While Metapod is classified as a cocoon Pokémon, it bears more resemblance to a chrysalis. Its soft body is protected by a hard outer shell while it undergoes metamorphosis. While this shell is said to be as hard as steel, a large sudden impact could cause its vulnerable body to pop out, leaving it completely exposed. It shares many physiological and behavioral characteristics with Kakuna, suggesting that they may have a distant relationship.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Metapod possess a very limited range of movement. However, by hardening their outer shell, they can protect themselves from most kinds of enemies.
In order to conserve as much energy as possible, Metapod generally remain motionless. They can be very difficult to spot in the wild, because their green coloration helps them blend in with the tree-top canopies. If Metapod is discovered by an enemy, it is unable to do anything other than harden its outer shell. While this is enough to deter most predators, it does not offer complete protection, as the Metapod's insides still remain soft and vulnerable. Its second line of defense is to drop out of the trees using String Shot. Because of its vulnerability, Metapod evolve rapidly into their final evolutionary stage.
Metapod can often be found in wooded areas, such as Viridian Forest. They dangle themselves from leafy canopies using String Shot. They can be found in Kanto and Johto with reports of them being seen in Sinnoh as well.
Samurai, in Challenge of the Samurai, battled Ash's Metapod with his own Metapod, but because both Metapod only knew Harden, the battle went on for hours until a swarm of Beedrill forced the battle to end.
In Gettin' The Bugs Out, Bugsy used a Metapod against Ash for the Gym Battle. Unlike most Metapod, this one was actually able to fight back.
In Caterpie's Big Dilemma, Xander's Caterpie became giant-sized after eating some enhanced Rare Candies. Xander's Caterpie knocked down part of a radio tower in order to make a place for it to evolve into Metapod.
Metapod, Caterpie's next stage. It has encased its body in a hard shell. This specimen reached this stage faster than any previously discovered Pokémon of this variety.
The shell covering this Pokémon's body is as hard as an iron slab. Metapod does not move very much. It stays still because it is preparing its soft innards for evolution inside the hard shell.
The shell covering this Pokémon's body is as hard as an iron slab. Metapod does not move very much. It stays still because it is preparing its soft innards for evolution inside the hard shell.
|- style="background:#B8C26A"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Metapod is tied with Kakuna, Silcoon, and Cascoon as the weakest evolved Pokémon in the games, by average base stats.
Metapod shares the same species name with Kakuna, Silcoon, and Cascoon. They are all known as Cocoon Pokémon.
Despite not being able to move, Metapod can know Tackle if it evolves from Caterpie. Also, in Pokémon Platinum, it can learn Bug Bite by evolution from Caterpie despite not having a visible mouth.
Metapod is the first Pokémon to evolve in a movie and in an episode, though the latter is from a Caterpie.
There is some confusion as to which way Metapod is supposed to face. Some sprites show it with a dome curved back, other show it the other way around. However, its official art and Anime appearences would seem to confirm it is meant to face the same way as its Generation IV Sprites.
Its design appears to be based upon a generic butterfly chrysalis, most likely a Cabbage White or Swallowtail chrysalis.
Name origin
Metapod's name is a combination of metamorphosis and pod, referring to its chrysalis state. Its Japanese name appears to be a combination of transform and cell or shell.
In other languages
German: Safcon - a combination of Safe (safe) and Kokon (cocoon).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.