List of items by name: Difference between revisions

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Items have a wide range of uses, from those of health, unlocking special events, and more. Below is an alphabetical list of items.

List of items by name


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Name Generations Description
Acro Bike III A bicycle with which the player can do tricks such as jump sideways.
Adamant Orb IV Boosts Dialga's Steel- and Dragon-type attacks.
Aguav Berry III, IV
Air Mail IV
Amulet Coin II, III, IV Doubles the earned money after a battle against a Trainer.
Antidote All Heals the poisoning of a Pokémon.
Apicot Berry III, IV
Apricorn Case IV Contains Apricorn
Aspear Berry III, IV
Auroraticket III
Awakening All Awakens a sleeping Pokémon.
Azure Flute IV Key item used to access the Hall of Origin and face Arceus.


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Name Generations Description
Babiri Berry IV
Basement Key II Allows the player to access the basement of the Goldenrod Underground.
Basement Key III Allows the player to access New Mauville.
Basement Key IV Allows the player to access the basement of the Goldenrod Underground.
Bead Mail III
Belue Berry III, IV
Berry II
Berry Juice II, III, IV
Berry Planter III Allows Berry growth while traveling.
Berry Pouch III
Berserk Gene II
Bicycle All Can be used to travel quickly. Cannot be ridden in swamps or in very tall grass.
Big Mushroom II, III, IV
Big Pearl II, III, IV
Big Root IV Increases the amount of HP restored when an HP-draining move is used.
Bike Voucher I, III Used to pay for a Bicycle.
Bitter Berry II Heals confusion.
Black Belt II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
BlackGlasses II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Black Flute III, IV Repels wild Pokémon.
Black Sludge IV
BLK Apricorn II, IV
Bloom Mail IV
BLU Apricorn II, IV
Blue Card II, IV
Blue Flute III, IV
Blue Orb III, IV
Blue Scarf III, IV Raises the Beauty condition.
Blue Shard III, IV Exchangeable for a variety of services.
BLU ID Badge III Used to access sections of Realgam Tower.
Bluk Berry III, IV
Bonsly Card III
Bonsly Photo III
Brick Piece II
BrightPowder II, III, IV Lower's opponent's accuracy.
Bubble Mail IV
Burn Heal All Heals a burn.
Burnt Berry II Thaws out a frozen Pokémon.


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Name Generations Description
Calcium All Raises the Special Attack of a Pokémon.
Carbos All Raises the Speed of a Pokémon.
Card Key I, III (FR/LG)
Card Key II, IV (HG/SS)
Card Key III (Colosseum)
Charcoal II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Charti Berry IV
Cheri Berry III, IV Heals Paralysis.
Cherish Ball IV A special type of Poké Ball in which event Pokémon are usually distributed.
Chesto Berry III, IV Awakens a Pokémon from sleep.
Chilan Berry III
Chilan Berry IV
Chople Berry IV
Choice Band III, IV Raises user's Attack, but they can only use one move.
Choice Scarf IV Raises user's Speed, but they can only use one move.
Choice Specs IV Raises user's Special Attack, but they can only use one move.
Claw Fossil III, IV Can be revived to obtain an Anorith.
Cleanse Tag III, IV
Clear Bell II Summons Suicune to the Tin Tower.
Clear Bell II Allows the Kimono Girls to summon Ho-Oh.
Coba Berry IV
Coin Case All A key item that stores the coins collected at the local Game Corner.
Colbur Berry IV
Cologne Case III
Compé Ball | IV A type of Poké Ball that is used in the Bug-Catching Contest.
Contest Pass III Allows the player to enter contests.
Cornn Berry III, IV
Coupons IV
Cry Analyzer III
Custap Berry IV


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Name Generations Description
Damp Mulch IV
Damp Rock IV Increases the duration of heavy rain.
Data Rom III
Dawn Stone IV Allows Kirlia (♂) and Snorunt (♀) to evolve.
D-Disk III
DeepSeaScale III, IV
DeepSeaTooth III, IV
Destiny Knot IV
Devon Goods III
Devon Scope III
Dire Hit All
Disc Case III
Dive Ball III, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Pokémon living on the seafloor (Gen. III) or on the sea (Gen. IV).
DNA Sample III
Dome Fossil III, IV A fossil from which a Kabuto can be resurrected.
Down St. Key III
Draco Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Dragon Fang II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Dragon Scale II, III, IV A hold item that allows Seadra to evolve when traded.
Drash Berry III
Dread Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Dream Mail III
Dubious Disc IV A hold item that allows Porygon2 to evolve when traded.
Durin Berry III, IV
Dusk Ball IV A type of Poké Ball that works especially well in dark places such as caves or at night.
Dusk Stone IV


