Gurdurr is a bipedal, mainly gray Pokémon. It has a large, round dark-violet nose, and bulbous features, resembling curls of "hair", on its head. Violet bulges, which resemble swelling veins, pattern its muscular, large arms, thighs, and chest, which form an hourglass shape, and similar thick violet bands adorn its shoulders. It is known to usually carry an I-beamgirder in its arms.
Gender differences
Special abilities
It is so strong that it won't even be moved if it is attacked by a group of professional wrestlers.
It trains its muscles by carrying a steel frame. It boasts about said muscles with its comrades.
Gurdurr are usually found near construction sites.
Gurdurr, the Muscular Pokémon and the evolved form of Timburr. Gurdurr trains its muscles by carrying a steel beam. With its amazing strength, even professional wrestlers can't move it.
Gurdurr is similar to Machoke; both are Fighting-type Pokémon with a base stat total of 405 whose final evolution is triggered by trading.
Gurdurr weighs the same as Ethan. It shares this trait with Latias and Clefable.
In Pokémon Conquest, Gurdurr and its evolved form, Conkeldurr, are the only Pokémon that share a max link of 100% with five different Warriors, which is the highest amount found in the game.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.