323 Camerupt 80-85 25 Unrecruitable
353 Shuppet 81-84 28 8%
237 Hitmontop 84-89 22 Unrecruitable
205 Forretress 86-88 23 Unrecruitable
338 Solrock 86-89 24 5%
110 Weezing 86-98 20 Unrecruitable
356 Dusclops 90-93 24 Unrecruitable
212 Scizor 90-95 24 Unrecruitable
330 Flygon 94-96 25 Unrecruitable
376 Metagross 95-98 28 Unrecruitable
344 Claydol 97-98 26 Unrecruitable
373 Salamence 98 26 Unrecruitable
385 Jirachi 99 40 99.9%