Danny (Japanese: ダンDan) is the Gym Leader of the Navel IslandGym. He hands out the Sea Ruby Badge to trainers who defeat him. His Japanese voice actor is 松本保典 Yasunori Matsumoto, and his English voice actor is Jim Malone.
He is the second Gym Leader Ash encounters in the Orange Archipelago. He appears to be in his mid-20s and enjoys water sports including sailing and windsurfing. He and Misty seem to develop a relationship in the anime episode Navel Maneuvers.
Danny doesn't simply battle Ash, however; instead, he challenges Ash to work with his Pokémon in order to win the Badge. Initially, Danny and Ash have to climb a mountain without the aid of any of their Pokémon. Then Ash and Danny each choose three Pokémon to build a bobsled (or toboggan) of sorts, and the final challenge is a bobsled race down the side of the mountain.
Danny's Nidoqueen knows Ice Beam. With that, she was able to quickly freeze the ice coming out of the geyser. Nidoqueen's strength was then used to help carve out the sled from the slab of ice.
Scyther was the only one of Danny's Pokémon to be in both challenges. It first helped carve the ice into a sled using its scythes. It then used its scythes to help steer the sledge as it went down the mountain.
Electrode was one of Danny's Pokémon that was used in the race down the mountain. Using its weight to help steer, it also uses its Explosion to help ward off Team Rocket.
Geodude was also seen only during the race down the mountain. Using its weight to help steer the craft, Geodude also has a powerful throw which helps defend against Team Rocket.
Danny in his Geodude shirt
Danny has a shirt with a Geodude print on it.
Danny is the only regular Gym Leader of the Orange Crew not to have a family member revealed.