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ショウロ Shōro

Amanita in Pokémon Adventures
Gender Female
Hometown Striaton City
Region Unova
Generation V
Games Black and White

Amanita (Japanese: ショウロ Shōro) is the storage system creator of the Unova region, who lives in Striaton City. She was introduced in Generation V, an expert in computing, creating a Pokémon storage system, succeeding Bebe's storage system.

In the games

Amanita was introduced in Generation V as the Pokémon storage system creator living in Striaton City in the Unova region. It was she who developed Unova's storage system based on the previous designs of Bill, Lanette and Bebe.

The player first meets her in Striaton City where she gives the player a storage box which can be accessed in the player's PC. She also tells the player about a new feature called the Battle Box which can be used to store the player's Pokémon for battle.

She has the player start out with 8 boxes capable of holding 240 Pokémon. When all 8 boxes have at least one Pokémon in them, the storage capacity will be increased to 16 boxes, holding 480 Pokémon. When all 16 of those boxes have at least one Pokémon in them, the capacity will be increased again to a maximum of 24 boxes, holding 720 Pokémon.

As a part of Ghetsis's Plan, Team Plasma had set up a Laboratory in N's Castle which was used to attack and break the security around her Pokémon Storage System and gain Master Access to it with the intention of releasing every Pokémon that was stored there. However, this plan would only be carried out on the King's (N's) command. And since he, Ghetsis, and Team Plasma were ultimately defeated by the Trainer, the Laboratory's equipment was confiscated and possibly disposed of while the Researchers, who were employed by Team Plasma to hack into the system, were arrested or escaped.



Language Name Origin
Japanese ショウロ Shouro 松露 Shōro, False-truffle (Rhizopogon rubescens).
English Amanita From the genus Amanita.
French Boletta From Boletus edulis.
German Rubina Possibly from Rhizopogon rubescens or Amanita rubescens.
Italian Mico From μύκης mýkēs, Greek for mushroom.
Spanish Trufa From trufa, truffle.

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Pokémon Storage System developers
Bill (Adventures) • LanetteBrigetteCelioBebeHayleyAmanitaCassiusMolayne (Masters) • Grand Oak
Non-player characters in the core series games
Unova Professor JuniperMom (BW)Mom (B2W2)CherenBiancaBianca's fatherHughHugh's sisterCedric JuniperFennelAmanita
CilanChiliCressLenoraHawesLoblollyCharlesIrisDraydenAlderBengaCurtisYancyBrycenSabrinaPop Roxie
HilbertHildaNateRosaIngoEmmetCynthiaLookerNColressMorimotoNishinoPokémon Fan Club Chairman
Team PlasmaClydeGym LeadersElite FourPWT participantsName RaterDay-Care CoupleJudgeMagikarp salesman

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.