
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 01:18, 26 February 2011 by FrankTheTank000 (talk | contribs) (Tags)

About Me

Hi! My name is Frank and I'm fairly new to Bulbapedia, but I'll try to edit as much as I can.


Main Pokémon

Notes: None right now.
Coming Soon: Emerald, Pearl, and Miscellaneous teams as well as other important Pokémon I use, shinies, and less important teams.

Trivia About Teams

  • With the exception of the Miscellaneous Team, all of the first Pokémon on the major teams are the starters and the second ones were the first ones I caught.




  • The only reason Ralio isn't a Gallade is because he evolved into a Gardevoir before Generation IV came out.
    • He was also the first Pokémon I found in my Sapphire on Route 102.
  • Blazek hatched from an egg that came Blaze (on my Emerald team that isn't up yet).





This user is a WikiGnome.
This user comes from the United States.
This user is 15 years old.
This user's birthday is October 4.
This user eats too much.
This user doesn't get enough sleep.