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Revision as of 01:18, 13 February 2010 by Skystar (talk | contribs) (Pokémon)

Chermaine (Japanese: シャム Siam), along with Karen, Will, Green, Silver, and Keane, is one of the children kidnapped by the Masked Man and raised to be his servants. Chermaine was one of the sub-leaders of the new Team Rocket formed in Johto.

Her proper English name from Chuang Yi's Singaporean English Pokémon manga translations is Chermaine. However, Coronis who is known of coining fan names for manga characters who lack American names coined the name Shum based on her Japanese name. Some fans still refer to her this way.


She has the following Pokémon:


Chermaine's Slowking first appeared when its trainer and her partner Keane were torturing the Team Rocket Elite Trio for failing to catch Suicune. Later on, it was used by Chermaine to bide time against Gold and Crystal while the rest of Team Rocket came towards the Indigo Plateau. It was defeated after being struck by a Giga Drain while asleep. Its only known move is Snore.


Chermaine has three Persian that she used in order to bide time for the rest of Team Rocket to arrive at the Indigo Plateau. However, they were easily put to sleep by Poltaro's Hypnosis. She has had one of them since childhood. The one she had since it was a Meowth knows Scratch and they all know Roar.


  • Due to the lack of Rocket executive designs, she's is based on the female executive. However, this means she looks like Athena due to Athena also being based on the female executive.

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