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Name Generations Description
Earth Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Eggant Berry III
Ein File C III
Ein File F III
Ein File H III
Ein File P III
Ein File S III
Electirizer IV A hold item that allows Electabuzz to evolve when traded.
Elevator Key III (Colosseum)
Elevator Key III (XD)
Elixir All Restores 10 PP of each move of a Pokémon.
Energypowder II, III, IV
Energy Root II, III, IV
Enigma Berry III, IV Restores 1/4 of a Pokémon's HP after being hit by a super effective.
Eon Mail II
Eon Ticket III
Escape Rope All Teleports the player at the entrance of the cave when used inside a cave.
Ether All Restores 10 PP of one move of a Pokémon.
Everstone II, III, IV A hold item that prevents the holder from evolving.
Excite Scent III
EXP. All I An item which, if in the player's bag, distributes equally all EXP gained in a battle to the whole party.
Explorer Kit IV A key item which can be used to go to Sinnoh Underground.
EXP. Share II, III, IV
Expert Belt IV Increases the power of super effective moves.


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Name Generations Description
Fab Mail III
Fame Checker III
Fashion Case IV Stores accessories.
Fast Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Pokémon that try to flee.
F-Disk III
Figy Berry III, IV
Fire Stone All Can be used to evolve Vulpix, Growlithe, and Eevee.
Fist Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Flame Mail IV
Flame Orb IV Inflicts a burn on the holder.
Flame Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Flower Mail II
Fluffy Tail
Focus Band II, III, IV May leave the holder with 1 HP when a move would normally cause them to faint.
Focus Sash IV Prevents a one-hit knockout.
Fresh Water All
Friend Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that causes the Pokémon to become friendly.
Full Heal All Cures all status ailments.
Full Incense IV Causes holder to move slower than the opponent. Snorlax holding it can breed Munchlax.
Full Restore All Fully restores all HP and cures all status problems of a Pokémon.


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Name Generations Description
Galactic Key IV
Ganlon Berry III, IV
GB Player IV
Gear III
Ginema Berry III
Gracidea IV Allows Shaymin to change form.
Glitter Mail III
Go-Goggles III A key item that allows the player to travel in sandstorm conditions.
Gold Berry II
Gold Leaf II
Gold Teeth I, III
Gonzap's Key III
Good Rod All
Gooey Mulch IV
Gorgeous Box II
Grass Mail IV
Great Ball All A decent type of Poké Ball.
Green Orb IV Allows the player to encounter Rayquaza in the Hidden Tower.
Green Scarf III, IV Raises the Smart condition.
Green Shard III, IV Exchangeable for a variety of services.
Grepa Berry III, IV
Grip Claw IV
Griseous Orb IV Raises the power of Giratina's Ghost- and Template:Type2 moves, and causes it to take on its Origin Forme.
GRN Apricorn II
Growth Mulch IV
GS Ball II
Guard Spec. All


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Name Generations Description
Haban Berry IV Halves the power of super effective Template:Type2 moves.
Harbor Mail III
Hard Stone II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Heal Ball IV A type of Poké Ball that heals the captured Pokémon.
Heal Powder II, III, IV
Heart Mail IV
Heart Scale III, IV Exchangeable for a variety of services.
Heat Rock IV Extends the duration of intense sunlight.
Heavy Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on heavier Pokémon.
Helix Fossil I, III, IV A fossil from which a Omanyte can be resurrected.
HMs All Can be used to teach a field move to a Pokémon. HMs will not break up and as such can be used over and over again.
Hondew Berry III, IV
HP Up All Raises the HP of a Pokémon.
Hyper Potion All Heals 200HP of a Pokémon.


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Name Generations Description
Iapapa Berry III, IV
Ice Berry II Heals a burn.
Ice Heal All Thaws out a frozen Pokémon.
Icicle Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Icy Rock IV Extends the duration of hail.
Insect Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Iron All Raises the Defense of a Pokémon.
Iron Ball IV Cuts a Pokémon's Speed and makes it susceptible to Template:Type2 moves.
Iron Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Itemfinder All A key item that can be used to detect hidden items. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, it is replaced by the Dowsing Machine.


