Garchomp are dark blue, with a red underbelly that covers from the middle of its abdomen, to its jaws, and then to the undersides of its arms. Underneath the red is a gold diamond shape as well a gold cross on its snout; which gives Garchomp a close resemblance to Sharpedo, with close to the same body color as it. Garchomp have appendages that resemble jets, planes and hammerhead sharks; its four fins, one on each arm, one dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembles a sharktailfin; horns that resemble jet/plane engines rest on its head, resembling a hammerhead. It has spikes on its hind limbs and arms as well as sharper claws than its previous evolution. Its eyes have black scleras and gold colored irises. Its pupils have shrunk.
Gender differences
A male has a cut on his dorsal fin, while the female does not.
Special abilities
Though Garchomp is not able to learn the move Fly and cannot possess Levitate, it can still fly at an incredible speed to catch its prey. This is evident in both the anime and Pokédex entries.
|- style="background:#8D98EC"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Garchomp has the second highest base stat average of all non-legendary Pokémon, the first being Slaking. However, it is tied with the four other pseudo-legendary evolutions. Garchomp is also tied with many other legendaries for base stat average, including Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, Latios and Latias.
Although Garchomp is said to fly at the speed of sound, Pidgeot has a lower speed stat but is said to fly at mach 2 speed, roughly twice the speed of sound.
Though its Pokédex entries make note of its astounding flying abilities, Garchomp cannot learn Fly or even possess the ability Levitate. Similarly, although Garchomp is known as the Mach Pokémon, it cannot learn Mach Punch or any other variation of Quick Attack (including Quick Attack itself).
Despite Pokédex entries noting that, when in flight, Garchomp's wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees, Garchomp cannot learn Air Slash or Air Cutter. This might indicate that such claims are simply rumors. However, Garchomp can fly at the speed of sound.
Of all five pseudo-legendary Pokémon, Garchomp has the lowest Attack stat. Because of this, it is also the only pseudo-legendary Pokémon whose Attack stat cannot exceed 400 at level 100, with a maximum of only 394.
It is also the fastest among the pseudo-legendary Pokémon, with a maximum Speed of 333.
It also has the highest HP among the pseudo-legendary Pokémon, with a maximum HP of 420.
Appearance-wise, Garchomp seems like a cross between an European dragon and a hammerhead shark. It may have the genuine appearance of a land shark. It also seems to have the appearence of a jet.
Name origin
Its English name clearly comes from chomp. The gar- in its name may come from garpike, a species of fish similar to Garchomp. The Japanese name may come from がぶがぶ gabugabu, the sound of gobbling or gulping down, がぶりと gaburito, bite or chew, or がぶりと噛み付く gaburitokamitsuku, sink one's teeth into, and アース āsu, earth.
In other languages
German: Knakrack - From knacken (to crack) and Racker (rascal).
French: Carchacrok - From Carcharodon, scientific name of sharks, and croquer (to bite).
Chinese (Taiwan): 烈咬陸鯊 Liè Yǎo Lù Shā - Literally "Violent biting land shark". Contains 陸鯊 (land shark) like the Chinese name of its pre-evolutionary form, 圓陸鯊 Yuán Lù Shā (Gible) and 尖牙陸鯊 Jiān Yá Lù Shā (Gabite).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.