Professor Oak

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Revision as of 10:51, 21 January 2013 by Relicant (talk | contribs) (Unused teams: reword)
Professor Samuel Oak
オーキド・ユキナリ博士 Dr. Yukinari Okido

Art from FireRed and LeafGreen
Age 50
Gender Male
Eye color Black*, blue*
Hair color Gray*, brown*
Hometown Pallet Town
Region Kanto
Relatives BlueDaisy (games)
Gary Oak (anime, manga)
May Oak (manga adaptation)
Trainer class Former Trainer, Pokémon Professor
Generation I, II, III, IV
Games Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Pokémon Snap, Stadium, Stadium 2
Anime debut Pokémon - I Choose You!
English voice actor Stan Hart
Carter Cathcart

Tara Jayne (child; M04)
Japanese voice actor Unshō Ishizuka
Keiko Toda (child)

Professor Samuel Oak (Japanese: オーキド・ユキナリ博士 Dr. Yukinari Okido, Ōkido-Hakase and Orchid are also seen) is a Pokémon Professor who lives and works at his research lab in Pallet Town of the Kanto region. According to Professor Elm, Oak concentrates on Pokémon and human relationships as a profession.

In the games

In Generation I

The unused Trainer class for Professor Oak. However, in this case the game has not changed the battle mode data to a Trainer battle, so if "captured" he would be read as the last normal Pokémon encountered.

Professor Oak works in his Laboratory in Pallet Town with his aides. He gave Red and Blue their Starter Pokémon in Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen. He is an idol to many Trainers and researchers, including Professor Elm, and always plays an important supporting role in the many games that he appears in.

He was a childhood friend of Agatha. They remained good friends and top-class Pokémon Trainers until Oak stopped battling and became interested in Pokémon research. Agatha said that he became soft and started to regard him as a fool. However, Oak still affiliates with the Pokémon League as an adviser.


Red, Green, and Blue

Professor Oak confirms having been a successful Trainer in his youth; however, he states that he only possesses the following Pokémon. Red is allowed to choose one in order to begin his journey. His grandson, Blue, the player's rival, then picks the Pokémon whose type has an advantage against their own.

Grass Poison
Bulbasaur Lv.5
Fire Unknown
Charmander Lv.5
Water Unknown
Squirtle Lv.5
Tail Whip
Main article: Red's Pikachu (game)

Professor Oak catches this Pikachu while stopping Red from beginning his journey without any Pokémon. He later decides to give it to him.

Electric Unknown
Pikachu Lv.5

This Eevee was intended for Red but was taken by Blue in his impatience. Its evolutionary path is determined by the player's interactions with its Trainer.

Normal Unknown
Eevee Lv.5
Tail Whip
Unused teams

In the Generation I games there is unused Trainer data for Prof. Oak. This implies that the player was supposed to battle him at some point in the game.

In the data, Oak has Level 66 Tauros, Level 67 Exeggutor, Level 68 Arcanine, Level 70 Gyarados and one of the Kanto starters at Level 69. This places his strength on-par with the player's rival and the Pokémon League Champion. As well, four of his Pokémon are identical to the ones used by the Champion, only higher level, implying he was originally meant to be Champion, or at least another high-ranking Trainer. This is supported by an email on the PC in Oak's lab, in which the Pokémon League issues a challenge to all Trainers and specifically requests Oak to come visit them.

The only known ways to battle Oak are by performing the Ditto glitch with a Special stat of 226 or by performing the old man glitch with MN as the character in the 3rd, 5th or 7th slot of the player's name. These teams cannot be battled when using the old man glitch; they can only be battled via the Ditto glitch if the wild Ditto's Attack is lowered by 4, 5, or 6 stages (each will yield a different one of the three teams).

In Generation II

Professor Oak was always well-known in Kanto but in Generation II he became more of a celebrity, a "star Pokémon Researcher". He became famous in Johto because of his Radio Show with DJ Mary. He was going to turn down the show at first but Mary's energy and persistence wore him down. Ethan/Kris first met him visiting the home of Mr. Pokémon, another of Oak's childhood friends. Later he grants the young Trainer access to Mt. Silver, a place which only the finest Pokémon Trainers may enter, after the player has earned all the Badges in Johto and later Kanto.

Professor Oak has many old friends. One of them is Kurt, a Poké Ball smith from Azalea Town and another is Professor Elm who used to be Oak's assistant. In fact, there is a picture on Kurt's wall saying "...a young Prof Oak?" and an email addressed to him from Professor Elm can be found in his lab:

Prof. Oak, how is your research
coming along? I'm still plugging
away. I heard rumors
that <name> is
getting quite a reputation.
I'm delighted to hear that.
Elm in New Bark Town 8-)"

Professor Oak has gained many fans and admirers. One of them is Schoolboy Chad, who frequently calls the player to share trivia about Oak.

In Generation III

Professor Oak returns in FireRed and LeafGreen to reprise his role from the Generation I games. He also grants the player the National Pokédex after they have caught 60 different species of Pokémon and defeated the Elite Four.


