History of the Pokémon world

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This article contains fan speculation.
There is no solid evidence for or against some parts of this article.

There are many stories and legends surrounding the history of the Pokémon world as it is known to us today. Nobody knows if such legends are true or not, but there are many clues in the games, anime and manga that suggest that they are.

Below is a timeline of events in the history of the Pokémon world, primarily those established in the canon of the Pokémon games since these apply most to other forms of canon. There is also a separate timeline of events for the Pokémon anime.

Please note that the below timeline is based on speculation and possible information from different aspects of the Pokémon franchise.

It is still unknown exactly where Generation V fits in the timeline, but the dialog of both the Team Rocket Grunt in Icirrus City and Cynthia, as well as Caitlin's older appearance, indicate that Generation V must happen at least a few years after the events of Generations II and IV.


Beginning of the universe

This information is based primarily on the mythology of both the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions.

Palkia, Giratina and Dialga
  • In a vortex of complete chaos and nothingness, a single Egg comes into being, which then hatches into Arceus, the first Pokémon in existence. Arceus creates Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, giving them power over time, space, and antimatter. Giratina, as punishment for its destructive nature, is sent by Arceus to live in the Distortion World. Dialga and Palkia succeed in creating the universe and Pokémon world, retreating into their own dimensions afterwards, with a point of access being at the ancient Spear Pillar in Sinnoh.
  • Arceus creates Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, giving knowledge, emotion, and willpower to all living things that come into existence in the Pokémon world. The three dive into caves at the bottom of Lake Verity, Lake Valor, and Lake Acuity in Sinnoh, giving them the name "lake guardians".
  • Kyogre is formed by the pressure in the deep sea trenches, Groudon is formed deep inside the Earth, likely from hardened magma and earth, and Rayquaza is formed by the minerals of the ozone layer. Rayquaza proceeds to fly around in the ozone layer, occasionally coming to rest at Sky Pillar. Kyogre and Groudon then proceed to fill the sea and create land, respectively. A chance meeting turns the two into rivals, and a conflict for dominance over the Pokémon world begins. This battle continues until Rayquaza quells it, causing Kyogre and Groudon to retreat to special caverns, where they rest until the events of Generation III many years later. The Red and Blue Orbs are created to prevent the reawakening of Kyogre and Groudon, and are left at Mt. Pyre for safekeeping. At this time, Mew may have been plentiful and lived in large numbers.
The Legendary Golems: Regice, Registeel and Regirock


This information is based primarily on the study of Fossils and other archaeological remains. Some of this information is also based on scientific research.

  • Millions of years before Generation I:
    • Earliest known prehistoric Pokémon exist. It is possible that the Mew population may have decreased at this stage, as they slowly gave way to other Pokémon species.
    • First humans appear in the Pokémon world.
    • At some point after the Iron Age, Regigigas is sealed away in the Snowpoint Temple, and Regirock, Regice and Registeel are sealed away at various points across the Hoenn region.
    • At some point 300 million years ago, an ancient version of Genesect was born. Team Plasma later used its DNA to create an infinitely stronger version of Genesect with cybernetic technology. This ancient Genesect is commonly hypothesized to be Kabutops due to it being an ancient Pokémon with a similar body structure to its successor as well as other shared attributes.
    • At some point 10,000 years ago during the last Ice Age, the Mamoswine population flourished, then decreased when the Ice Age ended.
  • 3000 years before Generation V:
  • 2500 years before Generation V:
  • 1500 years before Generation I:
    • The earliest known system for writing is developed and used at the Ruins of Alph, Tanoby Ruins, and Solaceon Ruins. Archaeologists are currently unsure whether the nearly identical Unown preceded or succeeded the writing system, but it is assumed they share some sort of connection.
    • The Farfetch'd population decreases due to overhunting.
    • Magikarp population mutates and becomes weaker.

Recent history

This information is based on historic records.

