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* {{TM|10|Hidden Power}}[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions|<sup><span style="color:#{{diamond color}}">D</span><span style="color:#{{pearl color}}">P</span></sup>]] or [[Potion]][[Pokémon Platinum Version|<sup><span style="color:#{{platinum color}}">Pt</span></sup>]]: Obtained after defeating [[School Kid|School Kids]] in [[Trainers' School]].
* {{TM|10|Hidden Power}}[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions|<sup><span style="color:#{{diamond color}}">D</span><span style="color:#{{pearl color}}">P</span></sup>]] or [[Potion]][[Pokémon Platinum Version|<sup><span style="color:#{{platinum color}}">Pt</span></sup>]]: Obtained after defeating [[School Kid|School Kids]] in [[Trainers' School]].
* [[Parlyz Heal]][[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions|<sup><span style="color:#{{diamond color}}">D</span><span style="color:#{{pearl color}}">P</span></sup>]]: (Hidden) just outside the southern entrance of the town within the small indent to the left of the stairs.
* [[X Attack]][[Pokémon Platinum Version|<sup><span style="color:#{{platinum color}}">Pt</span></sup>]]: Inside [[Trainer's School]].
* [[X Attack]][[Pokémon Platinum Version|<sup><span style="color:#{{platinum color}}">Pt</span></sup>]]: Inside [[Trainer's School]].
* [[Quick Claw]]: Obtained from girl on ground floor of [[Jubilife Condominiums]].
* [[Quick Claw]]: Obtained from girl on ground floor of [[Jubilife Condominiums]].

Revision as of 00:26, 17 July 2009

Template:Infobox town

Jubilife City (Japanese: コトブキシティ Kotobuki City) is a city in the region of Sinnoh. The entire city is built on land carved out of a mountain by the residents of neighboring Oreburgh City. Jubilife City is the most modernized city in the region, and according to the anime, the largest city in Sinnoh. The city can be accessed from all four directions, with a guardhouse occupying the west entrance.

There are many distinctive buildings in Jubilife City, including the TV station, where Mystery Gift can be activated, the Pokétch Company, the Trainers' School, and one of the most important establishments in the game, the Global Trade Station, which allows players to trade Pokémon with anyone across the entire world.

In the lookout station, talking to the fisherman will give the player his Old Rod.

Places of interest

Jubilife TV

Main article: Jubilife TV

Jubilife TV
The Fun-and-Games TV Station!

The Jubilife TV station is a noticeable big, white and cube-shaped building located in the northern section of the city. A Pokétch campaign clown blocks the main doors until the player defeats the Galactic Grunts at the north end of the city; this event happens upon returning from Oreburgh City with the Coal Badge. Inside the building, The headquarters is home to a daily lottery, where, depending on how much the drawn number matches the Trainer ID number of Pokémon owned by the drawing Trainer, he or she may win a new backdrop for Super Contests (only in D/P), a PP Up, an Exp. Share, a Max Revive, or even, if the numbers match exactly, a Master Ball. In Diamond and Pearl, a Trainer also appears in the lobby and can be fought once a day. The Trainer that appears depends on the current day. On the second floor, Trainers can dress up their Pokémon using their Accessories. On the third floor, players can see various records set by those they have mixed records with. Additionally, a man on the third floor allows the player to activate Mystery Gift.

Lottery Prizes are awarded based on the ID number of a Trainer's Pokémon, including ones in their party and in their PC boxes. The game determines whether a Pokémon's ID is a winner or not beginning with the rightmost digit. Different prizes are awarded based on how many digits the winner has in common with the day's lucky number. The prizes, in ascending order, are: Backdrops (D/P)/Ultra Ball (Platinum), PP Up, Exp. Share, Max Revive, and the rare Master Ball.

A man standing outside the TV station will give the player the option to form a group. By mixing records with other players, a player is allowed to join any group of which their friend is a member, upon speaking with the man again.

Global Trade Station / Global Terminal

Main article: Global Terminal
File:Gts platinum.PNG
The Global Terminal at night

The Global Trade Station is located in the southwestern section of the city. Within the building, players have the opportunity to trade Pokémon with other players around the world. In order to access the GTS, the player must have the Coal Badge.

Inside, there is a large globe, called Geonet, on which players can indicate their location, and on which small dots representing players they have traded with will appear. If the player talks with the woman at the counter, she will direct him or her into a room in which they can either put up a Pokémon to be traded or trade a Pokémon they own for one that has been put up for trade. Pokémon searches, after being confined to one species that has been seen by the player, can be further narrowed down to level and gender of the Pokémon available. By level, players can search for and request Pokémon level 9 and under, level 10 and up, level 20 and up, and so on to level 100, or they can search for Pokémon of any level. Gender is similar, with the player being able to search for male, female, or either gender of the selected Pokémon. Pokémon offerings are similarly governed, as the requested Pokémon in return cannot be any Pokémon that the player has not seen. Unfortunately, Pokémon that are offered cannot be bargained, as the player has to choose one Pokémon he or she wants for it, instead of having a more flexible list.