Grass Poison
Held item:
Bulbasaur Lv.5
Fire Unknown
Held item:
Charmander Lv.5
Water Unknown
Held item:
Squirtle Lv.5
Tail Whip

Fame Checker

This is a list of the Fame Checker's information on Professor Oak in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

Pallet Town - sign
  • What does this person do?
"Oak Pokémon Research Lab."
Pallet Town Research Lab - Prof. Oak
  • What is this person like?
"To make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world...
That was my dream!"
Pallet Town Research Lab - aide
  • What is this person like?
"Prof. Oak may not look like much, but he's the authority on Pokémon.
Many Pokémon Trainers hold him in high regard."
Viridian City - Pokémon Journal
  • Family and friends?
"Prof. Oak reportedly lives with his grandchildren, Daisy and Blue."
Pokémon League - Agatha
  • Family and friends?
"I hear Oak's taken a lot of interest in you, child.
That old duff was once tough and handsome.
But that was decades ago. He's a shadow of his former self."
Pallet Town Research Lab - aide
  • What does this person do?
"Prof. Oak is going to have his own radio show soon.
The program will be called Prof. Oak's Pokémon Seminar."
Message from Oak
  • From: Prof. Oak
  • To: [Player]
"Why do Pokémon compete and battle so hard for you?
They do so because they can see the love and trust you have towards Pokémon.
Never forget that."

In Generation IV

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

Professor Oak is also a good friend of Professor Rowan. He visits Sinnoh often, has a home in Eterna City, introduces Trainers to Pal Park, and gives them the National Pokédex, as well as the Up-Grade, Poké Radar and the function Trainer Counter of the Pokétch. A letter that he sends to the player in a special event allows the player to find Shaymin. An aide in Rowan's laboratory mentions that Oak is Rowan's junior in terms of seniority. In Platinum, after providing the Up-Grade, Professor Oak will talk about the legendary birds and say that they have been sighted in Sinnoh. From this point Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres will be visible roaming on the map.

HeartGold and SoulSilver

Oak with Ethan and Mr. Pokémon in Generation IV

Professor Oak returns in the Johto remakes to fulfill a similar role as he did in Gold, Silver, and Crystal, albeit expanded. For obtaining all sixteen Badges and defeating Red, he will give the player one of either Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. He also gives the player HM08 (Rock Climb) to assist them in navigation through Mt. Silver. He will also gives the player the National Pokédex before boarding the S.S. Aqua. Finally, if both Kyogre and Groudon from HeartGold and SoulSilver are traded into the same game, he will give the player a Jade Orb so that Rayquaza may be caught at the Embedded Tower.

Grass Poison
Held item:
Bulbasaur Lv.5
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Fire Unknown
Held item:
Charmander Lv.5
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Water Unknown
Held item:
Squirtle Lv.5
Normal Physical
Tail Whip
Normal Status


