Pokémon category: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
m List of Pokémon species: I don't get it. I have three openers, but only need two closers?
TTEchidna (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
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Because of how brief and uninformative the description of a Pokémon often is in its species, and how little the species relates to other data, it is not often regarded as an important piece of information about a Pokémon.
Because of how brief and uninformative the description of a Pokémon often is in its species, and how little the species relates to other data, it is not often regarded as an important piece of information about a Pokémon.

Like many names in the [[Pokémon games]], a species will always be twelve characters or less in length, including spaces but not including "Pokémon".
Like many names in the [[Pokémon games]], a species name has a character limit, and will always be twelve characters or less in length, including spaces but not including "Pokémon".

==List of Pokémon species==
==List of Pokémon species==

Revision as of 05:53, 8 December 2009

In a Pokémon's Pokédex information, the species is a name which identifies the Pokémon based on one of its defining biological characteristics. Most often, the defining traits are part of the Pokémon's physiology, special abilities, or behavior.

This term should not be confused with a Pokémon species, since several different Pokémon can be identified by the same species in the Pokédex, no matter how distantly related. This term should also not be confused with the real world definition of species, since it has nothing to do with which Pokémon are able to breed and produce fertile offspring; in fact, breeding among Pokémon can easily occur between species since it is controlled by egg groups.

Because of how brief and uninformative the description of a Pokémon often is in its species, and how little the species relates to other data, it is not often regarded as an important piece of information about a Pokémon.

Like many names in the Pokémon games, a species name has a character limit, and will always be twelve characters or less in length, including spaces but not including "Pokémon".

List of Pokémon species

# Sprite English name Japanese name Species
001 001 Bulbasaur Fushigidane Seed Pokémon
002 002 Ivysaur Fushigisou Seed Pokémon
003 003 Venusaur Fushigibana Seed Pokémon
004 004 Charmander Hitokage Lizard Pokémon
005 005 Charmeleon Lizard Flame Pokémon
006 006 Charizard Lizardon Flame Pokémon
007 007 Squirtle Zenigame Tiny Turtle Pokémon
008 008 Wartortle Kameil Turtle Pokémon
009 009 Blastoise Kamex Shellfish Pokémon
010 010 Caterpie Caterpie Worm Pokémon
011 011 Metapod Trancell Cocoon Pokémon
012 012 Butterfree Butterfree Butterfly Pokémon
013 013 Weedle Beedle Hairy Bug Pokémon
014 014 Kakuna Cocoon Cocoon Pokémon
015 015 Beedrill Spear Poison Bee Pokémon