In Pokémon Platinum, the GTS has been redesigned to be larger and contain more features. It is located in the same place as the older GTS, in Jubilife City, with its name changed to the Global Terminal. One addition is a woman who gives away a random backdrop daily, rather than initially winning them in the daily lottery. Other than the regular trading feature, there is a new feature where players may exchange Pokémon with another friend. The Global Terminal is apparently a computer-like machine which the player operates. The Vs. Recorder, also introduced in Pokémon Platinum, has the ability to record and replay battles made in-game. A player may send and receive battles over Nintendo Wi-Fi using the Global Station. These battles can also be ranked by popularity and be watched by people on Wi-Fi. In addition, players can take pictures of their PC storage boxes and send them over Wi-Fi to friends. The GTS has incorporated an e-mail system that allows players to be notified of completed trades. The notification messages are sent to the player's actual e-mail address, and so the messages can be viewed either on a PC, mobile phone or a Wii console. In this way, the player will be spared of having to return to the GTS only to find that a trade has not yet been completed.

Pokétch Company

Main article: Pokétch Company

The Pokétch Company
Pokémon Watches for the World!

The Pokétch Company's headquarters is located in the northwestern section of the city. The Pokétch Company is a family-owned company, and the manufacturer of the Pokétch. It is relatively small, unlike Silph Co. or the Devon Corporation, and actually started as a hobby of the owner, who made what he liked before the business grew to its present state. The building has three floors, in which the family of the president of the company reside in. The president holds a promotion to receive a free Pokétch in Jubilife City, if three clowns with Pokémon trivia questions can be found, and coupons collected from each. He will also give new Pokétch applications out to the player.

Trainers' School

Main article: Trainers' School

Trainers' School
The First Step for Trainers!

The Trainers' School is located in the center of the city, west of the Pokémon Center. The School features tutorials on how to raise Pokémon. There are two adjoined rooms in the School. The kids on the left room have some basic information about the game of Pokémon. On the table is a notebook with notes on Trainers written inside. Status ailments and their effects are listed on the chalkboard at the back. In the room on the right, there are two School Kids on a blue carpet who will ask the player to battle. There is a version-dependent reward for defeating them both. If the School Kids inside are defeated, they hand out TM10 (Hidden Power) on Diamond and Pearl, or a Potion on Platinum.

On the player's first visit to the School, their rival is situated at the back of the room, reading the chalkboard. Upon talking to the rival, the player will deliver the Parcel entrusted to them by the rival's mother back in Twinleaf Town. Two Town Maps are found inside the Parcel, and the rival will give the player one.

Jubilife Condominiums

Main article: Jubilife Condominiums

Jubilife Condominiums
Tenants Wanted!

Jubilife Condominiums is located in the northeastern section of the city. The building has two floors. On the ground floor, an old lady says how fetching a Pokétch is, and the young girl with a Pachirisu and Pikachu gives the player a Quick Claw. On the second floor, a girl tells about the advantage of Heal Balls and the guy in Bug Catcher apparel lectures on new moves. This floor is an educational one for new Trainers.


There is only a single battle in the streets of Jubilife itself, a double battle against 2 Galactic Grunts, fought alongside the other protagonist (that wasn't chosen at the start of the game), who is there on business with Professor Rowan. Upon defeating them, a worker for Jubilife TV gives the player the Fashion Case, and the TV building is thereafter accessible.

Trainer Pokémon
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $880
(w. Galactic Grunt)
Stunky Stunky Lv.11
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $880
(w. Galactic Grunt)
Glameow Glameow Lv.11
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.


The population is 68, making it the third biggest city in the Pokémon world and the biggest in Sinnoh. It comes third to Goldenrod City, with a population of 77, and second to Lilycove City, with a population of 71 people, just 3 people under Jubilife City's population.


Key items

Pokétch campaign

Poké Mart

There are two women who serve at the counter. The following is a list of both combined.

Item Price
Poké Ball $200
Heal Ball $300
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Paralyz Heal $200
Other items
Air Mail $50

Map information

The most modernized city in the Sinnoh region. It is bustling with people on the go.

The Pokétch Company, the developer and manufacturer of the Pokétch, is located here.

Jubilife TV, Sinnoh's TV network, is located here. It is an entertaining place to visit.

The Global Terminal is located here. It is your connection to the entire world.

Located here is the Trainers' School. Drop in to study up on the basics of Pokémon.


  • Jubilife's Japanese town motto is ひとがつどう しあわせのまち.
  • During the battle with Team Galactic, a grunt mentions that he will "cause massive damage" to the professor's assistant, whether they are Dawn or Lucas.
  • Jubilife City is the site in which successful tweaking can result in a walkable abyss leading to possibly Darkrai or Shaymin without the need of the events.


Language Name Origin
Japanese コトブキシティ Kotobuki City 寿 (kotobuki) is a Japanese expression similar to Long life! or Congratulations!.
English Jubilife City From jubilant and life.
French Féli-Cité From félicité, felicity, and cité, city.
German Jubelstadt From Jubel, joy, and Stadt, city.
Italian Giubilopoli From giubilo', jubilation, and the suffix -poli, meaning city.
Spanish Ciudad Jubileo Jubileo means jubilee.
Korean 축복시티 Chukbok City 축복 (祝福) chukbok means blessings.
Chinese (Mandarin) 祝慶市 Zhù Qìng Shì Literally celebration city.

Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also

This article is part of Project Cities and Towns, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every city and town in the Pokémon world.