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*{{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
*{{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
*{{p|Psyduck}} ({{OP|Misty|Psyduck}})
*{{p|Psyduck}} ({{OP|Misty|Psyduck}})
*{{p|Meowth}}  ({{OP|Team Rocket|Meowth}})
*{{p|Togepi}}  ({{OP|Misty|Togepi|Togetic}})
*{{p|Staryu}}  ({{OP|Misty|Staryu}})

Revision as of 05:06, 17 January 2010

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Psyduck Ducks Out
ISBN: 0439200911
Published: December 2000
Publisher: Scholastic
Author: Jennifer L. Johnson
Preceded By: Talent Showdown
Succeeded By: Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium

Psyduck Ducks Out is the fifteenth book of the book adaptions of the Pokémon anime. It is based on the events of Hypno's Naptime, The Ninja Poké-Showdown ,The Breeding Center Secret and Bye Bye Psyduck.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Template:Incomplete synopsis book The book starts with Misty, Ash and Brock walking towards Ash's next gym battle. Misty asks if they can rest but Ash wants to keep moving. Pikachu begs Ash and they decide to stop. Misty smiles as she thinks about Pikachu. Togepi's belly rumbles and Misty spots some fruit in a tree. She is going to release Staryu, but Psyduck comes out instead. She groans as Ash laughs. Misty flashes back to when she first got Psyduck.

She and her friends are walking through HopHopHop Town when they see an Officer Jenny. She tells them that there are children who have gone missing three days ago. Ash immediately declares them on the job. They head off toward the Pokémon Center and see Nurse Joy. They see other Pokémon behind her and ask what is wrong. She tells them that the Pokémon became sick three days ago. They realize that is the same time the children went missing. Misty then spies a Psyduck lying with the other Pokémon. She is not impressed, and neither is Ash. Officer Jenny says that there has been an increase in sleep waves being admitted from the town. Nurse Joy says that it couldn't be her Pokémon and Officer Jenny says it isn't, and they follow her out of the center to a mansion. Walking inside they see many people wearing fancy dresses and skirts. Walking over to one guy, they ask him what is going on. They find out that this is the Pokémon Lovers Club. They are having trouble sleeping so they are having a Hypno admit sleep waves. Misty walks over to it and begins to act like a Seel. Ash and Brock are horrified and Misty runs off. She leads them to a place where the missing children are, all acting like a Pokémon. They take them back and have Drowzee cure them. Going back to the center, all the Pokémon are better except the Psyduck. Brock volunteers to care for it to impress Nurse Joy. Heading out Brock says that Misty would be a better trainer for it. Misty declines then trips and an empty Poké Ball lands next to Psyduck. It hits the ball with its beak and it opens, capturing Psyduck.

The next part starts with Misty watching Ash battle Koga. Suddenly Jessie, James and Meowth are standing there. They want to capture Pikachu. They let Voltorb down from the cieling which are trapped in a sticky net. One Voltorb is free and explodes.


When Psyduck evolves into Golduck, Misty is thrilled! Golduck is the fastest swimmer of all. Besides, training Psyduck was one big headache. Psyduck was totally clueless and clumsy, except when it got a headache. Then its attacks were unstoppable- especially against Team Rocket!

But is Golduck about to give Misty a big surprise?

Get the inside scoop on Misty and Psyduck from their hypnotic encounter to their biggest battles ever.

Major Events


Pokémon Debuts






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Pokémon animated series novelizations
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Adventures in
the Orange Islands
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This book article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.