016 016 Pidgey Poppo Tiny Bird Pokémon
017 017 Pidgeotto Pigeon Bird Pokémon
018 018 Pidgeot Pigeot Bird Pokémon
019 019 Rattata Koratta Mouse Pokémon
020 020 Raticate Ratta Mouse Pokémon
021 021 Spearow Onisuzume Tiny Bird Pokémon
022 022 Fearow Onidrill Beak Pokémon
023 023 Ekans Arbo Snake Pokémon
024 024 Arbok Arbok Cobra Pokémon
025 025 Pikachu Pikachu Mouse Pokémon
026 026 Raichu Raichu Mouse Pokémon
027 027 Sandshrew Sand Mouse Pokémon
028 028 Sandslash Sandpan Mouse Pokémon
029 029 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ Poison Pin Pokémon
030 030 Nidorina Nidorina Poison Pin Pokémon
031 031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Drill Pokémon
032 032 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ Poison Pin Pokémon
033 033 Nidorino Nidorino Poison Pin Pokémon
034 034 Nidoking Nidoking Drill Pokémon
035 035 Clefairy Pippi Fairy Pokémon
036 036 Clefable Pixy Fairy Pokémon
037 037 Vulpix Rokon Fox Pokémon
038 038 Ninetales Kyukon Fox Pokémon
039 039 Jigglypuff Purin Balloon Pokémon
040 040 Wigglytuff Pukurin Balloon Pokémon
041 041 Zubat Zubat Bat Pokémon
042 042 Golbat Golbat Bat Pokémon
043 043 Oddish Nazonokusa Weed Pokémon
044 044 Gloom Kusaihana Weed Pokémon
045 045 Vileplume Ruffresia Flower Pokémon
046 046 Paras Paras Mushroom Pokémon
047 047 Parasect Parasect Mushroom Pokémon
048 048 Venonat Kongpang Insect Pokémon
049 049 Venomoth Morphon Poison Moth Pokémon
050 050 Diglett Digda Mole Pokémon
051 051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Mole Pokémon
052 052 Meowth Nyarth Scratch Cat Pokémon
053 053 Persian Persian Classy Cat Pokémon
054 054 Psyduck Koduck Duck Pokémon
055 055 Golduck Golduck Duck Pokémon
056 056 Mankey Mankey Pig Monkey Pokémon
057 057 Primeape Okorizaru Pig Monkey Pokémon
058 058 Growlithe Gardie Puppy Pokémon
059 059 Arcanine Windie Legendary Pokémon
060 060 Poliwag Nyoromo Tadpole Pokémon
061 061 Poliwhirl Nyorozo Tadpole Pokémon
062 062 Poliwrath Nyorobon Tadpole Pokémon
063 063 Abra Kasey Psi Pokémon
064 064 Kadabra Yungerer Psi Pokémon
065 065 Alakazam Foodin Psi Pokémon
066 066 Machop Wanriky Superpower Pokémon
067 067 Machoke Goriky Superpower Pokémon
068 068 Machamp Kairiky Superpower Pokémon
069 069 Bellsprout Madatsubomi Flower Pokémon
070 070 Weepinbell Utsudon Flycatcher Pokémon
071 071 Victreebel Utsubot Flycatcher Pokémon
072 072 Tentacool Menokurage Jellyfish Pokémon
073 073 Tentacruel Dokukurage Jellyfish Pokémon
074 074 Geodude Ishitsubute Rock Pokémon
075 075 Graveler Golone Rock Pokémon
076 076 Golem Golonya Megaton Pokémon
077 077 Ponyta Ponyta Fire Horse Pokémon
078 078 Rapidash Gallop Fire Horse Pokémon
079 079 Slowpoke Yadon Dopey Pokémon
080 080 Slowbro Yadoran Hermit Crab Pokémon
081 081 Magnemite Coil Magnet Pokémon
082 082 Magneton Rarecoil Magnet Pokémon
083 083 Farfetch'd Kamonegi Wild Duck Pokémon
084 084 Doduo Dodo Twin Bird Pokémon
