Shopping Mall Nine (Japanese: ショッピングモール アールナインShopping Mall R9) is the largest shopping center in the Unova region. It is located on Route 9, just outside Opelucid City. The store offers a wide variety of items on its three floors.
Like former Department Stores, all the individual stalls are set within different floors. However, unlike former department stores, staircases are used to access the different floors, in contrast to escalators, and the entirety of the shop, excluding the storage room, is located within a single map, meaning there is no need for elevators like in previous department stores. As a result, it is far quicker to access different floors of the Shopping Mall Nine than in past department stores.
On the lower level of the store, there is a storage room on the right filled with boxes. The player can interact with any box to change Rotom's form, similar to Rotom's Room in the Generation IV games.
Shopping Mall Nine is the only store that sells regular Trainer merchandise that is located outside of a city.
This is the first large store not to carry the Department Store name. This reflects Unova's isolation from the other known regions.
Despite Department Stores having been known for their TM selection, the Shopping Mall Nine only sells twoTMs.