Red, Blue and Yellow

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing quotes
"Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the Pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights. Myself… I study Pokémon as a profession. First, what is your name? Right! So your name is <player>! This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a baby. …Erm, what is his name again? That's right! I remember now! His name is <rival>! <player>! Your own very Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!"
Pallet Town
  • While trying to get into tall grass:
"Hey! Wait! Don't go out! It's unsafe! Wild Pokémon live in tall grass! You need your own Pokémon for your protection. I know! Here, come with me!"RB
"Hey! Wait! Don't go out! That was close! Whew… A Pokémon can appear anytime in tall grass. You need your own Pokémon for your protection. I know! Here, come with me!"Y
Oak's Lab
  • After getting dragged into lab:
"<rival>? Let me think… Oh, that's right. I told you to come! Just wait! Here, <player>! There are 3 Pokémon here! Haha! They are inside the Poké Balls. When I was young, I was a serious Pokémon trainer! In my old age, I have only 3 left, but you can have one! Choose!RB
"Hmm? <rival>? Why are you here already? I said for you to come by later… Ah, whatever! Just wait there. Look, <player>! Do you see that ball on the table? It's called a Poké Ball. It holds a Pokémon inside. You may have it! Go on, take it!Y
Be patient! <rival>, you can have one too!"RB
Be patient, <rival>, I'll give you one later."Y
  • Before choosing starter:
"Now, <player>, which Pokémon do you want?"RB
"Go ahead, it's yours!"Y
  • If player tries to go away before choosing starter:
"Hey! Don't go away yet!"
  • When choosing PokémonRB:
"So! You want the fire/water/plant Pokémon, Charmander/Squirtle/Bulbasaur?"
  • After choosing starterRB:
"This Pokémon is really energetic!"
  • When rival snatches Pokémon Y:
"<rival>! What are you doing?"
"But, I… Oh, all right then. That Pokémon is yours. I was going to give you one anyway… <player>, come over here. <player>, this is the Pokémon I caught earlier. You can have it. I caught it in the wild and it's not tame yet."
  • Before battling rival:
"If a wild Pokémon appears, your Pokémon can fight against it!"
"Afterward, go on to the next town."Y
  • After battling rivalY:
"What? Would you look at that! It's odd, but it appears that your Pikachu dislikes Poké Balls. You should just keep it with you. That should make it happy! You can talk to it and see how it feels about you.
  • If talked to after battling rival:
"<player>, raise your young Pokémon by making it fight!"RB
"You should talk to it and see how it feels."Y
  • After receiving Oak's Parcel:
"Oh, <player>! How is my old Pokémon? Well, it seems to like you a lot. You must be talented as a Pokémon trainer! What? You have something for me? Ah! This is the custom Poké Ball I ordered! Thank youRB
"Oh, <player>! How is my old Pokémon? Well, it seems to like you a lot. You must be talented as a Pokémon trainer! What? You have something for me? Ah! This is the custom Poké Ball I ordered! Thanks, <player>! By the way, I must ask you to do something for me."Y
  • When rival joins player and Oak in the lab:
"Oh, right! I have a request of you two. On the desk there is my invention, Pokédex! It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught! It's a hi-tech encyclopedia! <player> and <rival>! Take these with you!RB
"Ah, <rival>, good timing! I needed to ask both of you to do something for me. On the desk there is my invention, Pokédex! It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught! It's a hi-tech encyclopedia! <player> and <rival>! Take these with you! Y
  • After player and rival received the Pokedex:
"To make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world… That was my dream! But, I'm too old! I can't do it! So, I want you two to fulfill my dream for me! Get moving, you two! This is a great undertaking in Pokémon history!"
  • If talked to once again after rival leaves the lab:
"Pokémon around the world wait for you, <player>!"
Indigo Plateau
  • After defeating rival:
"<player>! So, you won! Congratulations! You're the new Pokémon League champion! You've grown up so much since you first left with <starter>! <player>, you have come of age! <rival>! I'm disappointed! I came when I heard you beat the Elite Four! But, when I got here, you had already lost! <rival>! Do you understand why you lost? You have forgotten to treat your Pokémon with trust and love! Without them, you will never become a champ again! <player>! You understand that your victory was not just your own doing! The bond you share with your Pokémon is marvelous! <player>! Come with me!"
Hall of Fame
Er-hem! Congratulations, <player>! This floor is the Pokémon Hall of Fame. Pokémon League champions are honored for their exploits here! Their Pokémon are also recorded in the Hall of Fame! <player>! You have endeavored hard to become the new League Champion. Congratulations, <player>, you and your Pokémon are Hall of Famers!
Pokédex evaluation
  • When talking to Oak to get your Pokedex evaluated:
"Good to see you! How is your POKéDEX coming? Here, let me take a look!"
  • Fewer than 10 Pokémon:
"You still have lots to do. Look for Pokémon in grassy areas!"
  • 10-19 Pokémon:
"You're on the right track! Get a Flash HM from my Aide!"
  • 20-29 Pokémon:
"You still need more Pokémon! Try to catch other species!"
  • 30-39 Pokémon:
"Good, you're trying hard! Get an Itemfinder<sc> from my <sc>Aide"
  • 40-49 Pokémon:
"Looking good! Go find my Aide when you get 50!"
  • 50-59 Pokémon:
"You finally got a least 50 species! Be sure to get Exp.All from my Aide!"
  • 60-69 Pokémon:
"Ho! This is getting even better!"RB
"Oh! This is getting even better!"Y
  • 70-79 Pokémon:
"Very good! Go fish for some marine Pokémon!"
  • 80-89 Pokémon:
"Wonderful! Do you like to collect things?"
  • 90-99 Pokémon:
"I'm impressed! It must have been difficult to do!"
  • 100-109 Pokémon:
"You finally got at least 100 species I can't believe how good you are!"
  • 110-119 Pokémon:
"You even have the evolved forms of Pokémon! Super!"
  • 120-129 Pokémon:
"Excellent! Trade with friends to get some more!"
  • 130-139 Pokémon:
"Outstanding! You've become a real pro at this!"
  • 140-149 Pokémon:
"I have nothing left to say! You're the authority now!"
  • 150-151 Pokémon:
"Your Pokédex is entirely complete Congratulations!"RB
"Your Pokédex is fully complete! Congratulations!"Y

Gold, Silver and Crystal

"Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak. People call me Pokémon Prof. This world is inhabited by creatures that we call Pokémon. People and Pokémon live together by supporting each other. Some people play with Pokémon, some battle with them. But we don't know everything about Pokémon yet. There are still many mysteries to solve. That's why I study Pokémon every day. Now, what did you say your name was? <player>, are you ready? Your own very Pokémon story is about to unfold. You'll face fun times and tough challenges. A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go! I'll be seeing you later!"
Mr. Pokémon's house
Aha! So you're <player>! I'm Oak! A Pokémon researcher. I was just visiting my old friend Mr.Pokémon. I heard you were running an errand for Prof.Elm, so I waited here. Oh! What's this? A rare Pokémon! Let's see… Hm, I see! I understand why Prof.Elm gave you a Pokémon for this errand. To researchers like Prof.Elm and I, Pokémon are our friends. He saw that you would treat your Pokémon with love and care. …Ah! You seem to be dependable. How would you like to help me out? See? This is the latest version of Pokédex. It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught. It's a hi-tech encyclopedia! Go meet many kinds of Pokémon and complete that Pokédex! But I've stayed too long. I have to get to Goldenrod for my usual radio show. <player>, I'm counting on you!"
Oak's Lab
Ah, <player>! It's good of you to come all this way to Kanto. What do you think of the trainers out here? Pretty tough, huh? Ah, you're collecting Kanto Gym Badges. I imagine it's hard, but the experience is sure to help you. Come see me when you get them all. I'll have a gift for you. Keep trying hard, <player>! How is your Pokédex coming? Let's see…
Current Pokédex completion level:
<Pokémon seen> Pokémon seen
<Pokémon owned> Pokémon owned
Prof.Oak's Rating: <pokédex evaluation text> If you're in the area, I hope you come visit again.
Pokédex evaluation

Note: Mew and Celebi count towards the evaluation.