085 085 Dodrio Dodorio Triple Bird Pokémon
086 086 Seel Pawou Sea Lion Pokémon
087 087 Dewgong Jugon Sea Lion Pokémon
088 088 Grimer Betbeter Sludge Pokémon
089 089 Muk Betbeton Sludge Pokémon
090 090 Shellder Shellder Bivalve Pokémon
091 091 Cloyster Parshen Bivalve Pokémon
092 092 Gastly Ghos Gas Pokémon
093 093 Haunter Ghost Gas Pokémon
094 094 Gengar Gangar Shadow Pokémon
095 095 Onix Iwark Rock Snake Pokémon
096 096 Drowzee Sleep Hypnosis Pokémon
097 097 Hypno Sleeper Hypnosis Pokémon
098 098 Krabby Crab River Crab Pokémon
099 099 Kingler Kingler Pincer Pokémon
100 100 Voltorb Biriridama Ball Pokémon
101 101 Electrode Marumine Ball Pokémon
102 102 Exeggcute Tamatama Egg Pokémon
103 103 Exeggutor Nassy Coconut Pokémon
104 104 Cubone Karakara Lonely Pokémon
105 105 Marowak Garagara Bone Keeper Pokémon
106 106 Hitmonlee Sawamular Kicking Pokémon
107 107 Hitmonchan Ebiwalar Punching Pokémon
108 108 Lickitung Beroringa Licking Pokémon
109 109 Koffing Dogars Poison Gas Pokémon
110 110 Weezing Matadogas Poison Gas Pokémon
111 111 Rhyhorn Sihorn Spikes Pokémon
112 112 Rhydon Sidon Drill Pokémon
113 113 Chansey Lucky Egg Pokémon
114 114 Tangela Monjara Vine Pokémon
115 115 Kangaskhan Garura Parent Pokémon
116 116 Horsea Tattu Dragon Pokémon
117 117 Seadra Seadra Dragon Pokémon
118 118 Goldeen Tosakinto Goldfish Pokémon
119 119 Seaking Azumao Goldfish Pokémon
120 120 Staryu Hitodeman Star Shape Pokémon
121 121 Starmie Starmie Mysterious Pokémon
122 122 Mr. Mime Barrierd Barrier Pokémon
123 123 Scyther Strike Mantis Pokémon
124 124 Jynx Rougela Human Shape Pokémon
125 125 Electabuzz Eleboo Electric Pokémon
126 126 Magmar Boober Spitfire Pokémon
127 127 Pinsir Kailios Stag Beetle Pokémon
128 128 Tauros Kentauros Wild Bull Pokémon
129 129 Magikarp Koiking Fish Pokémon
130 130 Gyarados Gyarados Atrocious Pokémon
131 131 Lapras Laplace Transport Pokémon
132 132 Ditto Metamon Transform Pokémon
133 133 Eevee Eievui Evolution Pokémon
134 134 Vaporeon Showers Bubble Jet Pokémon
135 135 Jolteon Thunders Lightning Pokémon
136 136 Flareon Booster Flame Pokémon
137 137 Porygon Porygon Virtual Pokémon
138 138 Omanyte Omnite Spiral Pokémon
139 139 Omastar Omstar Spiral Pokémon
140 140 Kabuto Kabuto Shellfish Pokémon
141 141 Kabutops Kabutops Shellfish Pokémon
142 142 Aerodactyl Ptera Fossil Pokémon
143 143 Snorlax Kabigon Sleeping Pokémon
144 144 Articuno Freezer Freeze Pokémon
145 145 Zapdos Thunder Electric Pokémon
146 146 Moltres Fire Flame Pokémon
147 147 Dratini Miniryu Dragon Pokémon
148 148 Dragonair Hakuryu Dragon Pokémon
149 149 Dragonite Kairyu Dragon Pokémon
150 150 Mewtwo Mewtwo Genetic Pokémon
151 151 Mew Mew New Species Pokémon
152 152 Chikorita Chicorita Leaf Pokémon
153 153 Bayleef Bayleaf Leaf Pokémon
154 154 Meganium Meganium Herb Pokémon
155 155 Cyndaquil Hinoarashi Fire Mouse Pokémon
156 156 Quilava Magmarashi Volcano Pokémon
157 157 Typhlosion Bakphoon Volcano Pokémon
158 158 Totodile Waninoko Big Jaw Pokémon
