Version-exclusive Pokémon

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Version-exclusive Pokémon are Pokémon that are only found in one or two games in a single generation, to encourage trading between multiple players. For instance, in the original Pokémon Red, Bellsprout was absent but appeared in Pokémon Green (Pokémon Blue outside Japan). Version-exclusive Pokémon usually complement each other in design, type, as well as location of appearance in the wild.

It is typical for several evolutionary families of Pokémon to be version exclusives in the first two games of a generation, and then, in the third version, some version-exclusives from the first two games will be obtainable, while others while not, and in the third version, some Pokémon will be unobtainable that were obtainable in both of the first two games. For example, the Weedle and Koffing families were obtainable in both Pokémon Red and Blue, but unobtainable in Pokémon Yellow.

Below is a list of Pokémon exclusive to games. This list does not take note of Pokémon exclusive between Generation III Kanto and Hoenn games, simply because there are too many Pokémon that are native to each individual region to list; a better indicator of those Pokémon which are missing from each region would be the Kanto Pokédex and Hoenn Pokédex. However, even this does not take Generation II Pokémon into account, since the vast majority thereof is only listed in the National Pokédex of those games. Furthermore, a list of Pokémon missing from the Generation III GameCube games, Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD, is far too long to be included in this context.

Take note that the Pokémon listed below are from that particular game, and will need to be traded from a game within the same generation that does not list them. Therefore, Pokémon obtainable in Generation II by trading with Generation I, Pokémon obtainable in Generation IV by utilizing GBA games, legendary Pokémon and starter Pokémon and Pokémon obtained from attending promotional events, are all excluded from the following list.

It is of relevant note that in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, most of the version exclusives of the Generation III games can be caught in the wild by inserting one of the GBA games into the DS. In Pokémon XD, the seven Emerald-absent Pokémon are all obtainable, thus eliminating the need in trading with either Pokémon Ruby or Pokémon Sapphire.

Generation I

Please note that the Japanese Blue Version does not have the same Pokémon distribution as the English Blue Version. The English Blue's Pokémon distribution is in fact the same as that of the Japanese Green. Listed below under the "Blue" header is the Japanese Blue.

Pokémon Games
0013 Weedle Weedle R G B Y
0014 Kakuna Kakuna R G B Y
0015 Beedrill Beedrill R G B Y
0023 Ekans Ekans R G B Y
0024 Arbok Arbok R G B Y
0026 Raichu Raichu R G B Y
0027 Sandshrew Sandshrew R G B Y
0028 Sandslash Sandslash R G B Y
0037 Vulpix Vulpix R G B Y
0038 Ninetales Ninetales R G B Y
0043 Oddish Oddish R G B Y
0044 Gloom Gloom R G B Y
0045 Vileplume Vileplume R G B Y
0052 Meowth Meowth R G B Y
0053 Persian Persian R G B Y
0056 Mankey Mankey R G B Y
0057 Primeape Primeape R G B Y
0058 Growlithe Growlithe R G B Y
0059 Arcanine Arcanine R G B Y
0069 Bellsprout Bellsprout R G B Y
0070 Weepinbell Weepinbell R G B Y
0071 Victreebel Victreebel R G B Y
0109 Koffing Koffing R G B Y
0110 Weezing Weezing R G B Y
0123 Scyther Scyther R G B Y
0124 Jynx Jynx R G B Y
0125 Electabuzz Electabuzz R G B Y
0126 Magmar Magmar R G B Y
0127 Pinsir Pinsir R G B Y
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.

Generation II

Please note that Phanpy, Donphan, Teddiursa, and Ursaring are available in the opposite paired version in Japan that they are internationally, with the first two in the Japanese Gold and the latter two in the Japanese Silver. However, this change does not occur in HeartGold and SoulSilver's international release.

Pokémon Games
0037 Vulpix Vulpix G S C
0038 Ninetales Ninetales G S C
0052 Meowth Meowth G S C
0053 Persian Persian G S C
0056 Mankey Mankey G S C
0057 Primeape Primeape G S C
0058 Growlithe Growlithe G S C
0059 Arcanine Arcanine G S C
0165 Ledyba Ledyba G S C
0166 Ledian Ledian G S C
0167 Spinarak Spinarak G S C
0168 Ariados Ariados G S C
0179 Mareep Mareep G S C
0180 Flaaffy Flaaffy G S C
0181 Ampharos Ampharos G S C
0203 Girafarig Girafarig G S C
0207 Gligar Gligar G S C
0216 Teddiursa Teddiursa G S C
0217 Ursaring Ursaring G S C
0223 Remoraid Remoraid G S C
0224 Octillery Octillery G S C
0225 Delibird Delibird G S C
0226 Mantine Mantine G S C
0227 Skarmory Skarmory G S C
0231 Phanpy Phanpy G S C
0232 Donphan Donphan G S C
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.

