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Battle Sims are a feature in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. Battle CDs, of which 50 can be located throughout Orre, are used to create simulated battles at Realgam Tower. The player is given a team of Pokémon to use in the battle. Generally, there are turn limits to the battles and the battles have a theme. The first time the player successfully completes a Battle CD, a prize is awarded.
Battle Sims are also found in Pokémon HQ Lab. However, these are only beginner simulations.
The first battle in Pokémon XD, and the first time seeing Michael is in a Sim battle, where Michael is using a Salamence, while the opposing Sim Trainer is using a Metagross.
Sim Trainers are only found in Battle Sims.
Opening Sequence
Battle Sim 00
Opening Sequence
Single battle:
Unlimited turns
Pokémon HQ Lab
Battle Sim 01
Battle Sim 01
Healing Status Problems
Learn how a Pokémon can be healed from a status problem using an item
Single battle:
Unlimited turns
Pokémon HQ Lab
If a Pokémon gets a burn, it steadily loses HP during the battle. It's best to heal it as soon as possible.
Pokémon Type Matchups
Player's Team
Opponent's Team
- According to an NPC, Cooltrainer Daras on Mt. Battle in Pokemon Colosseum, Battle Sims seem to have already existed although it is unknown where he did the Battle Sims as the Realgam Tower was Cipher's base back then. He was the 76th trainer on Mt. Battle and when the player meets up with him he states firmly, "I constantly run simulations of POKeMON battles. I'll be perfect in a real battle." Because of the change in trainers on Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness and Cooltrainer Noxon appears a platform before him, it is possible that he went to the Pokemon HQ lab to teach Michael the basics of Pokemon battling, however this is also unknown as it doesn't give that particular NPC a name and the Athlete Trainer Class was removed.