159 159 Croconaw Alligates Big Jaw Pokémon
160 160 Feraligatr Ordile Big Jaw Pokémon
161 161 Sentret Otachi Scout Pokémon
162 162 Furret Ootachi Long Body Pokémon
163 163 Hoothoot Hoho Owl Pokémon
164 164 Noctowl Yorunozuku Owl Pokémon
165 165 Ledyba Rediba Five Star Pokémon
166 166 Ledian Redian Five Star Pokémon
167 167 Spinarak Itomaru String Spit Pokémon
168 168 Ariados Ariados Long Leg Pokémon
169 169 Crobat Crobat Bat Pokémon
170 170 Chinchou Chonchie Angler Pokémon
171 171 Lanturn Lantern Light Pokémon
172 172 Pichu Pichu Tiny Mouse Pokémon
173 173 Cleffa Py Star Shape Pokémon
174 174 Igglybuff Pupurin Balloon Pokémon
175 175 Togepi Togepy Spike Ball Pokémon
176 176 Togetic Togechick Happiness Pokémon
177 177 Natu Naty Tiny Bird Pokémon
178 178 Xatu Natio Mystic Pokémon
179 179 Mareep Merriep Wool Pokémon
180 180 Flaaffy Mokoko Wool Pokémon
181 181 Ampharos Denryu Light Pokémon
182 182 Bellossom Kireihana Flower Pokémon
183 183 Marill Maril Aqua Mouse Pokémon
184 184 Azumarill Marilli Aqua Rabbit Pokémon
185 185 Sudowoodo Usokkie Imitation Pokémon
186 186 Politoed Nyorotono Frog Pokémon
187 187 Hoppip Hanecco Cottonweed Pokémon
188 188 Skiploom Popokko Cottonweed Pokémon
189 189 Jumpluff Watacco Cottonweed Pokémon
190 190 Aipom Eipam Long Tail Pokémon
191 191 Sunkern Himanuts Seed Pokémon
192 192 Sunflora Kimawari Sun Pokémon
193 193 Yanma Yanyanma Clear Wing Pokémon
194 194 Wooper Upah Water Fish Pokémon
195 195 Quagsire Nuoh Water Fish Pokémon
196 196 Espeon Eifie Sun Pokémon
197 197 Umbreon Blacky Moonlight Pokémon
198 198 Murkrow Yamikarasu Darkness Pokémon
199 199 Slowking Yadoking Royal Pokémon
200 200 Misdreavus Muma Screech Pokémon
201 201 Unown Unknown Symbol Pokémon
202 202 Wobbuffet Sonans Patient Pokémon
203 203 Girafarig Kirinriki Long Neck Pokémon
204 204 Pineco Kunugidama Bagworm Pokémon
205 205 Forretress Foretos Bagworm Pokémon
206 206 Dunsparce Nokocchi Land Snake Pokémon
207 207 Gligar Gliger Flyscorpion Pokémon
208 208 Steelix Haganeil Iron Snake Pokémon
209 209 Snubbull Bull Fairy Pokémon
210 210 Granbull Granbull Fairy Pokémon
211 211 Qwilfish Harisen Balloon Pokémon
212 212 Scizor Hassamu Pincer Pokémon
213 213 Shuckle Tsubotsubo Mold Pokémon
214 214 Heracross Herakrosu Single Horn Pokémon
215 215 Sneasel Nyura Sharp Claw Pokémon
216 216 Teddiursa Himeguma Little Bear Pokémon
217 217 Ursaring Ringuma Hibernator Pokémon
218 218 Slugma Magumagu Lava Pokémon
219 219 Magcargo Magukargo Lava Pokémon
220 220 Swinub Urimu Pig Pokémon
221 221 Piloswine Inomu Swine Pokémon
222 222 Corsola Saniigo Coral Pokémon
223 223 Remoraid Teppouo Jet Pokémon
224 224 Octillery Okutan Jet Pokémon
225 225 Delibird Deribado Delivery Pokémon
226 226 Mantine Mantain Kite Pokémon
227 227 Skarmory Eamudo Armor Bird Pokémon
228 228 Houndour Deribiru Dark Pokémon
229 229 Houndoom Herugaa Dark Pokémon
230 230 Kingdra Kingdra Dragon Pokémon
231 231 Phanpy Gomazou Long Nose Pokémon