Ecruteak City

Contemporary history

From the Pokémon games:

  • Some years prior to Generation I:
    • A team of scientists discover a new Pokémon (at the time) deep in a jungle in Guyana, South America on July 5. They name the Pokémon Mew on July 10. Mew gives birth, the only known case of a live Pokémon birth (possibly due to the scientists' genetic experimentation), and the scientists name the newborn Mewtwo on February 6. Mewtwo escapes from and destroys Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Mansion on September 1 and then goes to Cerulean Cave. At some point after Mewtwo's birth, Mew goes to Faraway Island.
    • Mr. Fuji, the writer of the Pokémon Mansion journals, goes to Faraway Island and leaves a message on the island's sign on the 6th of September, October, November, or December (depending on which of these months appear in the message) sometime after Mewtwo's escape.
    • After leaving his message in Faraway Island, Mr. Fuji goes to Lavender Town and has lived there ever since.
    • Sabrina's Gym is declared the official Gym of Saffron City after a Pokémon battle between Sabrina and the leader of the Fighting Dojo.
    • Giratina returns to the Pokémon world.
    • The Battle Frontier opens in Hoenn.
  • A few years after Generation II/Generation IV (Generation V):
    • The events of Black and White.
      • Hilbert/Hilda along with their friends Cheren and Bianca receive their very first Pokémon in the bedroom of Hilbert/Hilda's house in Nuvema Town from Professor Juniper. The three decide to leave Nuvema Town and go on a journey across their region of Unova, with Cheren wanting to learn as much about every kind of Pokémon possible and Bianca going against the wishes of her dad. Upon arriving in Accumula Town they encounter the nefarious Team Plasma who announce their plans for Pokémon liberation to separate Pokémon from humans. Hilbert/Hilda then battle Team Plasma's leader, a mysterious man known only as N who claims Pokémon are his friends. Hilbert/Hilda make a journey across the land of Unova challenging all eight Gyms and earning all eight Badges. After earning the eighth Badge, they travel to the Pokémon League where they defeat the Elite Four. Upon defeating the Elite Four, they discover that N has already defeated the champion Alder and promptly summons his castle, destroying the Pokémon League Castle. Ghetsis, one of the members of the Seven Sages reveals that he had the plan to separate people and Pokémon so that he could be the only person in the whole world with Pokémon. After defeating N and Ghetsis with Reshiram/Zekrom N becomes sorry for all his wrongdoing and flies off to distant lands on his dragon of legend. Hilbert/Hilda, Cheren, and Bianca continue their journey in Unova and get recruited by an undercover officer codenamed Looker to discover and arrest the remaining six of the Seven Sages. After the arrest of all six, Hilbert/Hilda returns to the Pokémon League, re-defeats the Elite Four, then challenges and defeats Alder, becoming champion of Unova.
  • Two years after Black and White
    • The events of Black 2 and White 2.
      • Nate/Rosa receives his/her first Pokémon from Bianca in his/her hometown of Aspertia City. Together with Hugh, who hopes to take back his sister's Purrloin from Team Plasma, the duo takes on the new lineup of Gyms in the Unova region. After earning their seventh badge from Drayden, Team Plasma attacks Opelucid City, covering the city in unbreakable ice. The Shadow Triad takes the opportunity to steal the DNA Splicers from Opelucid Gym. Nate/Rosa and Hugh chase Team Plasma to Humilau City, where after earning their final badge, they confront Zinzolin, Colress, and the Shadow Triad at the Giant Chasm. After the Triad releases Hugh's sister's Purrloin, now a Liepard, Hugh tells Nate/Rosa to go ahead and confront Team Plasma's leader, Ghetsis. Just before Ghetsis freezes Nate/Rosa alive with Kyurem's Glaciate, N flies in on Reshiram/Zekrom, saving him/her. However, Ghetsis uses Kyurem's power to turn Reshriam/Zekrom back into an orb, then uses the DNA Splicers to turn Kyurem into Black/White Kyurem. Nate/Rosa knocks out Kyurem, causing the two Dragon Pokémon to separate, then defeats an enraged Ghetsis. Thankful, N suggests that Nate/Rosa proceed to the Pokémon Leauge. Heeding his words, Nate/Rosa ascend Victory Road, defeats the Elite Four, and emerges victorious in battle with the new Champion, Iris. After returning home, Hugh's sister thanks the player for helping her big brother, and tells Nate/Rosa that she has been dreaming of a Zoroark calling Nate/Rosa's name. At Hugh's suggestion, Nate/Rosa returns to Victory Road, finding a Zoroark that leads him/her to the ruins of N's Castle, where N and Reshiram/Zekrom challenge them to battle. After being defeated, N says goodbye to his dragon and releases it by asking it to turn back into an orb to give to Nate/Rosa. Nate/Rosa climbs to the top of Dragonspiral Tower, and faces Reshiram/Zekrom again, this time, in an attempt to capture it.