Generation III


Pokémon Games
0270 Lotad Lotad R S E
0271 Lombre Lombre R S E
0272 Ludicolo Ludicolo R S E
0273 Seedot Seedot R S E
0274 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf R S E
0275 Shiftry Shiftry R S E
0283 Surskit Surskit R S E
0284 Masquerain Masquerain R S E
0302 Sableye Sableye R S E
0303 Mawile Mawile R S E
0307 Meditite Meditite R S E
0308 Medicham Medicham R S E
0315 Roselia Roselia R S E
0335 Zangoose Zangoose R S E
0336 Seviper Seviper R S E
0337 Lunatone Lunatone R S E
0338 Solrock Solrock R S E
0382 Kyogre Kyogre R S E
0383 Groudon Groudon R S E
0386 Deoxys Deoxys
Normal Forme
0386 Deoxys Deoxys
Speed Forme
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.


Pokémon Games
0023 Ekans Ekans FR LG
0024 Arbok Arbok FR LG
0027 Sandshrew Sandshrew FR LG
0028 Sandslash Sandslash FR LG
0037 Vulpix Vulpix FR LG
0038 Ninetales Ninetales FR LG
0043 Oddish Oddish FR LG
0044 Gloom Gloom FR LG
0045 Vileplume Vileplume FR LG
0054 Psyduck Psyduck FR LG
0055 Golduck Golduck FR LG
0058 Growlithe Growlithe FR LG
0059 Arcanine Arcanine FR LG
0069 Bellsprout Bellsprout FR LG
0070 Weepinbell Weepinbell FR LG
0071 Victreebel Victreebel FR LG
0079 Slowpoke Slowpoke FR LG
0080 Slowbro Slowbro FR LG
0090 Shellder Shellder FR LG
0091 Cloyster Cloyster FR LG
0120 Staryu Staryu FR LG
0121 Starmie Starmie FR LG
0123 Scyther Scyther FR LG
0125 Electabuzz Electabuzz FR LG
0126 Magmar Magmar FR LG
0127 Pinsir Pinsir FR LG
0182 Bellossom Bellossom FR LG
0183 Marill Marill FR LG
0184 Azumarill Azumarill FR LG
0194 Wooper Wooper FR LG
0195 Quagsire Quagsire FR LG
0198 Murkrow Murkrow FR LG
0199 Slowking Slowking FR LG
0200 Misdreavus Misdreavus FR LG
0211 Qwilfish Qwilfish FR LG
0212 Scizor Scizor FR LG
0215 Sneasel Sneasel FR LG
0223 Remoraid Remoraid FR LG
0224 Octillery Octillery FR LG
0225 Delibird Delibird FR LG
0226 Mantine Mantine FR LG
0227 Skarmory Skarmory FR LG
0239 Elekid Elekid FR LG
0240 Magby Magby FR LG
0298 Azurill Azurill FR LG
0386 Deoxys Deoxys
Attack Forme
0386 Deoxys Deoxys
Defense Forme
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.

Generation IV


Pokémon Games
0079 Slowpoke Slowpoke D P Pt
0080 Slowbro Slowbro D P Pt
0086 Seel Seel D P Pt
0087 Dewgong Dewgong D P Pt
0114 Tangela Tangela D P Pt
0123 Scyther Scyther D P Pt
0127 Pinsir Pinsir D P Pt
0144 Articuno Articuno D P Pt
0145 Zapdos Zapdos D P Pt
0146 Moltres Moltres D P Pt
0198 Murkrow Murkrow D P Pt
0199 Slowking Slowking D P Pt
0200 Misdreavus Misdreavus D P Pt
0212 Scizor Scizor D P Pt
0228 Houndour Houndour D P Pt
0229 Houndoom Houndoom D P Pt
0234 Stantler Stantler D P Pt
0246 Larvitar Larvitar D P Pt
0247 Pupitar Pupitar D P Pt
0248 Tyranitar Tyranitar D P Pt
0261 Poochyena Poochyena D P Pt
0262 Mightyena Mightyena D P Pt
0304 Aron Aron D P Pt
0305 Lairon Lairon D P Pt
0306 Aggron Aggron D P Pt
0328 Trapinch Trapinch D P Pt
0329 Vibrava Vibrava D P Pt
0330 Flygon Flygon D P Pt
0352 Kecleon Kecleon D P Pt
0357 Tropius Tropius D P Pt
0363 Spheal Spheal D P Pt
0364 Sealeo Sealeo D P Pt
0365 Walrein Walrein D P Pt
0366 Clamperl Clamperl D P Pt
0367 Huntail Huntail D P Pt
0368 Gorebyss Gorebyss D P Pt
0371 Bagon Bagon D P Pt
0372 Shelgon Shelgon D P Pt
0373 Salamence Salamence D P Pt
0377 Regirock Regirock D P Pt
0378 Regice Regice D P Pt
0379 Registeel Registeel D P Pt
0408 Cranidos Cranidos D P Pt
0409 Rampardos Rampardos D P Pt
0410 Shieldon Shieldon D P Pt
0411 Bastiodon Bastiodon D P Pt
0429 Mismagius Mismagius D P Pt
0430 Honchkrow Honchkrow D P Pt
0431 Glameow Glameow D P Pt
0432 Purugly Purugly D P Pt
0434 Stunky Stunky D P Pt
0435 Skuntank Skuntank D P Pt
0465 Tangrowth Tangrowth D P Pt
0479 Rotom Heat
D P Pt
0479 Rotom Wash
D P Pt
0479 Rotom Frost
D P Pt
0479 Rotom Fan
D P Pt
0479 Rotom Mow
D P Pt
0483 Dialga Dialga D P Pt
0484 Palkia Palkia D P Pt
0487 Giratina Giratina
Origin Forme
D P Pt
0492 Shaymin Shaymin
Sky Forme
D P Pt
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.