232 232 Donphan Donfan Armor Pokémon
233 233 Porygon2 Porygon2 Virtual Pokémon
234 234 Stantler Odoshishi Big Horn Pokémon
235 235 Smeargle Doburu Painter Pokémon
236 236 Tyrogue Baruki Scuffle Pokémon
237 237 Hitmontop Kaporea Handstand Pokémon
238 238 Smoochum Muchuru Kiss Pokémon
239 239 Elekid Elekid Electric Pokémon
240 240 Magby Bubii Live Coal Pokémon
241 241 Miltank Miltank Milk Cow Pokémon
242 242 Blissey Happinas Happiness Pokémon
243 243 Raikou Raikou Thunder Pokémon
244 244 Entei Entei Volcano Pokémon
245 245 Suicune Suikun Aurora Pokémon
246 246 Larvitar Yogiras Rock Skin Pokémon
247 247 Pupitar Sanagiras Hard Shell Pokémon
248 248 Tyranitar Bangirasu Armor Pokémon
249 249 Lugia Lugia Diving Pokémon
250 250 Ho-Oh Houou Rainbow Pokémon
251 251 Celebi Serebii Time Travel Pokémon
252 252 Treecko Kimori Wood Gecko Pokémon
253 253 Grovyle Juptile Wood Gecko Pokémon
254 254 Sceptile Jukain Forest Pokémon
255 255 Torchic Achamo Chick Pokémon
256 256 Combusken Wakasyamo Young Fowl Pokémon
257 257 Blaziken Bursyamo Blaze Pokémon
258 258 Mudkip Mizugorou Mud Fish Pokémon
259 259 Marshtomp Numacraw Mud Fish Pokémon
260 260 Swampert Laglarge Mud Fish Pokémon
261 261 Poochyena Pochiena Bite Pokémon
262 262 Mightyena Guraena Bite Pokémon
263 263 Zigzagoon Ziguzaguma Tinyraccoon Pokémon
264 264 Linoone Massuguma Rushing Pokémon
265 265 Wurmple Kemusso Worm Pokémon
266 266 Silcoon Karasalis Cocoon Pokémon
267 267 Beautifly Agehunt Butterfly Pokémon
268 268 Cascoon Mayuld Cocoon Pokémon
269 269 Dustox Dokucale Poison Moth Pokémon
270 270 Lotad Hassboh Water Weed Pokémon
271 271 Lombre Hasubrero Jolly Pokémon
272 272 Ludicolo Runpappa Carefree Pokémon
273 273 Seedot Taneboh Acorn Pokémon
274 274 Nuzleaf Konohana Wily Pokémon
275 275 Shiftry Dirteng Wicked Pokémon
276 276 Taillow Subame Tinyswallow Pokémon
277 277 Swellow Ohsubame Swallow Pokémon
278 278 Wingull Camome Seagull Pokémon
279 279 Pelipper Pelipper Water Bird Pokémon
280 280 Ralts Ralts Feeling Pokémon
281 281 Kirlia Kirlia Emotion Pokémon
282 282 Gardevoir Sirnight Embrace Pokémon
283 283 Surskit Ametama Pond Skater Pokémon
284 284 Masquerain Amemoth Eyeball Pokémon
285 285 Shroomish Kinococo Mushroom Pokémon
286 286 Breloom Kinogassa Mushroom Pokémon
287 287 Slakoth Namakero Slacker Pokémon
288 288 Vigoroth Yurukimono Wild Monkey Pokémon
289 289 Slaking Kekking Lazy Pokémon
290 290 Nincada Tutinin Trainee Pokémon
291 291 Ninjask Tekkanin Ninja Pokémon
292 292 Shedinja Nukenin Shed Pokémon
293 293 Whismur Gonyonyo Whisper Pokémon
294 294 Loudred Dogohmb Big Voice Pokémon
295 295 Exploud Bakuong Loud Noise Pokémon
296 296 Makuhita Makunoshita Guts Pokémon
297 297 Hariyama Hariteyama Arm Thrust Pokémon
298 298 Azurill Ruriri Polka Dot Pokémon
299 299 Nosepass Nosepass Compass Pokémon
300 300 Skitty Eneco Kitten Pokémon
301 301 Delcatty Enekororo Prim Pokémon
302 302 Sableye Yamirami Darkness Pokémon
