Back in Rustboro, the man you saved earlier in Petalburg Woods will award you with a Great Ball and bring you to Devon Corporation's president, Mr. Stone, who will ask two favors of you: to bring a letter to Steven in Dewford Town and the Devon Goods to Captain Stern in Slateport City. You will also receive your PokéNav, an electronic device that has a map function, a way to check the Condition of your Pokémon for Contests, and a listing of the Ribbons your Pokémon have. You can also register your PokéNav with certain Trainers for a rematch with them later on. You can even rematch Gym Leaders this way!
When you go back outside, your rival will be waiting for you, wanting a second battle. This time, (s)he will also have a new Pokémon (either Lotad, Torkoal, or Wingull), and his/her starter will be more powerful. When you win, (s)he will tell you that Mr. Briney is a sailor.
After the battle, return to the empty house on the southern part of Route 104 and you will see that it's not empty— Mr. Briney will be there. Talk to him, and he'll offer to take you to Dewford Town so you can deliver the letter to Steven. It takes about twenty seconds to get there. When you do, you will find several things. First, a boy outside of a small house will let you set the current "Trendy Phrase," which affects the location of Feebas on Route 119 (you'll get there much later). There will also be a Pokémon Center, a few more houses, and a Gym. Inside one of the houses is a man who gives you a Silk Scarf.
If you walk to the west, you can see a Fisherman. He will give you the Old Rod. If you use it to fish, you can find Magikarp and Tentacool in pretty much any body of water. Magikarp has terrible stats and cannot attack until it reaches Lv. 15, so it's a pain to train; but once it reaches Lv. 20 it evolves into Gyarados, a powerful Water/Flying-type.
Further west is Granite Cave. A hiker there will give you HM05, Flash. This HM makes it much easier to navigate the lower levels of Granite Cave, and other caves in this region are easier to get through when you have Flash as well. However, you can't use it until you've defeated Brawly, the Gym Leader!
Brawly's highest-leveled Pokémon is Lv. 19. Training your entire team to Lv. 20 before continuing is highly recommended. Brawly uses Fighting-types, so Flying- and Psychic-type moves will work well against his Pokémon. Don't use Rock-, Normal-, Dark- Steel-, or Ice-types, as they will be easily defeated. When you're ready, enter the Gym.
Dewford Gym
Map of the Dewford Gym's interior
The Dewford Gym has some Trainers that you will need to battle, and a big obstacle: the room is pitch black. However, the more Trainers you defeat, the less dark it becomes, making it easier to find Brawly.
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.
When you challenge Brawly, you'll discover in battle that he has a Machop, a Meditite and a Makuhita. All three are weak to Flying-type attacks, and they all know Bulk Up, a move that simultaneously boosts their Attack and Defense.
Brawly sends out Machop first. A good super-effective attack will take it out in one hit. Meditite knows a very powerful move— Focus Punch, which has 150 base power! However, you don't need to worry about getting hit by this move if you don't use Status-altering moves. Stick with attacking, and Focus Punch will be unable to hit. You should be able to take out Meditite reasonably quickly— don't let Light Screen and Reflect worry you.
Makuhita is Brawly's best Pokémon. Its Attack stat gives a lot of power to its moves, which are Arm Thrust, Vital Throw, Reversal, and the aforementioned Bulk Up. Arm thrust strikes multiple times in the same turn, and hits two to five times. Vital Throw is an attack that cannot miss. Reversal gets more powerful the less HP Makuhita has, so watch out! The best strategy in this Gym is to just keep attacking. Something you should know is that Makuhita's Speed isn't good at all.
All three are weak to flying attacks. If you caught a Tailow on Route 104, this should be easy.
Once you defeat Brawly, he will award you with the Knuckle Badge. He will also give you TM08, which contains Bulk Up. You now have the ability to use Flash (move), so your next destination is Granite Cave!
