Zoey's Misdreavus

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Zoey's Misdreavus

Zoey's Misdreavus (Japanese: ノゾミのムウマ Nozomi's Muma) is Zoey's second hand Pokémon. It made it's debut in the start of the Jubilife contest in Mounting a Coordinator Assult!. Misdreavus made its appeal by coming out of its Poké Ball covered in a purple fog. It was silhouetted in the mist making only it's shadow visible, thus making it look much more ominous and frightening. It then followed up by using Double Team and then Thunder Wave.

More the most part, Misdreavus's true power is unknown because it has never been seen battling.

Attacks used


Due to a dubbing error, Misdreavus was told to use Shock Wave rather than Thunder Wave.

Related Articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Misdreavus.

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