Trubbish resemble a full, dark green garbage bag that is it is knotted at the top. The "tied ends" of the "knot" act like ears. Trubbish have oval-shaped eyes, large triangular teeth, and arms that look like trash spilling out of small tears in the bag with pink and blue colored objects protruding out of them. Their feet are dark green and stubby.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Trubbish emit noxious, burp-like gases which, when inhaled, will render the victim bedridden for a week.
As evidenced in Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!, Trubbish's ear-like tufts stand straight up when startled, are lifted if happy, and lowered if it is feeling down. Furthermore, in the same episode, it is also explained that once Trubbish befriends a person, it will cease expelling foul odors.
This Pokémon was created when a garbage dump accidentally had a chemical change of some sort. They prefer unsanitary places, such as garbage dumps.
In the anime
Major appearances
Trubbish in the anime
Trubbish appeared in Here Comes the Trubbish Squad! where a bunch of Kindergartners befriended it. However the Kindergarten Teacher, Daniela, thought it would eat all the children's toys. However, in the end Trubbish saved the Kindergartners' lives, and was adopted by Daniela and the Kindergartners.
Trubbish, the Trashbag Pokémon. Trubbish prefer to live in dirty places like garbage dumps. It is said they were born when a chemical reaction occurred between an abandoned trashbag and industrial waste.
Trubbish is based on a full garbage bag. Trubbish may also be based on the imagined fear that heavy pollution, caused by the leakage and/or improper disposal of toxic/radioactive waste, may result in the creation of new and undesirable life.
Name origin
Trubbish seems to be a combination of trash and rubbish. Yabukuron may be a combination of 破く yabuku (to tear) or 破ける yabukeru (to get torn), and 袋 fukuro (bag) or ぶくぶく bukubuku (loose-fitting/baggy).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.