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Name Generations Description
Jaboca Berry IV
Jail Key III
Journal IV Keeps track of events and accomplishments of the player.
Joy Scent III


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Name Generations Description
Kebia Berry IV
Kasib Berry IV
Kelpsy Berry III, IV
King's Rock II, III, IV Slightly increases the chances of inflicting the Flinch condition on the opponent. Allows Slowpoke and Poliwhirl to evolve when traded.
Krane Memo 1 III
Krane Memo 2 III
Krane Memo 3 III
Krane Memo 4 III
Krane Memo 5 III
Kuo Berry III


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Name Generations Description
Lagging Tail IV Causes the holder to move after the opponent.
Lansat Berry III, IV
Lava Cookie III, IV Cures all Status ailments.
Lax Incense III, IV Lower's the foes accuracy. Wobbuffet holding it can breed Wynaut.
L-Disk III
Leaf Stone All Can be used to evolve Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute and Nuzleaf.
Leftovers II, III, IV Heals a little HP at the end of each turn.
Lemonade All
Leppa Berry III, IV
Letter III
Level Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Pokémon with a lower level than the player's.
Liechi Berry III, IV
Life Orb IV Raises the power of moves, but causes recoil damage.
Lift Key I, III
Light Ball II, III, IV Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pikachu.
Light Clay IV Extends the duration of the moves Reflect and Light Screen.
Liteblue Mail II
Lost Item II, IV
Love Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Pokémon of the opposite gender.
Lovely Mail II
Luck Incense IV Causes earnings to double in battles against other Trainers. Chansey and Blissey holding it can breed Happiny.
Lucky Egg II, III, IV Doubles the experience gained during battle.
Lucky Punch III, IV Raises Chansey's critical hit rate.
Lum Berry III, IV
Lunar Wing IV Cures an endless nightmare.
Lure Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that works best on Pokémon caught using a rod.
Lustrous Orb IV Boosts Palkia's Water- and Template:Type2 attacks.
Luxury Ball III, IV


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Name Generations Description
Mach Bike III A speedy bike that can even go up muddy slopes.
Machine Part II, IV The missing part from the Power Plant.
Machine Part III (XD)
Macho Brace II, III, IV Raises Effort values but lowers Speed.
Magma Emblem III Allows entrance into the Magma Hideout.
Magmarizer IV A held item that allows Magmar to evolve when traded.
Magnet II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Magnet Pass IV Allows the player to ride the Magnet Train between Saffron City and Goldenrod City.
Mago Berry III, IV
Magost Berry III, IV
Maingate Key III
Master Ball All A rare type of Poké Ball that catches any wild Pokémon without fail.
Max Elixir All Restores all of a Pokémon's PP.
Max Ether All
Max Potion All Restores all of a Pokémon's HP
Max Revive All Revives a Pokémon to full health.
Meadow Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Mech Mail III
Member Card IV Allows access to the hotel to face Darkrai.
Mental Herb III, IV
Metal Coat II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves. Allows Onix and Scyther to evolve when traded.
Metal Powder IV Raises Ditto's Defense.
Meteorite III
Metronome IV Raises power of moves used in a row.
Micle Berry IV
Miracle Seed II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Mirage Mail II
Mind Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Mint Berry II Awakens a sleeping Pokémon.
Miracle Berry II
Miror Radar III
MooMoo Milk II, III, IV
Moon Ball II, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Pokémon that evolve using the Moon Stone.
Moon Shard III Allows Eevee to evolve into Umbreon in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
Moon Stone All Can be used to evolve Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina, and Skitty.
Morph Mail II
Muscle Band IV Raises the power of physical moves.
Music Disc
Music Mail II
Mystery Berry II
Mystery Egg II, IV Hatches into Togepi.
Mysticticket III
Mystic Water II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.


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Name Generations Description
Nanab Berry III, IV
Nest Ball III, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on low-level Pokémon.
Net Ball III, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Water- and Template:Type2 Pokémon.
NeverMeltIce II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Niniku Berry IV
Nomel Berry III, IV
Normal Box IV
Nugget All
Nutpea Berry III


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Name Generations Description
Oak's Parcel I, III
Oak's Letter IV Opens the Seabreak Path and allows the user to face Shaymin.
Occa Berry IV
Odd Incense IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves. Mr. Mime holding this can breed Mime Jr.
Old Amber I, III, IV
Old Charm IV
Old Gateau IV Cures all status ailments.
Old Rod All
Old Sea Map III
Oran Berry III, IV
Orange Mail III
Oval Stone IV When held, allows Happiny to evolve.