If you haven't already been to Granite Cave, a hiker there hands out HM05, which contains the move Flash. Teach it to one of your Pokémon and then head down into the darkness by going down the first ladder.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
When you are get inside, use Flash and the cave will light up. At the stairs, move up, continue west and walk south to the ladder. Then, head all the way west to the place with three boulders. From there, go north and then east. At the slightly bright stone, press A and you will receive an Everstone, and item that, when held, prevents Pokémon from evolving. This item can be more useful than it seems at first glance, so hang on to it. Now, walk to the ladder. Then, go west to another ladder. You will arrive at the part of the cave where Flash is no longer needed. Head all the way west and then south to the door. Steven is inside this next small room. Speak to him and deliver the letter. In return, he will give you TM47 (Steel Wing) and register you in his PokéNav. If you talk to Mr. Stone at Devon Corporation after this event, he will give you the Exp. Share as a reward for delivering the letter.
Once the letter is delivered, Mr. Briney can now take you to Slateport City from the Dewford Town port.
Route 109
Route 109. (You cannot access the southern part of the route until you have Surf.)
Here on the beach are people, Pokémon, and battles all waiting for you! If you beat all the Trainers in the house on the west side of the beach and then talk to the northernmost man inside, he will give you six Soda Pops. These restore more HP than a Super Potion and are cheaper to buy (when you get to the point when you can).
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.
Slateport City
Slateport City
When you arrive in Slateport, go to Stern's Shipyard and talk to Dock. He asks you to find Captain Stern and give him the Devon Goods. If you try to go to Route 110 in the north, you will find the road blocked by Team Aqua! But it's okay, because there are lots of things to do here in the city.
The Slateport market to the southwest can be quite useful and has four sections. (The Secret Power Club will remain closed until you obtain TM43 (Secret Power).) The items you can buy and their prices are displayed below.
Dolls can be bought from the doll shop in the bottom-left corner and will automatically be transported to your PC for later use. Dolls are decorations that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
As you know, TMs are neat little one-time use only machines for teaching Pokémon moves. These are available from the shopkeeper in the middle-right section.
The Energy Guru sells vitamins to boost you Pokémon's stats! Unfortunately, they are quite expensive.
The Secret Power Club Shop sells items with which to decorate your Secret Base! They are fun to use; however, you need a Pokémon that knows Secret Power to make a Secret Base.
A person here will give you the Soothe Bell if your lead Pokémon has high happiness. There may be a TV reporter here waiting for an interview. These reporters are all around Hoenn, wanting interviews! After an interview, go to a TV and watch the interview broadcast! The president will give you a scarf if your lead Pokémon has maxed out a stat for a Pokémon Contest. That's all you need to do here.
Name Rater
This Name Rater will praise a Pokémon's nickname, then offer to change it. (It cannot be changed if it was recived in a trade.) However, if both players have identical Trainer IDs and secret IDs, he will allow name changes.
"Find it! The ultimate POKÉMON!"
There are three Battle Tents around Hoenn, each with different styles. In this Battle Tent, you will have your Pokémon taken away for safekeeping. Then you will choose three Pokémon out of six choices to "rent", all Lv. 30. You will battle against a trainer who also has three Lv. 30 Pokémon, using the rental Pokémon. After the battle, you will be asked if you would like to switch one of your rental Pokémon for a Pokémon you battled against. Then you will battle again, are asked again if you would like to switch, and then have one last battle. You will only be allowed to go to the next battle if you have won the previous. If you win three times in a row, you will be awarded with a Full Heal.
When you're ready, go to the Oceanic Museum. Talk to the Team Aqua Grunt that you battled earlier and he will give you TM46 (Thief). Go upstairs to find Captain Stern. Just as you are about to give him the Devon Goods, two more Grunts will attack in two separate battles. After you defeat them, you will meet Archie, the leader of Team Aqua. He will tell you not to interfere with his plans again, and then Team Aqua will leave Slateport City. After you finally give Captain Stern the Devon Goods, talk to the man wearing sunglasses outside the museum. He will introduce himself as Scott and say that he is searching for tough Trainers. He will register himself in your PokéNav and then leave. Now that Team Aqua has left, you can go to Route 110, where your rival is waiting.