Marshtomp is a bipedal amphibious creature, mostly light-blue in color with orange and black accentuation. Marshtomp has an angular black fin on his head and orange, pointed gills on the ends of both cheeks, similar to those on Mudkip. Marshtomp has fairly long arms with three-fingered hands. Marshtomp’s underside is a lighter shade of blue, the coloration extending to above the circular patch of orange coloration on its belly. Marshtomp has legs with three small toes upon its feet, and two black fins as its tails.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Several of Marshtomp’s attacks and notable abilities revolve around mud, which it can move through faster through than it can through water. Mud Shot is one of Marshtomp's special moves because they learn it when they first evolve, and is commonly used by both captive and wild Marshtomp alike. Due to a thin, sticky film enveloping its body, Marshtomp is able to live on land. However, Marshtomp becomes weakened if its skin dries out, so it replenishes fluids by playing in mud. Due to its sturdy legs, it has sure footing even in mud, enabling it to quickly overwhelm struggling foes. Marshtomp can utilize its fins like a radar. It is also sensitive to movements on the ground, even underground.
Marshtomp can be mild mannered, but are very protective of their kind, and are known to hurl mud at foes, the trait growing fierce upon evolution. Due to its sure footing in mud, it is able to quickly overwhelm struggling foes. Marshtomp plays in mud on beaches when the ocean tide is low, and burrows into dirt to sleep.
Marshtomp and members of its evolution family live in swamps and wetlands deep in isolated islands. They tend to dislike freshwater ponds, lakes, and riverbeds. Oddly, they travel great distances to freshwater beaches to make their nests.
Marshtomp made its debut appearance in Zig Zag Zangoose where it was revealed that Nicholai's Mudkip evolved.
Brock's Mudkip evolved into a Marshtomp in A Chip Off the Old Brock. The Mud Fish Pokémon accidentally injured a Flaaffy. After the Flaaffy was healed, Marshtomp became infatuated with the pink electrical sheep, though it ultimately rejected him. Marshtomp remained on Brock's team until it was left in Pewter City he departed for Sinnoh.
Marshtomp, the Mud Fish Pokémon, is the evolved form of Mudkip. Its body is enclosed in a membrane allowing it to live on land. Its lower body is well developed, so it's capable of walking on two legs.
Advanced Generation series entries continue below.
Marshtomp, the Mud Pokémon. Is the evolved form of Mudkip. It can move faster through mud than it can through water.
In the manga
Ruby's Mudkip, Zuzu, evolved upon the his arrival at Slateport City, which Ruby was happy to record a video of. Afterwards, it was used in battle with Magma AdminMack as Ruby escaped the villain using his knowledge of Pokéblocks and natures that determine preference. After again being forced to battle with yet another Magma Admin, this time in the form of Courtney, it became a Swampert, though this time Ruby was too depressed after his fight with Sapphire to commemorate this occasion.
The surface of Marshtomp's body is enveloped by a thin, sticky film that enables it to live on land. This Pokémon plays in mud on beaches when the ocean tide is low.
Marshtomp is much faster at traveling through mud than it is at swimming. This Pokémon's hindquarters exhibit obvious development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs.
Marshtomp has the highest base Attack of all middle evolution water type starter Pokémon. It has the second highest Attack tied with Combusken of all middle evolution starters, only suprassed by Grotle by only four points.
Mashtomp is based on the mudpuppy or mudskipper. However, the single fin on Marshtomp's head is reminiscent of the Murmillo Helmet worn by murmillo-class Roman gladiators or the Corinthian Helmet (with a horsehair crest) which is worn by Greek Hoplites. "Murmillo" is also a Greek word for a type of saltwater fish.
Name origin
Marshtomp draws its name from a combination of marsh and stomp.
The numa in Numacraw is probably 沼, swamp, and craw is the same as claw, since Japanese uses the same characters for both "l" and "r". Oddly enough, Marshtomp has no claws. Conversely, it could also be from crawdad, another name for the crayfish, a freshwater crustacean.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.