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Eldes is one of the five Cipher Admins of Pokémon XD. Eldes is seen early on in the game, but the protagonist doesn't fight Eldes until near the end of the main storyline.

As well as being a Cipher Admin, Eldes serves as one of Greevil's two bodyguards, the other being Ardos. At the end of the game, it is revealed that Eldes is one of Greevil's two sons.

The protagonist first battles against Eldes in Citadark Isle, where he uses a total of four Shadow Pokémon. After Greevil has been defeated, the player can challenge Eldes on the last round of the Orre Colosseum.

Among Eldes' Shadow Pokémon are a Marowak, Lapras, Manectric and Salamence.


At Citadark Isle

At Orre Colosseum


Grand Master Head
Greevil Evice
Other members
Former members