Shuppet Donk (TCG)

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Shuppet Hit-and-Run
Types used Psychic
Major cards Shuppet and Banette

Shuppet Donk also known as Shuppet Hit-and-Run is a deck archetype that uses Shuppet's Fade Out. Initially, in the 2009-2010 format, after Shuppet would use Fade Out, the player would send in Mr. Mime because of its Poké-Body, Airy Wall, which let Mr. Mime not take any damage from Pokémon that didn't have three or more energy on it. This helped Shuppet to have a chance against low energy and high damage output decks such as Gyarados and LuxChomp.



Shuppet Donk's strategy is to attach PlusPowers and Expert Belt to Shuppet and use Fade Out for up to 90 damage. Then, Shuppet and all cards attached to it would go back to the player's hand. This style of play, or "hit-and-run", is a very effective method that literally prevents the opponent from knocking out the main battler. If the player had enough resources, the player could do up to 150 damage depending on their luck on coin flips and what cards they would get. However, the Shuppet deck only gets to its full potential if the player goes second. If the player goes first, that is nearly an auto-loss for Shuppet.


Key Cards

  • Shuppet - For Fade Out, which does 30 Damage and then Shuppet returns to the player's hand.
  • Banette - Used to evolve Shuppet when the opponent is using Mewtwo LV.X.
  • Uxie - Its Set Up Poké-Power allows card drawing until there are seven in the player's hand. It is also a hit-and-run card. People have also made a deck based around Uxie called Uxie Donk.
  • Expert Belt - Increases the damage of Fade Out and Psychic Restore.
  • PlusPower - Increases the damage of Fade Out and Psychic Restore.

Other Pokémon

  • Uxie LV.X - Extra drawing power.
  • Azelf - Allows obtaining important prized Pokémon.
  • Crobat G - Allows the player to put one more damage counter on any of the opponent's Pokémon.
  • Mesprit - Locks down the opponent's Poké-POWERs for a turn when the player puts it down from their hand.


Energy Cards


Keep in mind that the decklist appearing below is not official, and being that this is merely a deck archetype, any player may wish to change any part of this deck when building their own version.

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
4x Shuppet Psychic Common
2x Banette Psychic Rare
2x Uxie Psychic Rare
Uxie LV.X Psychic Rare Holo LV.X
1x Azelf Psychic Rare
1x Mesprit Psychic Rare
Crobat G Psychic Uncommon
3x Roseanne's Research Su Uncommon
1x Pokémon Collector Su Uncommon
1x Palmer's Contribution Su Uncommon
3x Bebe's Search Su Uncommon
2x Department Store Girl Su Uncommon
1x Luxury Ball T Uncommon
2x Night Maintenance T Uncommon
1x Warp Point T Uncommon
2x Memory Berry T Uncommon
1x Super Scoop Up T Uncommon
Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poké Turn T Uncommon
4x PlusPower T Uncommon
4x Expert Belt T Uncommon
4x Poké Drawer + T Uncommon
2x Galactic HQ St Uncommon
2x Snowpoint Temple St Uncommon
6x Psychic Energy E Common
3x Call Energy E Uncommon
1x Double Colorless Energy E Uncommon


All cards in Shuppet Donk are not currently legal in the Pokémon Organized Play; With the exception of PlusPower and Pokémon Collector

Variable Tech Cards

These are cards that may or may not be in the deck build depending on the player's style:

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.