Mew is normally described as a pink cat-like creature, though its morphology is actually more like a jerboa. Mew's hair is so fine and thin, it can only be seen under a microscope. It has a long, skinny tail. Mew has big hind legs, like a rabbit, and short arms with three-fingered paws. Mew has triangle-shaped ears and baby-blue eyes. Mew is said to have the DNA of every single Pokémon contained within its body. It also vaguely resembles an embryo or fetus, and is often depicted in a pink orb.
Gender differences
Mew is a genderless species.
Special abilities
Mew's main abilities include turning invisible at will (similar to Rotom), creating force-fields of psychic energy and being able to transform into any one of the other 648 species of Pokémon. Mew is capable of wielding every type of attack possible. It also has the ability to float in mid-air, in much the same fashion as Celebi and Jirachi. It has been seen to be able to swim underwater as well.
Mew is a very curious and intelligent Pokémon that will only appear to someone with a pure heart. It loves playing around and swimming, and is known to act very childish at times, wanting everybody it trusts to play with it. It is attracted to lullabies and will try to stay as close to the music as possible. All in all, Mew is known as a happy, playful and optimistic species of Pokémon, unlike its clone, Mewtwo.
Reports found in Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Mansion region speak of expeditions of scientists, either independent or Team Rocket-funded, which had sighted Mew in Guyana, South America, the place where its first sighting was reported. However, since Mew can either make itself invisible or transform itself into any other Pokémon, very few people have knowingly seen it, and it is called a mirage by most. Since many scientists believe that Mew is the ancestor of all Pokémon, and a number of extraterrestrial Pokémon have been discovered, it is possible that Mew could inhabit other areas of the universe, and whether it originates from Earth at all is debatable.
Considering Mew's unique lifestyle as a floating Psychic Pokémon, and that no terrestrial animal resembles it, there is no known diet for Mew. However, it can be found with the Lum Berry, which might offer a clue as to what it eats.
In this movie, Mew made a couple of cameo appearances at the start of the movie. A Mewtwo was cloned from Mew's DNA, extracted from Mew's eyelash. Later, Mew started appearing around New Island while Mewtwo was testing his starter Pokémon clones. Mew followed Team Rocket into the main part of the island so it could stop Mewtwo from destroying the world. After the end credits of the movie, Mew is shown flying to the mountains.
In the Japanese version, Mew's characterization was different. Mew's intention was to wipe out cloned Pokémon, Mewtwo included, because it viewed them as inferior, in stark contrast to Mewtwo, who wished to eliminate natural-born.
Mew makes a small appearance in the hour-length special Mewtwo Returns, the sequel to Mewtwo Strikes Back. Mewtwo sees it after being thrown into the Purity Spring.
After taking them to an attic, Kidd Summers sent her two Weavile after it. To escape, it teleported itself, along with Pikachu and Meowth. It then transformed once again into a Pidgeot and flew the Pokémon to the Tree of Beginning. While Ash and the others were looking for Pikachu, Mew kept it entertained with toys.
Mew also nearly sacrificed itself to save the Tree of Beginning. Lucario stepped in and was able to save Mew, but ended up sacrificing itself. Mew is believed to still reside at the Tree of Beginning. It is last seen playing with a Bonsly.
Team Rocket's chase would continue all the way to the the next volume, where they attempt to regain the disc containing Mew's habitat and information from Green, but fail and are tricked into stealing an empty one she prepared. They catch up to Green and her unwilling ally Red soon afterward, and interrupt them when they tracked down and attempted to capture the rare Pokémon. However, when their Jynx was able to almost succeed, Mew's powerful Psychic attack left them listless, and soon escaped. The small samples of its DNA that the Rockets acquired, however, led to the creation of its powerful clone.
Another volume later, Mew is briefly seen looking into the Indigo Plateau after Red wins the Pokémon League championship and decides to return to Pallet Town with his two fellow Pokédex Holders.