303 303 Mawile Kucheat Deceiver Pokémon
304 304 Aron Cokodora Iron Armor Pokémon
305 305 Lairon Kodora Iron Armor Pokémon
306 306 Aggron Bossgodora Iron Armor Pokémon
307 307 Meditite Asanan Meditate Pokémon
308 308 Medicham Charem Meditate Pokémon
309 309 Electrike Rakurai Lightning Pokémon
310 310 Manectric Livolt Discharge Pokémon
311 311 Plusle Prasle Cheering Pokémon
312 312 Minun Minun Cheering Pokémon
313 313 Volbeat Barubeat Firefly Pokémon
314 314 Illumise Illumise Firefly Pokémon
315 315 Roselia Roselia Thorn Pokémon
316 316 Gulpin Gokulin Stomach Pokémon
317 317 Swalot Marunoom Poison Bag Pokémon
318 318 Carvanha Kibanha Savage Pokémon
319 319 Sharpedo Samehader Brutal Pokémon
320 320 Wailmer Whalko Ball Whale Pokémon
321 321 Wailord Whaloh Float Whale Pokémon
322 322 Numel Donmel Numb Pokémon
323 323 Camerupt Bakuuda Eruption Pokémon
324 324 Torkoal Cotoise Coal Pokémon
325 325 Spoink Baneboo Bounce Pokémon
326 326 Grumpig Boopig Manipulate Pokémon
327 327 Spinda Patcheel Spot Panda Pokémon
328 328 Trapinch Nuckrar Ant Pit Pokémon
329 329 Vibrava Vibrava Vibration Pokémon
330 330 Flygon Flygon Mystic Pokémon
331 331 Cacnea Sabonea Cactus Pokémon
332 332 Cacturne Noctus Scarecrow Pokémon
333 333 Swablu Tyltto Cotton Bird Pokémon
334 334 Altaria Tyltalis Humming Pokémon
335 335 Zangoose Zangoose Cat Ferret Pokémon
336 336 Seviper Habunake Fang Snake Pokémon
337 337 Lunatone Lunatone Meteorite Pokémon
338 338 Solrock Solrock Meteorite Pokémon
339 339 Barboach Dojoach Whiskers Pokémon
340 340 Whiscash Namazun Whiskers Pokémon
341 341 Corphish Heigani Ruffian Pokémon
342 342 Crawdaunt Shizariger Rogue Pokémon
343 343 Baltoy Yajilon Clay Doll Pokémon
344 344 Claydol Nendoll Clay Doll Pokémon
345 345 Lileep Lilyla Sea Lily Pokémon
346 346 Cradily Yuradle Barnacle Pokémon
347 347 Anorith Anopth Old Shrimp Pokémon
348 348 Armaldo Armaldo Plate Pokémon
349 349 Feebas Hinbass Fish Pokémon
350 350 Milotic Milokaross Tender Pokémon
351 351 Castform Powalen Weather Pokémon
352 352 Kecleon Kakureon Color Swap Pokémon
353 353 Shuppet Kagebouzu Puppet Pokémon
354 354 Banette Juppeta Marionette Pokémon
355 355 Duskull Yomawaru Requiem Pokémon
356 356 Dusclops Samayouru Beckon Pokémon
357 357 Tropius Tropius Fruit Pokémon
358 358 Chimecho Chirean Wind Chime Pokémon
359 359 Absol Absol Disaster Pokémon
360 360 Wynaut Sohnano Bright Pokémon
361 361 Snorunt Yukiwarashi Snow Hat Pokémon
362 362 Glalie Onigohri Face Pokémon
363 363 Spheal Tamazarashi Clap Pokémon
364 364 Sealeo Todoggler Ball Roll Pokémon
365 365 Walrein Todoseruga Ice Break Pokémon
366 366 Clamperl Pearlulu Bivalve Pokémon
367 367 Huntail Huntail Deep Sea Pokémon
368 368 Gorebyss Sakurabyss South Sea Pokémon
369 369 Relicanth Glanth Longevity Pokémon
370 370 Luvdisc Lovecus Rendezvous Pokémon
371 371 Bagon Tatsubay Rock Head Pokémon
372 372 Shelgon Komoruu Endurance Pokémon
373 373 Salamence Bohmander Dragon Pokémon
374 374 Beldum Dumbber Iron Ball Pokémon