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Name Generations Description
Pal Pad IV
Pamtre Berry III, IV
Parcel IV
Park Ball II A type of Poké Ball that is used in the Bug-Catching Contest.
Park Ball IV A type of Poké Ball that is used in the Pal Park.
Parlyz Heal All Heals paralysis.
Pass II
Passho Berry IV
Payapa Berry IV
Pearl II, III, IV
Pecha Berry III, IV Cures poison.
Persim Berry III, IV
Petaya Berry III, IV
Pinap Berry III, IV
Pink Scarf III, IV Raises the Cute condition.
Pink Bow II Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
PNK Apricorn II
Poffin Case IV Stores Poffins.
Point Card IV
Poison Barb II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Polkadot Bow II Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Poké Ball All A ball used to catch Pokémon.
Pokéblock Case III Stores Pokéblocks.
Pokédex* All Stores info about Pokémon that have been seen/caught.
Poké Doll
Poké Flute I, III Awakens sleeping Pokémon.
Poké Radar IV
Pomeg Berry III, IV
Portrait Mail II
Potion All
Powder Jar III
Power Anklet IV
Power Band IV
Power Belt IV
Power Bracer IV
Power Herb IV
Power Lens IV
Power Weight IV
Powerup Card III
PP Max III, IV Raises the PP of a move to the maximum.
PP Up All Raises the PP of a move.
Premier Ball III, IV A Poké Ball with special coloring.
Protein All Raises the Attack of a Pokémon.
Protector IV A held item that allows Rhydon to evolve when traded.
PRZCureBerry II Cures paralysis.
PSNCureBerry II Cures poison.
Pumkin Berry III
Pure Incense IV


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Name Generations Description
Qualot Berry III, IV
Quick Ball IV A type of Poké Ball that works better the earlier in battle it is used.
Quick Claw II, III, IV May allow the user to move first.
Quick Powder IV Raises Ditto's speed.


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Name Generations Description
Rage Candy Bar II, IV In [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver and {{{2}}} Versions |HeartGold and SoulSilver and {{{2}}}]], can be exchanged for TM64.
Rainbow Pass III
Rainbow Wing II, IV Summons Ho-Oh.
Rare Bone
Rare Candy All Instantly raises a Pokémon's level by 1.
Rawst Berry III, IV Cures a Burn.
Razor Claw IV Raises the chance of getting a critical hit. Allows Sneasel to evolve at night.
Razor Fang IV Raises the chance of causing an opponent to flinch. Allows Gligar to evolve at night.
Razz Berry III, IV
R-Disk III
Reaper Cloth IV A held item that allows Dusclops to evolve when traded.
RED Apricorn II
Red Flute III, IV
Red Orb III, IV
Red Scale II Give to Mr. Pokémon for an Exp. Share
Red Scarf III, IV Raises the Cool condition.
Red Shard III, IV Exchangeable for a variety of services.
Repeat Ball III, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better on Pokémon already caught before.
Retro Mail III
Revival Herb II, III, IV
Revive All
Rindo Berry IV
Rm. 1 Key III
Rm. 2 Key III
Rm. 4 Key III
Rm. 6 Key III
Rock Incense IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves. Sudowoodo holding this can breed Bonsly.
Root Fossil III, IV Can be revived to obtain a Lileep.
Rose Incense IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves. Roselia and Roserade holding this can breed Budew.
Rowap Berry IV
Ruby III
Running Shoes * III, IV Allows the player to run faster.


