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どらら Dorara
Debuts in VS. Dustox
Caught at Unknown
Evolves in VS. Makuhita
VS. Spoink II
Gender Male
Ability Sturdy
Nature Naughty
Current location With Sapphire
This Pokémon spent 11 chapters as Aron and 61 chapters as Lairon.

Rono (Japanese: どらら Dorara) is one of the Pokémon that Sapphire owns in the Pokémon Adventures manga.


Rono as an Aron

Rono debuted as an Aron in the end of VS. Dustox, as one of the two Pokémon Sapphire started her journey with. Rono was first seen used by Sapphire battling a Pelipper at Rustboro City, and helped Sapphire rescue Mr. Stone's Castform.

Rono as a Lairon

After undergoing intensive training in Granite Cave, Rono evolved into Lairon during the battle against Brawly's Makuhita in VS. Makuhita. He evolved again into an Aggron during his training on Mirage Island with Juan, Tate, and Liza, as seen in VS. Spoink II.

In the Emerald arc, he fought against Tucker's Salamence.

Moves used

Move First Used In
Metal Claw VS. Nosepass I
Dig VS. Nosepass II
Iron Tail VS. Makuhita
Iron Defense VS. Azumarill II
Take Down VS. Azumarill II
Aerial Ace Unknown
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Aron, Lairon, and Aggron.

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