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Ephraim (Japanese: ミノル Minoru) was the character of the day for The Grass Route.

He is a farmboy from Johto who specializes in raising Grass-type Pokémon. His parents use a large collection of Grass-type Pokémon to maintain their farm. He convinces Ash to enter his Chikorita and Bulbasaur in the Grass Tournament.

Ash faced Ephraim in the finals, with Ephraim using Skiploom and Ash using Bulbasaur. Skiploom almost lost, but learned SolarBeam at the last moment, defeated Bulbasaur, and won the tournament. His prize was a collection of Leaf Stones, which he planned on using to evolve his parents' Pokémon.


Ephraim's Skippy

Ephraim has a Skiploom called Skippy and it is his only known Pokémon. It first appeared when Ash and his friends spotted it skipping around before being introduced to Ephraim. Ephraim used it to battle Ash, but the battle ended when Skippy injured itself.

The following day, Ephraim and Ash competed in the Grass Tournament. Ephraim battled James and his Victreebel, and went on to defeat it. Skippy also defeated a Paras and Tangela before facing Ash and his Bulbasaur. Despite Ash's best efforts, Skippy defeated Bulbasaur by learning SolarBeam and becoming the victor.

Skiploom's known moves are Tackle, Double Team, Leech Seed and SolarBeam.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 小林由美子 Yumiko Kobayashi
English Tara Jayne
Brazilian Portuguese Gabriel Noya
European Spanish Isacha Mengíbar

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.