It later reappeared in the FireRed & LeafGreen arc, where it saved Red and the people of Vermilion City from the impending crash of the TR helicopter. Mewtwo notices this, and realizes that he too had a root to trace itself back to, as it was born from Mew's eyelash.
In Super Smash Bros. Mew will sometimes appear out of a Poké Ball. When summoned, it will use Fly to leave the arena. In single player, the summoner is awarded the "Mew Catcher" bonus, worth 10,000 points.
After unlocking every character in Melee, there is a 1 in 251 chance of Mew appearing from a Poké Ball. The thrower of the Poké Ball receives the same "Mew Catcher" bonus.
Mew returns again as a rare Pokémon in Brawl, the chance of it appearing is 1 in 493 this time. Like the other "secret" Pokémon, it drops rare items instead of just flying away. In Mew's case, the items are CDs. However, once all the pick-up CDs are obtained, it will drop Stickers instead.
Mew appears in the seventh course, Rainbow Cloud. Although the game is not combat-oriented, the difficulty of photographing Mew effectively make it the game's boss. Mew floats in a bubble that turns opaque when the zoom is activated, so players must throw a series of Pester Balls or Food at it to break the bubble so Mew will come out for a clear shot. Photographing Mew gets an automatic bonus of 2500 points, making it the highest ranking Pokémon in the game with a highest possible score of 10,000 points with perfect positioning, size and pose.
In PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure Mew takes Pikachu and their friends Chikorita, Piplup, and Charmander to the PokéPark. It then appears to Pikachu in a dream once they've arrived in the PokéPark and tells Pikachu to collect pieces of the Sky Prism so that peace can be restored to the PokéPark. Once all the pieces have been obtained Mew awaits Pikachu at the Sky Pavilion where it plays.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.
A Mew is said to possess the genes of all Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.
Though it comes after Mewtwo in the Pokédex, it has to have been discovered before Mewtwo, due to the fact that Mewtwo is Mew's clone.
Mew was the only Pokémon of the first 151 to be left out of the original version of the Pokérap.
Mew was a little-known secret when Pokémon Red and Green were first released in Japan. Even Nintendo was not initially aware that Shigeki Morimoto had programmed it into the game.[1]
In the games, lost scientific reports state that Mew was found in the forests of Guyana.
Mew is the only genderless Pokémon able to learn Captivate, and the only genderless Pokémon besides Cryogonal to learn Attract; however, when used by genderless Pokémon, these moves will always fail.
Mew's English name, only three letters long, is one of the shortest of all Pokémon. It shares this distinction with Muk.
Unlike most legendary Pokémon, Mew needs only 1,059,860 Exp. to get to level 100, whereas most legendary Pokémon need 1,250,000. It shares this trait with both Celebi and Shaymin.
Coincidentally, the three of them all have base 100 stats.
If Mew were considered an embodiment of "Earth", it and the other "fairy-legendary Pokémon" would represent the Chinese Wu Xing, "Fire" (Victini), "Water" (Manaphy), "Wood" (Celebi), and "Metal" (Jirachi).
For the most recent release of Mew as an event for HeartGold and SoulSilver, for the US it was released ten years to the day for the anniversary for the original release of Gold and Silver.
Mew (then spelled ミュー, not ミュウ) was the first Pokémon trademark ever registered (granted on March 31, 1994, registration number 2636685 part 12), before even Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター), which was granted on December 26, 1997.
ミュウ was registered on August 6, 1999, registration number 4302090.
Mew is also the first Pokémon trademark ever applied for; the application was submitted on May 9, 1990, application number 平2-51989; before even Pocket Monsters, which was submitted September 11, 1995.
ミュウ was submitted on June 17, 1997, application number 平9-128909.
Mew is similar to a vertebrate embryo. It is purported by scientists to be the ancestor of all other Pokémon, a reference to the recapitulation theory. It also shares some traits with felines.
Name origin
Mew's name may refer to its cat-like appearance, with mew being the sound a kitten makes, the Japanese word unique (myō), a combination of mystery and new (considering its mysterious and "newly" discovered), or the English word mutant (myūtanto).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.