  • Fewer than 10 Pokémon:
"Look for Pokémon in grassy areas!"
  • 10-19 Pokémon:
"Good. I see you understand how to use Poké Balls."
  • 20-34 Pokémon:
"You're getting good at this. But you have a long way to go."
  • 35-49 Pokémon:
"You need to fill up the Pokédex. Catch different kinds of Pokémon!"
  • 50-64 Pokémon:
"You're trying--I can see that. Your Pokédex is coming together."
  • 65-80 Pokémon:
"To evolve, some Pokémon grow, others use the effects of Stones."
  • 80-94 Pokémon:
"Have you gotten a fishing Rod? You can catch Pokémon by fishing."
  • 95-109 Pokémon:
"Excellent! You seem to like collecting things!"
  • 110-124 Pokémon:
"Some Pokémon only appear during certain times of the day."
  • 125-139 Pokémon:
"Your Pokédex is filling up. Keep up the good work!"
  • 140-154 Pokémon:
"I'm impressed. You're evolving Pokémon, not just catching them."
  • 155-169 Pokémon:
"Have you met Kurt? His custom Poké Balls should help."
  • 170-184 Pokémon:
"Wow. You've found more Pokémon than the last Pokédex research project."
  • 185-199 Pokémon:
"Are you trading your Pokémon? It's tough to do this alone!"
  • 200-214 Pokémon:
"Wow! You've hit 200! Your Pokédex is looking great!"
  • 215-229 Pokémon:
"You've found so many Pokémon! You've really helped my studies!"
  • 230-244 Pokémon:
"Magnificent! You could become a Pokémon professor right now!"
  • 245-249 Pokémon:
"Your Pokédex is amazing! You're ready to turn professional!"
  • 250-251 Pokémon:
"Whoa! A perfect Pokédex! I've dreamt about this! Congratulations!"