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Name Generations Description
Sacred Ash II, III, IV Revives all fainted Pokémon in the party.
Safari Ball I, III, IV A type of Poké Ball to be used in the Safari Zone.
Salac Berry III, IV
Sapphire III
Scanner III
Scope Lens III, IV Raises chances of getting a critical hit.
Sea Incense III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves. Marill and Azumarill holding this can breed Azurill.
Seal Case IV Holds Seals.
Secret Key I, III Allows access to the Cinnabar Gym.
Secret Key IV Allows access to the secret room within the Galactic Veilstone Building.
SecretPotion II, IV Used to cure Amphy's sickness and the Psyducks' headaches.
Shadow Mail III
Sharp Beak II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Shed Shell IV Allows the holder to escape from battle.
Shell Bell III, IV Restores HP to the holder based on damage inflicted to the opponent.
Shining Leaf IV NOTE: Can only be hold by Pokémon and found on certain tiles
in certain areas by checking the Pokémon that follows you.
No guarantee that you can find it even in the right place.
Shiny Stone IV Can be used to evolve Togetic and Roselia.
Shoal Salt III, IV Can be used to make a Shell Bell.
Shoal Shell III, IV Can be used to make a Shell Bell.
Shuca Berry IV
Silk Scarf III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Silph Scope I, III Used to identify ghosts in Lavender Tower.
Silver Leaf II
SilverPowder II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Silver Wing II, IV Summons Lugia.
Sitrus Berry III, IV
Sky Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Slowpoketail II, IV
Small Tablet III
Smoke Ball III, IV Allows the user to flee from battle.
Smooth Rock IV Extends the duration of sandstorms.
Snow Mail IV
Soda Pop All
Soft Sand II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Soothe Bell II, III, IV
Soot Sack III
Soul Dew III Raises the Special Attack and Special Defense of Latias and Latios.
Space Mail IV
Spell Tag II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Spelon Berry III, IV
Splash Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Spooky Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Sprayduck IV Used to water plants.
Squirtbottle II, IV Used to bring Sudowoodo out of hiding.
S.S. Ticket All Allows the player to board the S.S. Anne (Gen I/III) or S.S. Aqua (Gen II/IV)
Stable Mulch IV
Stardust II, III, IV
Starf Berry III
Star Piece II, III, IV
Steel Mail IV
Steel Teeth III
Stick II, III, IV Raises Farfetch'd's critical hit ratio.
Sticky Barb IV
Stone Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Storage Key III
Storage Key IV
Strib Berry III
Subway Key III
Suite Key IV
Sun Shard III Allows Eevee to evolve into Espeon in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
Sun Stone II, III, IV Can be used to evolve Sunkern and Gloom).
Super Potion All
Super Rod All
Surfboard* I An item that can be used to travel on water, much like using the hidden move Surf.
Surf Mail II
Sweet Honey IV
System Lever III


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Name Generations Description
Tamato Berry III, IV
Tanga Berry III, IV
Teachy TV III Gives tutorials of game functions.
Thick Club Doubles Cubone and Marowak's Attack.
Thunderstone All Can be used to evolve Pikachu and Eevee.
Tide Bell IV Allows the Kimono Girls to summon Lugia.
Time Flute III Can be used to instantly purify a Shadow Pokémon.
Timer Ball III, IV A type of Poké Ball that works better the longer the battle has lasted.
Tinymushroom II, III, IV Exchangeable in return for services.
TM Case III Holds TMs.
TMs (50-92 different) All One-time use items that can teach moves to Pokémon.
Topo Berry IV
Touga Berry IV
Town Map I, III
Toxic Orb IV Inflicts the Badly poisoned status on the holder.
Toxic Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Tri-Pass III
Tropic Mail III
Tunnel Mail IV
TwistedSpoon II, III, IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.


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Name Generations Description
U-Disk III
Ultra Ball All A Poké Ball with a high capture rate.
Underground Key III
Unown Notebook IV Replaces the Unown Dex of Generation II.
Up-Grade II, III, IV A held item which allows Porygon to evolve when traded.


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Name Generations Description
Vivid Scent III
Voice Case 1 III
Voice Case 2 III
Voice Case 3 III
Voice Case 4 III
Voice Case 5 III
VS Seeker III, IV


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Name Generations Description
Wacan Berry IV
Wailmer Pail III Used to water plants.
Water Stone All Can be used to evolve Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, Eevee, and Lombre.
Watmel Berry III, IV
Wave Incense IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves. Mantine holding it can breed Mantyke.
Wave Mail
Wepear Berry III, IV
White Flute III, IV Attracts wild Pokémon to the player.
White Herb III, IV Raises a lowered stat.
WHT Apricorn II
Wide Lens IV
Wiki Berry III, IV
Wise Glasses IV Raises the power of special moves.
Wood Mail
Works Key IV


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Name Generations Description
X Accuracy All Raises a Pokémon's Accuracy.
X Attack All Raises a Pokémon's Attack.
X Defense All Raises a Pokémon's Defense.
X Special All Raises a Pokémon's Special Attack (Special in Gen. I).
X Sp. Def II, III, IV Raises a Pokémon's Special Defense.
X Speed All Raises a Pokémon's Speed.


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Name Generations Description
Yache Berry IV
Yago Berry IV
Yellow Flute III, IV
Yellow Scarf III, IV Raises the Tough condition.
Yellow Shard III, IV Exchangeable for a variety of services.
YLW Apricorn II


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Name Generations Description
Zap Plate IV Raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
Zinc III, IV Raises the Special Defense of a Pokémon.
Zoom Lens IV


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This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.