375 375 Metang Metang Iron Claw Pokémon
376 376 Metagross Metagross Iron Leg Pokémon
377 377 Regirock Regirock Rock Peak Pokémon
378 378 Regice Regice Iceberg Pokémon
379 379 Registeel Registeel Iron Pokémon
380 380 Latias Latias Eon Pokémon
381 381 Latios Latios Eon Pokémon
382 382 Kyogre Kyogre Sea Basin Pokémon
383 383 Groudon Groudon Continent Pokémon
384 384 Rayquaza Rayquaza Sky High Pokémon
385 385 Jirachi Jirachi Wish Pokémon
386 386 Deoxys Deoxys DNA Pokémon
387 387 Turtwig Naetle Tiny Leaf Pokémon
388 388 Grotle Hayashigame Grove Pokémon
389 389 Torterra Dodaitose Continent Pokémon
390 390 Chimchar Hikozaru Chimp Pokémon
391 391 Monferno Moukazaru Playful Pokémon
392 392 Infernape Goukazaru Flame Pokémon
393 393 Piplup Pochama Penguin Pokémon
394 394 Prinplup Pottaishi Penguin Pokémon
395 395 Empoleon Emperte Emperor Pokémon
396 396 Starly Mukkuru Starling Pokémon
397 397 Staravia Mukubird Starling Pokémon
398 398 Staraptor Mukuhawk Predator Pokémon
399 399 Bidoof Bipper Plump Mouse Pokémon
400 400 Bibarel Beadull Beaver Pokémon
401 401 Kricketot Korobōshi Cricket Pokémon
402 402 Kricketune Korotok Cricket Pokémon
403 403 Shinx Kolink Flash Pokémon
404 404 Luxio Luxio Spark Pokémon
405 405 Luxray Rentorer Gleam Eyes Pokémon
406 406 Budew Subomie Bud Pokémon
407 407 Roserade Roserade Bouquet Pokémon
408 408 Cranidos Zugaidos Head Butt Pokémon
409 409 Rampardos Rampard Head Butt Pokémon
410 410 Shieldon Tatetops Shield Pokémon
411 411 Bastiodon Trideps Shield Pokémon
412 412 Burmy Minomutchi Bagworm Pokémon
413 413 Wormadam Minomadam Bagworm Pokémon
414 414 Mothim Garmeil Moth Pokémon
415 415 Combee Mitsuhoney Tiny Bee Pokémon
416 416 Vespiquen Beequeen Beehive Pokémon
417 417 Pachirisu Pachirisu EleSquirrel Pokémon
418 418 Buizel Buoysel Sea Weasel Pokémon
419 419 Floatzel Flowsel Sea Weasel Pokémon
420 420 Cherubi Cherinbo Cherry Pokémon
421 421 Cherrim Cherrim Blossom Pokémon
422 422 Shellos Karanakushi Sea Slug Pokémon
423 423 Gastrodon Toritodon Sea Slug Pokémon
424 424 Ambipom Eteboth Long Tail Pokémon
425 425 Drifloon Fuwante Balloon Pokémon
426 426 Drifblim Fuwaride Blimp Pokémon
427 427 Buneary Mimiroll Rabbit Pokémon
428 428 Lopunny Mimilop Rabbit Pokémon
429 429 Mismagius Mumage Magical Pokémon
430 430 Honchkrow Donkarasu Big Boss Pokémon
431 431 Glameow Nyarmar Catty Pokémon
432 432 Purugly Bunyat Tiger Cat Pokémon
433 433 Chingling Lisyan Bell Pokémon
434 434 Stunky Skunpoo Skunk Pokémon
435 435 Skuntank Skutank Skunk Pokémon
436 436 Bronzor Domirror Bronze Pokémon
437 437 Bronzong Dōtakun Bronze Bell Pokémon
438 438 Bonsly Usohachi Bonsai Pokémon
439 439 Mime Jr. Manene Mime Pokémon
440 440 Happiny Pinpuku Playhouse Pokémon
441 441 Chatot Perap Music Note Pokémon
442 442 Spiritomb Mikaruge Forbidden Pokémon
443 443 Gible Fukamaru Land Shark Pokémon
444 444 Gabite Gabite Cave Pokémon
445 445 Garchomp Gablias Mach Pokémon
446 446 Munchlax Gonbe Big Eater Pokémon
