Mossdeep City

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Mossdeep City

Mossdeep City (Japanese: トクサネシティ Tokusane City) lies on an island along the eastern edge of the Hoenn region. The city's slogan is "Cherish Pokémon!", and its space center boasts being "the closest place to space".

The island of Mossdeep is covered in plants and flowers. Its weather is mainly sunny, and its winds are stable. Because of this weather, Mossdeep was the ideal location to build a space center which launches huge rockets.

There is a boy living in Mossdeep who will remind Pokémon trainers of where their Secret Base is located, in case they forget. There is also a Black Belt who will identify what PokéBlocks Pokémon like.

There is a house here run by an old man who organizes e-Reader battles for his amusement.

Many divers live at Mossdeep. One of the city's attractions is Wailmer watching. Also, Mossdeep is the only location in Hoenn where the rare Net Ball- and Dive Ball-types of Poké Ball are made.

In Mossdeep, there is a white rock which holds a special meaning to the people at the space center. They placed the rock outside of the space center as their wish for their rockets to fly safely.

The Gym Leaders of Mossdeep City are the mystic combination, twins Liza & Tate.

A deep underwater trench runs between Mossdeep City and Sootopolis City. This cavern was found by Captain Stern in his submarine. The possibility of rare stones in the cavern has attracted the attention of Steven Stone.

Steven Stone has a cottage here where he keeps part of his rock collection. He will leave behind a rare Beldum after the protagonist defeats the Elite Four.

North of Mossdeep is the Shoal Cave, on Route 125. To the west is Route 124. Route 127 lies to the south.


The population of Mossdeep City is 38. This number is fairly high for other regions, but not Hoenn, where it is the fourth biggest city.

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