FireRed and LeafGreen

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Pokédex evaluation quotes: between 70-149
"Hello, there! Glad to meet you! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak! People affectionately refer to me as the Pokémon Professor. This world… …is inhabited far and wide by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for battling. As for myself… I study Pokémon as a profession. But first, tell me a little about yourself. Now tell me. Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? Let's begin with your name. What is it? Right… So your name is <player>. This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you both were babies. …Erm, what was his name now? …Er, was it <rival>? That's right! I remember now! His name is <rival>! <player>! Your own very Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!"
Pallet Town
  • While trying to get into tall grass:
"Hey! Wait! Don't go out! It's unsafe! Wild Pokémon live in tall grass! You need your own Pokémon for your protection. I know! Here, come with me!"
  • After resuming game after beating rival before receiving National Pokédex, if the Sevii sidequest is not done:
"Ah, <player>! You seem to be enjoying traveling. Knowing you, <player>, I can easily imagine you going out to even more exotic locales. Good for you, good for you. Hohoho."
  • After resuming game after beating rival before receiving National Pokédex, if the Sevii sidequest is done with fewer than 60 Pokémon owned:
"Ah, <player>! You're back, are you? How much have you filled in your Pokédex? May I see it? Let's see… You've caught <number of owned Pokémon>… Hm, it looks as if you're putting in an honest effort. When you manage to fill it some more, come show me, please."
  • After resuming game after beating rival before receiving National Pokédex, if the Sevii sidequest is done with 60 or more Pokémon owned:
"Ah, <player>! You're back, are you? How much have you filled in your Pokédex? May I see it? Let's see… You've caught… <number of owned Pokémon>!? Now, this is impressive! There's something I wanted to ask of you, <player>. Come. Follow me.
Oak's Lab
"Oh, for Pete's sake… So pushy, as always. <player>. You've never had a Pokémon battle before, have you? A Pokémon battle is when Trainers pit their Pokémon against each other. The Trainer that makes the other Trainer's Pokémon faint by lowering their HP to ‌“0,” wins. But rather than talking about it, you'll learn more from experience. Try battling and see for yourself."
  • Damaging move used for first time:
"Inflicting damage on the foe is the key to any battle. "
  • Stat-lowering move used for the first time:
"Lowering the foe's stats will put you at an advantage."
  • Party screen is shown for first time (via either Pokémon button or using Potion):
"It's important to get know your Pokémon thoroughly. This is a list of your Pokémon, <player>. Open this to check the skills and moves of your Pokémon. You also choose Pokémon here if you want to use an item on one."
  • Pokémon is healed via Potion:
"Keep your eyes on your Pokémon's HP. It will faint if the HP drops to “0.”
  • If player tries to run:
"No! There's no running away from a Trainer Pokémon battle!"
  • Battle is won:
"Hm! Excellent! If you win, you earn prize money, and your Pokémon will grow! Battle other Trainers and make your Pokémon strong!"
  • Battle is lost:
"Hm! How disappointing… If you win, you earn prize money, and your Pokémon will grow. But if you lose, <player>, you end up paying prize money… However, since you had no warning this time, I'll pay for you. But things won't be this way once you step outside these doors. That's why you must strengthen your Pokémon by battling wild Pokémon. "
  • After getting dragged into lab:
"<rival>? Let me think… Oh, that's right, I told you to come! Just wait! Here, <player>! There are three Pokémon here. Haha! The Pokémon are held inside these Poké Balls. When I was young, I was a serious Pokémon Trainer. But now, in my old age, I have only these three left. You can have one. Go on, choose!
Be patient! <rival>. You can have one, too!"
  • Before choosing starter:
"Now, <player>. Inside those three Poké Balls are Pokémon. Which one will you choose for yourself?"
  • If player tries to go away before choosing starter:
"Hey! Don't go away yet!"
  • When choosing Bulbasaur:
"I see! Bulbasaur is your choice. It's very easy to raise. So, <player>, you want to go with the Grass Pokémon Bulbasaur?
  • When choosing Squirtle:
"Hm! Squirtle is your choice. It's one worth raising. So, <player>, you've decided on the Water Pokémon Squirtle?
  • When choosing Charmander:
"Ah! Charmander is your choice. You should raise it patiently. So, <player>, you're claiming the Fire Pokémon Charmander?
  • After choosing starter:
"This Pokémon is really quite energetic!"
  • Before battling rival:
"If a wild Pokémon appears, your Pokémon can battle it. With it at your side, you should be able to reach the next town."
  • If talked to after battling rival:
"<player>, raise your young Pokémon by making it battle. It has to battle for it to grow."
  • After receiving Oak's Parcel:
"Oh, <player>! How is my old Pokémon? Well, it seems to be growing more attached to you. You must be talented as a Pokémon Trainer. What's that? You have something for me? Ah! It's the custom Poké Ball! I had it on order. Thank you!
"Oh, right! I have a request for you two. On the desk there is my invention, the Pokédex! It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught. It's a high-tech encyclopedia! <player> and <rival>. Take these with you. You can't get detailed data on Pokémon by just seeing them. You must catch them to obtain complete data. So, here are some tools for catching wild Pokémon. When a wild Pokémon appears, it's fair game. Just throw a Poké Ball at it and try to catch it! This won't always work, however. A healthy Pokémon can escape. You have to be lucky! To make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world… That was my dream! But, I'm too old! I can't get the job done. So, I want you two to fulfill my dream for me. Get moving, you two. This is a great undertaking in Pokémon history!
  • When receiving National Dex:
"Ah, now this is excellent! <player>, I have another important favor to ask of you. I need you to listen closely. Recently there have been sightings of many rare Pokémon species. I'm talking about Pokémon that have never been seen in Kanto. I would love to go see things for myself, but I'm much too old. Since I can't do it, <player>, I'd like you to go in my place.
"I know, I know. Of course I need your help, too. Now, I need to see both your Pokédexes. … … … … … … … … … … … … …And that's done! Now these units can record data on a lot more Pokémon. Now, <player> and <rival>! This time, you must really must work towards filling your Pokédexes. I urge you to make them the best and the most complete of all time! Truly, this is a monumentally great undertaking in Pokémon history!
  • If talked again before leaving after getting National Dex:
"Pokémon around the world wait for you, <player>!
  • If talked again before leaving after completing National Pokédex
Indigo Plateau
  • After beating rival:
"<player>! So, you've won! Sincerely, congratulations! You're the new Pokémon League Champion! You've grown up so much since you first left with <starter> to work on the Pokédex. <player>, you have come of age! <rival>… I'm disappointed in you. I came when I heard you'd beaten the Elite Four. But, when I got here, you had already lost! <rival>, do you understand why you lost? You have forgotten to treat your Pokémon with love and trust. Without them, you will never become a Champ again! <player>. You understand that your victory was not just your own doing. The bond you share with your Pokémon is marvelous. <player>! Come with me!"
Hall of Fame
Er-hem! Congratulations, <player>! This floor is the Pokémon Hall of Fame. Pokémon League Champions are honored for their exploits here. Their Pokémon are also recorded in the Hall of Fame. <player>! You have worked hard to become the new League Champion. Congratulations, <player>, you and your Pokémon are Hall of Famers!
Pokédex evaluation
  • Pokédex evaluation
"Good to see you! How is your Pokédex coming along? Here, let me take a look. Let's see… The amount of progress you've made on your Pokédex is: <number> Pokémon seen and <number> Pokémon owned. Prof. Oak's rating: <Pokédex evaluation quote> And your National Pokédex is: <number> Pokémon seen and <number> Pokémon owned. <National Pokédex evaluation quote>"
  • Pokédex evaluation (After showing Oak complete National Pokédex)
"Ah, welcome! Tell me, how is your Pokédex coming along? Wahaha! Actually, I know how it is, but I love seeing it anyway! Let's see… The amount of progress you've made on your Pokédex is: <number> Pokémon seen and <number> Pokémon owned. Prof. Oak's rating: <Pokédex evaluation quote> And your National Pokédex is: <number> Pokémon seen and <number> Pokémon owned. <National Pokédex evaluation quote>"
  • Fewer than 10 Pokémon owned
"You still have lots to do. Go into every patch of grass you see and look for Pokémon!"
  • 10-19 Pokémon
"It looks as if you're getting on the right track! I've given one of my Aides a Flash HM. Make sure you go get it!"
  • 20-29 Pokémon
"Your Pokédex could use a bit more volume still! Try to catch other species of Pokémon!"
  • 30-39 Pokémon
"Good, it's apparent that you're trying hard! I've given one of my Aides an Itemfinder. Be sure to collect it!"
  • 40-49 Pokémon
"Your Pokédex is coming along quite well! I've given one of my Aides an Amulet Coin. Be sure to get it!"
  • 50-59 Pokémon
"Ah, you've finally topped 50 species! I've given one of my Aides an Exp. Share. Be sure to go get it!"
  • 60-69 Pokémon
"Hoho! This is turning into quite the respectable Pokédex!"
  • 70-79 Pokémon
"Very good! I think you'll collect even more Pokémon by going fishing!"
  • 90-99 Pokémon
"I'm impressed! That must have been difficult to do!"
  • 150 Pokémon
"Your Pokédex is entirely complete! Congratulations!!"
  • National Pokédex, not complete:
"I'll be looking forward to seeing you fill the National Pokédex!"
  • National Pokédex, complete:
"Finally… You've finally completed the Pokédex! It's magnificent! Truly, this is a fantastic feat! Wroooooooaaaaaarrrr! Thank you, <player>! Sincerely, thank you! You've made my dream a reality!"

