Ash's Kingler (Japanese: サトシのキングラーSatoshi's Kingler) was the seventh Pokémon acquired by Ash Ketchum in the Kanto region, and the first of Ash's Pokémon to primarily reside at Professor Oak's laboratory in Pallet Town. Its voice actor in both Japanese and English is Unshō Ishizuka. As a Krabby, Rikako Aikawa voiced it in both languages.
Ash originally obtained it as a Krabby in Mystery at the Lighthouse, where he caught it to prove to Misty that it was not a fluke that he captured all his other Pokémon. Having six Pokémon already in his party at the time, the newly caught Krabby's Poké Ball was teleported away, much to Ash's surprise and concern. He soon learned that Krabby was sent to Professor Oak.
Krabby's battling debut came in Round One - Begin!, when Ash used it during the first round of the Pokémon League against Mandi, reasoning that Krabby would be perfect for a battle on the Water field despite Misty's protests that Ash should borrow one of her Pokémon as Krabby had never battled before. Despite this, Krabby was able to defeat Mandi's Exeggutor, the intensity of the battle causing it to evolve into a Kingler. It was able to finish the rest of the match by defeating Mandi's two remaining Pokémon, Seadra and Golbat, despite Misty and Brock's concerns about Kingler's ability to prevail against Seadra's speed and Golbat's air attacks. Ash also used Kingler in his battle on the Ice field- although he may have used Kingler on the Rock field, this was never shown-, where Kingler defeated his opponent's Cloyster before losing to a surprisingly powerful Arcanine.
Johto and Orange Islands
Kingler spent most of the time at Oak's lab as Ash and his friends traveled the Orange Islands and the Johto region.
Ash was planning to use Kingler in the Johto League Silver Conference, but it was injured while rescuing a group of runaway Voltorb making it unable to participate in the rest of the tournament.
Kingler is Ash's first crustacean-based Pokémon. The second is Corphish.
Kingler is the first and only one of Ash's Pokémon that evolved after its first battle. It is also Ash's only Pokémon to win in a Pokémon League match single handedly, excluding one on one matches.
Kingler is the first of Ash's Pokémon to be transferred directly to Professor Oak.
Because of Kingler being injured by multiple Voltorb, it is the only one of Ash's Pokémon at the time not to participate in the Silver Conference.
As a Krabby, it was shown to be unusually small in size - especially when compared to the massive Krabby caught by Gary.
Related articles
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Krabby and Kingler.