Team Magma Hideout

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Revision as of 00:28, 3 April 2007 by TTEchidna (talk | contribs)

The Magma Hideout is Team Magma's base of operations.

In the anime

It was shown to a a large, mobile sea fortress until it was destroyed by Kyogre's Hyper Beam. Ash and friends were taken prisoner there but they escaped in the confusion when Kyogre escaped.

In the games

In Ruby

It is located in the same place as the Aqua Hideout and has the same features.

In Emerald

It is located inside of Mt. Chimney, only accessible if the player has the Magma Emblem. It is where Groudon is woken by the power of the Blue Orb after the player defeats Maxie.


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Lilycove MuseumShoal CaveTeam Aqua Hideout • Team Magma Hideout (LilycoveJagged Pass) • Mossdeep Space CenterSeafloor Cavern
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