Wynaut is a small, cyan-colored Pokémon with a balloon-shaped body. Wynaut has a black tail with an eye-spot on it that looks similar to the design of Unown. It has a pair of earlike arms on the sides of its head. There is a round, bulbous growth on Wynaut's forehead. Its face, as with Wobbuffet, is an east Asian emote.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Wynaut is somewhat skilled at countering enemy attacks, although doesn't do so as well as Wobbuffet can. Like Wobbuffet, Wynaut are incapable of harming foes outside of counterattacks. Wynaut have high endurance, which they hone by squeezing up against one another on moonlit nights.
Wynaut are always smiling, even when they're not happy. As a result, it communicates its emotions through its tail. If a Wynaut is slapping the ground with its tail, it is angry. On moonlit nights, hordes of Wynaut will gather to squeeze up against one another. The intent of this activity is to strengthen their endurance and allow for more powerful counterattacks. They are drawn to fruit gardens by the scent and will pick fruit with their earlike arms.
Wynaut is only found on Mirage Island, where it is the sole species. It is unknown why Wynaut only appear there. Mirage Island is also the only place the Liechi Berry is found naturally. This leads to the theory that they need to feed on the Liechi Berry to survive in the wild.
In Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?, a plan of Team Rocket's backfired and sent everyone to Mirage Island. The only inhabitants of this island were none other than Wynaut, though it wasn't seen by any of the human characters other than May and Drew.
Minor appearances
A Wynaut was seen among other baby Pokémon in The Brockster Is In!, and, like the others, was nursed back to health by Brock's newly-evolved Chansey.
Wynaut, the Bright Pokémon. Wynaut are the pre-evolved form of Wobbuffet. They travel in herds and at night, and retire to caves where they sleep together in groups.
In the manga
A Wynaut first made a cameo as one of the many trainer-owned Pokémon who were transported to stop Ho-Oh and Lugia's rampage in Volume 14. Later, many wild Wynaut made an appearance in the Mirage Island, where Ruby and Sapphire trained for the upcoming battle against Maxie and Archie.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wobbuffet and Wynaut send the player on a mission into the Uproar Forest. As thanks for completing it, they help to remodel the rescue base. Wynaut also makes an appearance discussing the identity of the strongest Pokémon with Lombre and Bellsprout in the cutscene that unlocks the Western Cave.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Wynaut can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face. Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, this Pokémon will be slapping the ground with its tail.
Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks.
In Generation III, Wynaut is the only baby Pokémon found in the wild in the games, on Mirage Island. Oddly, in Generation IV, Wynaut is the only baby Pokémon that can't be found in the wild.
Wynaut and Azurill are the first two Pokémon which are only breedable from their evolved forms if the parent is holding a certain incense.
They are also the only Generation III Pokémon related to Pokémon of a previous generation.
Wynaut is one of two baby Pokémon that evolves at a specific level that does not evolve at level 30, the other being Tyrogue.
Wynaut is the only baby Pokémon that evolves at a specific level and requires an incense in order to be bred.
Like its evolution, Wobbuffet, Wynaut is probably based on an Okiagari-koboshi doll, a Japanese traditional doll with squinted eyes that stands back upright when pushed over. It is a symbol of perseverance.
Name origin
Wynaut's name is pronounced identically to the phrase "Why not?" Sohnano is almost homophonous with the phrase そうなの sō na no, which means "really?", with only a difference in tone. This name, when paired with the Japanese name of its evolution, Wobbuffet, ソーナンス Sonans, makes for a potential perpetual conversation of "really?" followed by "that's the way it is," and so on, as seen in Camp Pikachu.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.