HeartGold and SoulSilver

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: All incomplete Pokédex evaluation quotes, and all of his other quotes throughout the game.
  • If time is from 0:00AM to 3:59AM
"...... Yaaaaaaawn... ... Huh? A guest? At this hour?"
  • If time is from 4:00AM to 10:59AM
"...... Yaaaaaaawn... ... Huh? It's already become so bright outside!"
  • If time is from 11:00AM to 3:59PM
"...... Yaaaaawn... ... Huh? What?! Is it already that late!? Oh no! I overslept!"
  • If time is from 4:00PM to 6:59PM
"...... Hmm. Looks like the sun is descending in the sky... ...So this would be what is called "twilight," wouldn't be it?"
  • If time is from 7:00PM to 11:59PM
"...... Hmm... Interesting... ... Huh? Oh! Excuse me, sorry! I was just reading this book here."

The rest is as follows

"Sorry to keep you waiting! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Professor Oak. But everyone calls me the Pokémon Professor. Before we go any further, I'd like to tell you a few things you should know about this world! This world is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon. We humans live alongside Pokémon as friends. At times we play together, and at other times we work together. Some people use their Pokémon to battle and develop closer bonds with them. Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? Won't you please tell me?"
"So, you're a boy/girl then?"
"Please tell me your name."
"Your name is <name>?"
"<Player>! Are you ready? Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold. Fun experiences, difficult experiences, there's so much waiting for you! Dreams! Adventure! Let's go to the world of Pokémon! I'll see you later!"
Mr. Pokémon's house
"And with that... I'm Professor Oak, a Pokémon researcher! So you're <player>! I was just visiting my friend Mr. Pokémon. I heard you were running an errand for Professor Elm, so I waited here. Oh! What's this? A rare Pokémon! I see! You must be helping Professor Elm's research! I think I understand why Professor Elm gave you that Pokémon. You will treat your Pokémon with love and care, it seems. ...Ah! You seem to be dependable. How would you like to help me out? See? This is the latest version of the Pokédex. It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught. It's a high-tech encyclopedia! I'd like you to have it. Go meet many kinds of Pokémon and complete that Pokédex! But I've stayed too long. I have to get to Goldenrod for my usual radio show. <player>, I have a feeling that is not the last time we'll meet... Let's exchange numbers just to be on the safe side."
Pallet Town
Oh, <player>! What brought you here?
The legendary Pokémon that appear in the Hoenn myth?
You must be talking about Kyogre and Groudon!
The Embedded Tower is probably the ruins that has something to do with the Hoenn myth. If so, the other one must be around.
Kyogre and Groudon are said to have shaped the seas and lands!
Where those two are, the other Pokémon is said to appear as well... All this is quite possible!
It's not hard to imagine that the Red OrbHG/Blue OrbSS will make GroudonHG/KyogreSS appear at the Embedded Tower...
However, according to Mr. Pokémon, GroudonHG/KyogreSS does not show itself to Trainers with golden heartsHG/shining-silver spiritsSS, but only to those with shining-silver spiritsHG/golden heartsSS.
It may be difficult for you alone to accomplish this, <player>.
But if you manage to obtain a GroudonHG/KyogreSS that came from the Embedded Tower, please do come and show me both legendary Pokémon!
I will then share with you the rest of the Hoenn myth!
  • If spoken to while both Groudon and Kyogre from the Embedded Tower are in the player's party
You did it, <player>! You caught both Kyogre and Groudon! OK! I would like to entrust this to you!
It resembles the Orb you received from Mr. Pokémon, doesn't it?'
It is called the Jade Orb. It has something to do with Rayquaza.
Legend has it that the battle between Groudon and Kyogre shaped the lands and seas of Hoenn.
Volcanic eruptions and giant waves are said to have completely changed the shape of the land there.
But then Rayquaza came down to halt the battle.
It is a Pokémon that rules the skies!
If the Embedded Tower is related to Kyogre and Groudon, then going there with that Jade Orb will surely make something happen.
  • If spoken to while Rayquaza is in the player's party
You have successfully caught Rayquaza!
The strong power of the Jade Orb must have attracted Rayquaza there!
Pokémon are sometimes greatly attracted by certain Orbs and Stones. No one knows why.
Perhaps memories from ancient times... when this planet was born... and Pokémon, also... are making Pokémon behave that way.
Pokédex evaluation
  • Via Pokégear
"Hello, this is Professor Oak... Oh, hello, <player>! So, how's your Pokédex coming along?"
"Show me your Pokédex again anytime!"
"Hmm, let's see... You've seen <number> Pokémon, and you've caught <number> Pokémon! I see! <evaluation quote> Show me your Pokédex again anytime!"
  • ?
"Look for Pokémon in grassy areas!"
  • Johto Pokédex complete
That is a complete Johto Pokédex!
Thanks to you, <PLAYER>, the Johto Pokédex is complete!
You've done an incredible job!
  • National Pokédex complete
That is an amazing National Pokédex!
You've lived up to my expectations wonderfully!
No, you've exceeded them, <PLAYER>. You've become an amazing Trainer!
Thank you, <PLAYER>!
  • After completing both the Johto and National Pokédex:
You have truly surprised me!
You've more than exceeded my expectations. You've gone far past them in completing the National Pokédex!
I'm speechless…!
Because of this, the world of Pokémon and Trainers is more vast, deeper, and more abundant!
Now there will be no end to Pokémon research!


