User talk:Carracosta

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Latest comment: 3 August 2011 by SnorlaxMonster in topic Userspace limits
Welcome to Bulbapedia, Carracosta!

By creating your account you are now able to edit pages, join discussions, and expand the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Before you jump in, here are some ground rules:

  • Be nice to everyone. It's in the code of conduct.
  • Make good edits. Preview them before you save to make sure they're perfect the first time around.
  • Use wikicode and link templates when adding content to a page.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling, and read the manual of style.
  • You can't create a userpage until you've added to the encyclopedia. It's a privilege. See the userspace policy.
  • Use talk pages to resolve editing disputes. Don't "edit war," or constantly re-edit/undo the same thing on a page.
  • If you have a question about something, be proactive. Take a look at our FAQ. If you're still stuck, ask for help. The staff won't bite.
  • Sign all talk page posts with four tildes (~~~~). This will turn into your name and the time you wrote the comment.
  • For more handy links, see the welcome portal.
Thank you, and have a good time editing here!


Hello, please don't add those moves anymore. We don't consider a diving Pokémon using the move Dive. And Magnemite clearly didn't use Magnet Rise; it didn't get a yellow outline or anything like that, while it didn't really used Tackle as an attack.--Den Zen 14:48, 5 July 2011 (UTC)Reply


Why were you removing trivia from James's Yamask and Ash's Scraggy? - unsigned comment from Missingno. Master (talkcontribs) 21:47, 21 July 2011 (UTC) Because Paul has both a Honchkrow and a Froslass so James's Yamask and Ash's Scraggy were not first. - unsigned comment from Carracosta (talkcontribs) Reply

But Paul isn't a main character. He is a rival. There's a difference. :--SuperAipom7 (Questions?) 21:58, 21 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Sorry then...I didn't know that. - unsigned comment from Carracosta (talkcontribs)

It's okay. Just please sign with four tildes (~~~~) next time, please. Thanks! :--SuperAipom7 (Questions?) 22:03, 21 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

You mean like this? Carracosta 22:06, 21 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Yep! Just like that! Thanks! :--SuperAipom7 (Questions?) 22:07, 21 July 2011 (UTC)Reply


You can just copy my template and change what it links to and the Pokémon on it. I don't mind if you borrow it. Thanks for asking first! :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 17:35, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

I still don't know how to do that. When I press edit I don't find it, neither when I use copy-paste.Carracosta 17:54, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Well, you should go to User:SuperAipom7/Navigation Template. There, look for Pokémon ID numbers. Change those numbers to fit the Pokémon you want. Next, change the links and the titles to what you want it to link to, for example User:Carracosta|Teams or something like that. Tell me if you need any more assistance. :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 17:56, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply
Oh yeah, and then copy the template, don't save it there. Thanks. :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 17:57, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

May I press edit?Carracosta 18:00, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

What do you mean? On the template or your userpage? :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 18:02, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

I mean the template.Carracosta 18:05, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Yes, press edit, but when you are done, DON'T press save, please. :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 18:07, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply
You don't have to save, you know. :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 18:19, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

I fixed it.Carracosta 18:21, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Userspace limits

Hi. I noticed you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently. Please don't do it any more, though. Bulbapedia's Userspace policy restricts the amount you can edit your userpage: no more than one edit per day. This policy was instated to prevent strain on our server, and also to promote people helping out in the mainspace. Bulbapedia is an encyclopedia, after all, so help us out by contributing to some articles before coming back to your personal userpage. The more often you edit in the mainspace, the more you will be allowed to edit your userpage. Thanks! --Den Zen 18:23, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

I would like to say that I am kind of new here, and I was just trying to create and test my userpage.Carracosta 18:26, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hey, could you fix it to say Carracosta's Navigation Template and not mine? Thanks. :--SuperAipom7 (Wanna chat?) 18:27, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, not today. Tomorrow it is.Carracosta 19:07, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

If you want to test something, use preview button. And you or I aren't allowed to edit the template today; it would just make your userspace block longer.--Den Zen 18:43, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

A day has passed and I still cannot edit my user page.What do I do?Carracosta 12:44, 3 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Wait for 8th August 18:44 and make mainspace edits in meantime. That's when you're allowed to edit userspace again.--Den Zen 12:56, 3 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Why does it have to be so late?Carracosta 13:03, 3 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

The amount of time your userspace privileges are suspended for is proportional to the number of times you went over the limit. You went five times over the limit, so you lost your privileges for five days. --SnorlaxMonster 13:12, 3 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Can anyone answer my question? The question is,if a pokemon uses, for example, Scratch on a Cofagrigus, will the Pokemon's ability change due to Mummy, even though it did not actually make contact?