Gates to Infinity exclusive items

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 06:47, 26 March 2013 by G50 (talk | contribs)
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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity exclusive items are items that can only be found in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity.

Items that affect moves

Pokémon Paradise Lottery items

Other items


Main article: Device


Main article: Flag

Recruitment Gifts

Main article: Gift

Pokémon Paradise building items

Main article: Pokémon Paradise

Types of items
General Evolution stonesFossilsFlutesShardsHeld items
Evolution itemsEscape itemsExchangeable itemsValuable items
Battle itemsScentsNectarsCandyIngredients
Medicine Status condition healing itemsVitaminsFeathers
MintsMochiDrinksHerbal medicine
Berry and Apricorn Poké BallsApricornsBerriesMulch
Aesthetic DecorationsAccessoriesBackdropsPropsDécor
Other MailKey ItemsEvent items
Wonder Launcher itemsRotom Powers

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project ItemDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on items in the sidegames.