Offical artwork from
Red and Blue
Official artwork from
Gold and Silver.


Professor Oak's
sprite from
Red and Blue
Professor Oak's
sprite from
Professor Oak's
sprite from
Generation II
Professor Oak's
sprite from
Generation III
Professor Oak's
sprite from
Generation IV
Professor Oak's overworld sprite from
Generation I
Professor Oak's
back sprite from
Professor Oak's overworld sprite from
Generation II
Professor Oak's overworld sprite from
Generation III
Professor Oak's overworld sprite from
Generation IV

In the anime

File:Professor Oak anime.png
Professor Oak in the Diamond & Pearl series
Main article: Professor Oak (anime)

Professor Oak appears semi-regularly in the Pokémon anime and gives Ash Ketchum useful information.

In side games

Professor Oak also was one of the two human characters appearing in Pokémon Snap. He was working on a Pokémon Report for the Pokémon species of Pokémon Island, and hired Todd to take pictures for the report. He provided Todd with the ZERO-ONE and its Dash Engine upgrade, Pokémon food, Pester Balls, and a Poké Flute. When Todd took a picture of each of the Pokémon signs, Professor Oak drew a connection between them and the constellations to determine that Mew must be on Rainbow Cloud.

He also shows up in Hey You, Pikachu!, where he enlists the player to help test a translation device called the PokéHelper, using a wild Pikachu as the main research subject. He is also the person who launches the Pokémon Channel project in the game of the same name, and tuning into the "Oak's Report" channel allows the player to save their game.

In the manga

As he is the leading professor of the Kanto region, Professor Oak appears in many different Pokémon manga series.

In the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga

Main article: Professor Oak (anime)
Professor Oak in The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Professor Oak makes a few appearances in the manga The Electric Tale of Pikachu. He is a role model to Ash and is Bill's mentor. Unlike in the anime, he does not give Ash his Pikachu, in fact, he does not meet Ash until after he has already begun his Pokémon journey.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Professor Oak in the HGSS chapter
Main article: Professor Oak (Adventures)

Professor Oak has a recurring role in the Pokémon Adventures manga. His first appearance was in A Glimpse of the Glow, and he has appeared in most chapters since. Over the course of the manga, Professor Oak helps out the Pokédex holders in their various quests. His backstory has been largely expanded in this canon.

In the Pokémon Gold and Silver: The Golden Boys manga

Professor Oak first appears in Falkner The Bird Keeper's Challenge!! where he witnesses Articuno's appearance as it would usually appear every four years.

In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga

Professor Oak in the Pocket Monsters manga
Main article: Professor Oak (Pocket Monsters)

Professor Oak is a character in Pokémon Pocket Monsters, where he is in regular contact with Red and Green.

In the Pokémon Zensho manga

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Professor Oak in Pokémon Zensho

Professor Oak appears in Pokémon Zensho and has fulfilled the same role similar to the ones in other media. Professor Oak debuts in Pallet Town where he saves Satoshi from a flock of Pidgey that were about to attack him. As thanks for Professor Oak's rescue of Satoshi, Satoshi goes to his lab and chooses Charmander since Charmander saved him earlier. Shigeru, Satoshi's rival, chooses Squirtle which made Professor Oak keep Bulbasaur as Bulbasaur would have been too lonely. A backstory is revealed about him in Celadon City where is taking care of Shigeru and Daisy Oak since their parents died in a car crash. He is last seen in Indigo Plateau, telling Satoshi and Shigeru about a rare Pokémon who dwells in a cave.


Gives to new Trainers




Given away
Satoshi's Charmander
Debut Pallet Town
Main article: Satoshi's Charmander

Professor Oak gave this Charmander to Satoshi as his choice of being his first Pokémon since Charmander rescued Satoshi from a flock of Pidgey earlier.

Shigeru's Squirtle
Debut Pallet Town

Shigeru chose Squirtle as it had the type-advantage against Satoshi's Charmander.