447 447 Riolu Riolu Emanation Pokémon
448 448 Lucario Lucario Aura Pokémon
449 449 Hippopotas Hippopotas Hippo Pokémon
450 450 Hippowdon Kabarudon Heavyweight Pokémon
451 451 Skorupi Scorpi Scorpion Pokémon
452 452 Drapion Dorapion Ogre Scorp Pokémon
453 453 Croagunk Gureggru Toxic Mouth Pokémon
454 454 Toxicroak Dokurog Toxic Mouth Pokémon
455 455 Carnivine Muskippa Bug Catcher Pokémon
456 456 Finneon Keikouo Wing Fish Pokémon
457 457 Lumineon Neorant Neon Pokémon
458 458 Mantyke Tamanta Kite Pokémon
459 459 Snover Yukikaburi Frost Tree Pokémon
460 460 Abomasnow Yukinooh Frost Tree Pokémon
461 461 Weavile Manyula Sharp Claw Pokémon
462 462 Magnezone Jibacoil Magnet Area Pokémon
463 463 Lickilicky Berobelt Licking Pokémon
464 464 Rhyperior Dosidon Drill Pokémon
465 465 Tangrowth Mojanbo Vine Pokémon
466 466 Electivire Elekible Thunderbolt Pokémon
467 467 Magmortar Booburn Blast Pokémon
468 468 Togekiss Togekiss Jubilee Pokémon
469 469 Yanmega Megayanma Ogre Darner Pokémon
470 470 Leafeon Leafia Verdant Pokémon
471 471 Glaceon Glacia Fresh Snow Pokémon
472 472 Gliscor Glion Fang Scorp Pokémon
473 473 Mamoswine Mammoo Twin Tusk Pokémon
474 474 Porygon-Z PorygonZ Virtual Pokémon
475 475 Gallade Erlade Blade Pokémon
476 476 Probopass Dainose Compass Pokémon
477 477 Dusknoir Yonoir Gripper Pokémon
478 478 Froslass Yukimenoko Snow Land Pokémon
479 479 Rotom Rotom Plasma Pokémon
480 480 Uxie Yuxie Knowledge Pokémon
481 481 Mesprit Emrit Emotion Pokémon
482 482 Azelf Agnome Willpower Pokémon
483 483 Dialga Dialga Temporal Pokémon
484 484 Palkia Palkia Spatial Pokémon
485 485 Heatran Heatran Lava Dome Pokémon
486 486 Regigigas Regigigas Colossal Pokémon
487 487 Giratina Giratina Renegade Pokémon
488 488 Cresselia Crecelia Lunar Pokémon
489 489 Phione Phione Sea Drifter Pokémon
490 490 Manaphy Manaphy Seafaring Pokémon
491 491 Darkrai Darkrai Pitch-Black Pokémon
492 492 Shaymin Shaymin Gratitude Pokémon
493 493 Arceus Arceus Alpha Pokémon


  • Several Pokémon have had their species altered between generations. This is primarily due to character limitations in earlier Pokémon games. Squirtle, as an example, was originally the "Tinyturtle Pokémon". It was later listed as the "Tiny Turtle Pokémon".
  • The species names present in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen are cut off in early English releases of the games, most specifically those species names made up of more than one word with a space in between. This causes Pokémon like Pidgey to be listed as "Tiny Pokémon" rather than "Tiny Bird Pokémon". Internal game data lists the species name the same as it appears in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald and other games, indicating a glitch in the Pokédex where a blank space is confused for the terminating byte for the name. This was addressed in later releases of the game.

See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting