Armor Fortress (TCG)

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Revision as of 11:13, 28 August 2007 by Cipher (talk | contribs) (Cleaned up some more.)

The Armor Fortress Theme Deck from the Mysterious Treasures (TCG) Expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Metal and Water type Pokémon and contains the following cards: -

The Armor Fortress Deck's box design
Quantity Card Name Type Level Rarity
1x Bastiodon Metal 51 File:Rare rare.gifH
2x Shieldon Metal 26 File:Rare uncom.gif
4x Bronzor Metal 8 File:Rare com.gif
1x Walrein Water 51 File:Rare rare.gif
2x Sealeo Water 27 File:Rare uncom.gif
4x Spheal Water 17 File:Rare com.gif
1x Mantine Water 25 File:Rare rare.gif
2x Totodile Water 15 File:Rare com.gif
2x Dodrio   26 File:Rare uncom.gif
4x Doduo   51 File:Rare com.gif
2x Bebe's Search Su - File:Rare uncom.gif
2x Fossil Excavator Su - File:Rare uncom.gif
1x Dusk Ball T - File:Rare uncom.gif
4x Armor Fossil T - File:Rare com.gif
2x Energy Search T - File:Rare com.gif
2x Potion T - File:Rare com.gif
16x Water Energy E - File:Rare com.gif
8x Metal Energy E - File:Rare com.gif

Like other Theme Decks, Armor Fortress also includes a rulebook, damage counters, status counters, a custom coin, single-player mat and card list.