201 Spoilers end here. 201

In the TCG


Artwork from the cards:

Researching Visiting Sinnoh


This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Professor Oak in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Professor Oak T Base Set Uncommon 88/102 Expansion Pack Uncommon  
Base Set 2 Uncommon 116/130      
Professor Oak's Research T [Su] Expedition Base Set Uncommon 149/165 Base Expansion Pack Uncommon 053/128
EX FireRed & LeafGreen Uncommon 98/112 Flight of Legends Uncommon 078/082
      Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise Random
Constructed Starter Decks
      Side Deck   007/012
      Mew Quarter Deck    
EX Dragon Frontiers Uncommon 80/101 Seal! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck   016/024
Professor Oak's Visit Su Secret Wonders Uncommon 122/132 Dialga LV.X Constructed Standard Deck    
      Palkia LV.X Constructed Standard Deck    
      Unnumbered Promotional cards    
      Magmortar Half Deck    
      Electivire Half Deck    
Arceus Uncommon 90/99 Advent of Arceus Uncommon 087/090
Professor Oak's New Theory Su HeartGold & SoulSilver Uncommon 101/123 HeartGold Collection Uncommon 068/070
      Steelix Constructed Standard Deck   015/019
      Tyranitar Constructed Standard Deck   015/019
Call of Legends Uncommon 83/95      

There also exists a "dark counterpart" of Professor Oak, called Impostor Professor Oak, who has also appeared in other Pokémon media. Apart from his first incarnation, expansions in which he has been featured also include Dark Pokémon. The following list is of cards mentioning or featuring Impostor Professor Oak.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Impostor Professor Oak T Base Set Rare 73/102 Expansion Pack Rare  
Base Set 2 Rare 102/130      
Impostor Oak's Revenge T Team Rocket Uncommon 76/82 Rocket Gang Uncommon  
Impostor Professor Oak's Invention T Neo Destiny Rare 94/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare  

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Professor Oak appears as a random trophy wearing his regular clothing from the anime.

Trophy information

The leading expert on the study of Pokémon. It seems there are always new and mysterious species of Pokémon being brought to light, and Professor Oak is at the heart of it all with his insightful research. The Pokédex is one of his inventions: new Trainers receive one, and a Pokémon to boot, when they start out.


  • Professor Oak has appeared in the most generations of any Pokémon Professor, appearing in Generation I and their Generation III remakes as the regional professor and making occasional appearances in Generation II and Generation IV.
  • If the player speaks to Professor Oak in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver and has their Pokédex evaluated with at least 484 of the 493 Pokémon caught, he will say "Meeting you is something l will cherish all my life long.", using a lowercase L instead of an I.


Language Name Origin
Japanese オーキド ユキナリ博士 Dr. Yukinari Okido オーキッド Ōkiddo, Orchid. 大木戸 Ōkido is a Japanese family name and placename. Literally, big-tree family.
English, Spanish,
Professor Samuel (Sammy) Oak Oak tree, perhaps derived from Japanese Okido. His given name could possibly be derived from the Salem Oak, a long-lived tree of Salem, New Jersey.
French Professeur Chen From chêne, Oak.
German Professor Eich From Eiche, Oak.
Brazilian Portuguese Professor Samuel (Sam) Carvalho From carvalho, Oak.
Korean 오용호 박사 Dr. O Yongho 오 (伍, 吳) O is a Korean family name, probably chosen because of its similarity to the first syllable in Okido.
Chinese (Taiwan) 大木博士 Dr. Dàmù
大木雪成 Dàmù Xuěchéng (full name)
大木 (big tree) is from 大木 Ōki
雪成 is from Japanese 雪成り yuki nari, "to become snow".
Chinese (Mainland China) 大木博士 Dr. Dàmù
大木幸成 Dàmù Xìngchéng (full name)
大木 (big tree) is from 大木 Ōki
幸成 is from Japanese name 幸成 yukinari.
Thai ดร.ออคิด Dr. Orkid Similar to the Japanese name.
Indonesian Profesor Okido (Kanto saga)
Profesor Orchid
Profesor Oak (Sinnoh-present)
Same as Japanese and English name.

Non-player characters in the core series games
Kanto Professor OakMom (Kanto)Mom (LGPE)RedBlueGreenTraceDaisyOld manBillCelioMr. FujiSafari Zone WardenCopycatPrimoKoichi
Pokémon Fan Club ChairmanErik and SaraTealaMinaCalSteven StoneMayleneCameronMr. GameMorimoto
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersElite FourProfessor's aidesMagikarp salesmanName RaterDay-Care PersonMr. Hyper
Johto Professor ElmProfessor OakMomEthanLyraSilverMr. PokémonEusineLanceRedKiyoBaobaMagnusEarlKurtCarrieDude
MaryBuenaRadio DirectorHaircut brothersWebsterMasterLiWilmaPrimoMaximoJetCaitlinCynthiaCameronMr. GameFelicityTeala
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersFrontier BrainsKimono GirlsWeek SiblingsName RaterPoké SeerDay-Care CoupleProfessor's aides
Sinnoh Professor RowanProfessor OakJohannaBarryLucasDawnCynthiaLookerStat Trainers (CherylRileyMiraBuckMarley)
BebeTealaFelicityRoseanneRad RickshawEldritchWilmaJasmineCaitlinJuliaJordanDexterKeiraMr. BacklotMorimoto
Underground ManMr. GoodsMr. FuegoPokétch Co. PresidentDr. FootstepPokémon Fan Club ChairmanHelenaKetch Appy
Team GalacticGym guideGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsName RaterDay-Care CoupleProfessor's assistantsStats judge


This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.