Pokémon Games
0037 Vulpix Vulpix HG SS
0038 Ninetales Ninetales HG SS
0052 Meowth Meowth HG SS
0053 Persian Persian HG SS
0056 Mankey Mankey HG SS
0057 Primeape Primeape HG SS
0058 Growlithe Growlithe HG SS
0059 Arcanine Arcanine HG SS
0138 Omanyte Omanyte HG SS
0139 Omastar Omastar HG SS
0140 Kabuto Kabuto HG SS
0141 Kabutops Kabutops HG SS
0165 Ledyba Ledyba HG SS
0166 Ledian Ledian HG SS
0167 Spinarak Spinarak HG SS
0168 Ariados Ariados HG SS
0207 Gligar Gligar HG SS
0216 Teddiursa Teddiursa HG SS
0217 Ursaring Ursaring HG SS
0225 Delibird Delibird HG SS
0226 Mantine Mantine HG SS
0227 Skarmory Skarmory HG SS
0231 Phanpy Phanpy HG SS
0232 Donphan Donphan HG SS
0302 Sableye Sableye HG SS
0303 Mawile Mawile HG SS
0316 Gulpin Gulpin HG SS
0317 Swalot Swalot HG SS
0343 Baltoy Baltoy HG SS
0344 Claydol Claydol HG SS
0345 Lileep Lileep HG SS
0346 Cradily Cradily HG SS
0347 Anorith Anorith HG SS
0348 Armaldo Armaldo HG SS
0382 Kyogre Kyogre HG SS
0383 Groudon Groudon HG SS
0458 Mantyke Mantyke HG SS
0472 Gliscor Gliscor HG SS
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.

Generation V

Pokémon Games
0??? Gochiruzeru Gochiruzeru B W
0??? Rankurusu Rankurusu B W
0??? Reshiram Reshiram B W
0??? Zekrom Zekrom B W
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

As trading is not possible between these games, the listed Pokémon will appear in the wild only when a rescue mission involving the Pokémon is completed. This requires a Wonder Mail Code from the alternate version, in which the Pokémon is normally found.

Red and Blue Rescue Team

Pokémon Games
0129 Magikarp Red Blue
0130 Gyarados Red Blue
0131 Lapras Red Blue
0137 Porygon Red Blue
0190 Aipom Red Blue
0226 Mantine Red Blue
0233 Porygon2 Red Blue
0311 Plusle Red Blue
0312 Minun Red Blue
0315 Roselia Red Blue
0349 Feebas Red Blue
0350 Milotic Red Blue
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.

Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky

Pokémon Games
0150 Mewtwo Time Darkness Sky
0251 Celebi Time Darkness Sky
0412 Burmy Time Darkness Sky
0415 Combee Time Darkness Sky
0417 Pachirisu Time Darkness Sky
0427 Buneary Time Darkness Sky
0428 Lopunny Time Darkness Sky
0447 Riolu Time Darkness Sky
0448 Lucario Time Darkness Sky
0479 Rotom Time Darkness Sky
0487 Giratina
Origin Forme
Time Darkness Sky
0492 Shaymin
Land Forme
Time Darkness Sky
0492 Shaymin
Sky Forme
Time Darkness Sky
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in the specified game while a white background means that it cannot.